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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Guest Bob Mahelp

The price we'll have to pay for the most pathetic opposition in UK history being obliterated and Corbyn resigning is the most right-wing government in UK history, quite probably with a majority. 

f**k Corbyn and his bumbling, schoolboy socialism, and his unwillingness to stand up for the UK remaining in the EU. 


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10 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

When every poll suggested doing so would lead to a landslide Tory win?


Yes, because of Corbyn's  shortcomings. All Labour would have to do to win a GE would be to change their leader.

And remember, the SNP losing seats at the last election was what got the Tories over the line. I rather suspect they will regain all these lost seats next time.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Completely disagree.

It has meant that Johnson and his cabal haven't been able to rig the timing of a General Election.

That's fine for you because you've bought into the end is nigh bollocks. But take your partisan specs off for a moment and try to imagine a similar situation but with Labour "in power".

If Labour/SNP/Lib Dems are so paranoid about "no deal" the logic is to block a general election and  keep this zombie government in place, trying to negotiate a FTA  like a puppet with parliament's hand up its erse from now until the end of 2020. That will be a disaster.

Edited by Pet Jeden
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Most voters believe violence against MPs 'is price worth paying' over Brexit

Research finds majority of both leave and remain voters feel violence worth it to get outcome they support


Holy cow.  From farce to tragedy.

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They got burned quite badly the last time they believed that and that was with Nigel Farage in political hibernation.

I genuinely think that General Election is not the foregone conclusion that some are saying.

The Tories will do badly in Scotland, London and the South West. I have a feeling that there won't be any sort of electoral deal between Farage and Johnson as both have egos the size of a mountain - Farage, in particular, is clearly not happy playing second fiddle to Johnson - he will keep hammering the point with the hard Leavers that Johnson's deal is a BrINO deal (even though it isn't).

Even a modest Brexit Party showing could be really damaging - you can imagine that the Lib Dems might come through the middle in some constituencies - picking up the Remain vote.

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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:

Most voters believe violence against MPs 'is price worth paying' over Brexit

Research finds majority of both leave and remain voters feel violence worth it to get outcome they support


Holy cow.  From farce to tragedy.

Other things covered in the same poll also worrying:

“However, a huge number of those who voted leave in the EU referendum believed that economic losses would be worth it – 76% in England and Scotland and 81% in Wales.

Similarly, voters overwhelmingly felt that the potential destruction of the country’s farming and fishing industries would be a price worth paying for getting the result they wanted in the Brexit negotiations.”

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Other things covered in the same poll also worrying:

“However, a huge number of those who voted leave in the EU referendum believed that economic losses would be worth it – 76% in England and Scotland and 81% in Wales.

Similarly, voters overwhelmingly felt that the potential destruction of the country’s farming and fishing industries would be a price worth paying for getting the result they wanted in the Brexit negotiations.”


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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

No, because brexit voters were folding back into the Tory vote. When the Tory vote share goes up it's not because labour voters are swapping in droves.


That's only part of it, and I'm beginning to get the impression Brexit voters might now be coming round to seeing the error of their ways.

Also as LTL suggests above Farage won't be doing the Tories any favours.

Corbyn's the main reason for his party's lack of support.

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19 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Most voters believe violence against MPs 'is price worth paying' over Brexit

Research finds majority of both leave and remain voters feel violence worth it to get outcome they support


Holy cow.  From farce to tragedy.

It's a stupid question.

You might as well ask should we give in to violent threats.

Also most MPs are quite keen on using violence against people so people might be thinking fair's fair. 

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1 hour ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Well done Jeremy Corbyn.

You've single handedly created the worst, and most far right Government in my lifetime.

You should hang your head in shame.

What utter nonsense. Yes Corbyn is weak and has been damaging to Labour. But look at the history of the Tory party. Up until Thatcher became leader and PM they were a one nation party in the sense of believing in capitalism but with some compassion. Even after the ravages of Thatcherism they still veered to the right which manifested itself over Europe under Major, which destroyed him. The Blair taking Labour back to the middle ground, where they always were, they lurched even more to the right. Their Euro haters effectively took control of the party and then Cameron opened Pandora's box for them and the far right genie was out of the bottle. So to say it's Corbyn's fault is disingenuous to say in the least.

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I genuinely believe that there are lot of voters out there who regret voting Leave but are either too frightened (because of the vocal loudmouths), or too embarrassed, to admit they were wrong.

Even amongst those who still believe in Leave there will be an element where this deal is just not acceptable - that's not just the hard Brexiters who think it is BrINO but soft Leavers who would happily live with a CU/SM deal.

The best chance of beating Johnson is to keep exposing what a lying charlatan he is. Keep showing those pro-EU videos and every other time he's contradicted or downright lied.

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All of this election talk is deflecting from Johnson going back on literally every promise he’s made. ‘Do or die’, ‘dead in a ditch’, illegally suspending parliament (!!!), threatening to withdraw his deal which has been given some form of reception from Parliament and was, quite literally on Tuesday, a ‘fantastic’ deal.


His Chancellor says there’ll be a budget next week but the PM’s spokesman rules it out. His brother has resigned from not just his cabinet but the party, he’s punted a load of MPs out of the party for being disloyal including the father of the house and Winston Churchill’s grandson, when he himself toppled the previous two Prime Minister.


I’ve not even mentioned him continually refusing to appear before the Select Committee, pretty serious allegations of giving public contracts to the woman he was shagging as mayor of London, Rudd resigning cabinet because he literally refused to allow cabinet ministers to see the detail of No Deal planning...


Do I need to go on much more? He and his cronies, aided by the same people who’ve done it with Donald Trump, are playing the press and the public for fools. He just says something else, we forget everything that’s happened before and obsess over the latest hare-brained scheme.


Boris Johnson cannot call an election. There will not be an election called on Monday. Can we focus on the many, many failings of this absurd government rather than dancing to every little ‘leak’ from unnamed sources?


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Labour will vote down an election on Monday because they don't want one. Following that they will try to get amendments on having a Customs Union through on the deal, acting as if the EU don't have a say on that, so it is a waste of time. Why would the EU start to renegotiate the deal (again) with the same Tory govt in place who would never agree to a Customs Union now in any case. Can only assume that the Lab tactic (if there is one), is to hope that a 2nd Ref can sqeak through on the amendments.....then they would split down the middle again in the campaign as half of them would back Remain and the other half Leave, so they wouldn't have a unified policy on it.

Think that ultimately all that Corbyn is interested in is staying as leader for as long as possible, to keep his 'true' faith burning. He doesn't want an election as that would risk his being removed as leader aftewards, he doesn't want to stay in the EU, but doesn't want to leave with any form of deal which has been negotiated by a Tory govt, he doesn't want Scotland to have a 2nd Indy ref. So what does he want, apart from to remain leader? It looks as if its a case of continuing in this interminable cycle of extension after extension until eventually the EU try to call the whole game off by suggesting that A50 has to be revoked as there is no other way out. As things stand that could take the best part of another year though.

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22 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

I think it is eminently sensible.

I have to laugh. Eminently sensible? 99% of the electorate - not the political types who post on here about it - will simply see a leader of one party who is a decent guy but getting a bit doddery and indecisive versus another leader who is a bit of a fibber and bit of a shagger, but is trying to "get Brexit done" (just as they both said they would in 2017).  Their analysis will be as simple as that. They will go with Boris if there is an election within the next 4 months. Brexit Party and Lib Dems are merely buckets for protest votes and they will both be emptied.

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