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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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12 hours ago, McSpreader said:

The EU listen.........Like it did to Greece !!!

The EU totally f*cked Greece over. Scotland is far less important than Greece and the EU would totally f*ck Scotland over before breakfast !

No ! Greece f*cked over Greece by their compete fiscal incompetence

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14 hours ago, McSpreader said:

The EU listen.........Like it did to Greece !!!

The EU totally f*cked Greece over. Scotland is far less important than Greece and the EU would totally f*ck Scotland over before breakfast !

Do you think the UK would bail out the Scottish Economy if we drove it to complete ruin?


Would they feck.

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4 hours ago, WILLIEA said:

No ! Greece f*cked over Greece by their compete fiscal incompetence

I'm not arguing the fact that Greece had a basket case economy based on tax evasion and corruption but the fact is it's economy was nowhere near compliant enough to join the Euro. Yet it was forced to do so by the French/German vainglorious currency project.

The mistake the French and the Germans made was to allow Greece to join the Euro, thereby giving it access to cheap loans which it took by the cartload and then found itself unable to repay. These loans were from French and German Banks........mostly German.  The Greeks were unable to introduce financial levers unilaterally as they were in The Euro and had lost fiscal independence and therefore Greek wages plummeted, tax revenue decreased, jobs were lost.

Countries like Iceland and Canada have recovered from positions similar to Greece's thanks to their having control over their own currency and economy.

It is the lazy narrative to purely blame Greece for it's downfall and Germany, as the major lender should bear a lot of responsibility. Bad borrowers can only do that when there are equally irresponsible lenders.

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2 hours ago, Cream Cheese said:

Do you think the UK would bail out the Scottish Economy if we drove it to complete ruin?


Would they feck.

If Scotland is part of the UK then yes because the economies are one. If Scotland is Independent.....also yes. No doubt about it. The rUK is a good friend of Scotland.

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58 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar said:

Of course they would and so prove that Scotland couldn't survive without the union.

No they wouldn't. Scotland has never required a bail out from rUK and would never get one.

46 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

If Scotland is part of the UK then yes because the economies are one. If Scotland is Independent.....also yes. No doubt about it. The rUK is a good friend of Scotland.

No, the rUK are good friends with the US Federal Reserves who dictate how borrowed money is allocated in the UK. Scotland quite clearly runs it's own economy you fool.

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No, the rUK are good friends with the US Federal Reserves who dictate how borrowed money is allocated in the UK. Scotland quite clearly runs it's own economy you fool.

At what point during an auction for UK gilts does the Federal Reserve get involved?

Does the UK government submit the UK budget to the US for approval?

It is perfectly possible that these things happen but as likely as finding Elvis working down at the chip shop.

Whilst Scotland "quite clearly runs it's own economy", what process do they follow to set VAT, import duties, defence spending levels etc. etc. And why do the SNP insist that they do not have all the fiscal levers at their disposal?

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No, the rUK are good friends with the US Federal Reserves who dictate how borrowed money is allocated in the UK. Scotland quite clearly runs it's own economy you fool.

Scotland quite clearly doesn't run it's own economy- sometimes you are so contradictory, limited tax raising powers, "the grant" etc, you need to sometimes think about the overall picture, rather than an individual point .
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