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Changing football teams

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I used to go to Stenny games with my Uncle who took me along. Got to about 17 and realised what I was paying to watch and stopped enjoying football.
Started supporting the Bairns at the start of 13/14 and its been first class ever since.

Suppose you can't really class that as glory hunting. Shite for shite.
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My family support Rangers and I was brought up supporting them. My uncle took me to my first Morton game when I was 12 as my dad worked shifts and couldn’t take me to Ibrox. Never looked back since. Was a strange experience when we played them in the league a couple of years ago, being in the away end at Ibrox and having family members just on the other side of the segregation barrier. Even better when we scored :lol: 

Also find it a bit odd cos I’ve never lived in Greenock in my life.

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Was brought up a Rangers fan as much like everyone in Lanarkshire, you're from a Rangers family or a Celtic family. Once I hit high school and everyone started the sectarian patter it made me bitter about football in general. Few years later I started working as a steward at smaller grounds (Morton, Albion, Dumbarton etc) and seeing the passion of those fans got me right back into it. Now I follow Motherwell who I feel a proper connection with, I'm 10 minutes from Fir Park and the only time I have to deal with sectarian pish is when the arse cheeks and their fans come to town.

Sent from my FIG-LX1 using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, WookieeMFC said:

Was brought up a Rangers fan as much like everyone in Lanarkshire, you're from a Rangers family or a Celtic family. 

I guess you're quite young.  Certainly when I grew up in Chapelhall and then Motherwell the notion that, "Much like everyone in Lanarkshire, you're from a Rangers family or a Celtic family." was preposterous.  I went to school with plenty of Motherwell fans.  Has that changed?

You also said, "Once I hit high school and everyone started the sectarian patter it made me bitter about football in general".   Again, I wonder about this.  I went to Fir Park a lot in the late 60s/early 70s - on days when I wasn't taken to Ibrox by my auld man - and, for sure, loyalist songs were sung by the Fir Park faithful.

So I'd say you're talking shite.

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I guess you're quite young.  Certainly when I grew up in Chapelhall and then Motherwell the notion that, "Much like everyone in Lanarkshire, you're from a Rangers family or a Celtic family." was preposterous.  I went to school with plenty of Motherwell fans.  Has that changed?
You also said, "Once I hit high school and everyone started the sectarian patter it made me bitter about football in general".   Again, I wonder about this.  I went to Fir Park a lot in the late 60s/early 70s - on days when I wasn't taken to Ibrox by my auld man - and, for sure, loyalist songs were sung by the Fir Park faithful.
So I'd say you're talking shite.
Just talking from experience man. I'm 24 so aye I suppose I'm young. Very seldom met a motherwell fan when I was at school and even now the majority of people I talk to are Rangers or Celtic fans who question why I would support Motherwell who are our local team. I also sit in the East Stand (singing section) and pretty much only hear Since I Was Young, Super Well and individual player songs sang and any derogatory songs are team specific too. I will say though that I've noticed a lot more Rangers and Celtic fans denouncing the sectarian element these days which is nice and beyond banter I don't have any ill feelings for either team. I know there are a large portion of true fans among them who genuinely love the teams but the reason I turned away from them in the first place still stands and I'm not the only person I know who feels the same. Like I said though I'm just speaking from my experience and it is what it is.

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10 minutes ago, WookieeMFC said:

Just talking from experience man. I'm 24 so aye I suppose I'm young. Very seldom met a motherwell fan when I was at school and even now the majority of people I talk to are Rangers or Celtic fans who question why I would support Motherwell who are our local team.

That's fine.  Support Motherwell for all you like but just don't give us the 'sectarian' shite. 

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5 hours ago, Estragon said:

I've literally no idea why you would think this.


On 05/04/2018 at 02:00, Estragon said:

Wonder if the stewards will turn their usual blind eye to Dundee's hate hymns. Sad.


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On 16/02/2017 at 07:38, Acrapplied said:

I've lived in Ayr my whole life but my dad is a Kilmarnock supporter. I went to Killie from 2005-2016.

After a lot of soul searching over literally the last few years, I decided to start supporting my local team, Ayr United in the summer. Bought a season ticket. Best decision I have ever made. Feels right.

Fair play, you can only do what feels right for you. I'm in the scarce minority of Killie fans that doesn't HATE Ayr. Actually have a bit of respect for Ayr fans for not following one of the only two teams I do hate up the M77. 


There's rivalry and then there's hatred, which should only be directed towards bigots/bhigots. 

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31 minutes ago, Estragon said:


Look Dee Man, I don't know about you but I refuse to be an apologist for bigotry.  All men must have principles.

I am a man of strong principles. I refuse to eat lamb as I like animals to have a decent innings before I eat the fuckers.

I'll come back when I think of another one. 

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29 minutes ago, CLANCY2KTID said:

Fair play, you can only do what feels right for you. I'm in the scarce minority of Killie fans that doesn't HATE Ayr. Actually have a bit of respect for Ayr fans for not following one of the only two teams I do hate up the M77. 


There's rivalry and then there's hatred, which should only be directed towards bigots/bhigots. 

Thanks man, really appreciate the kind words. It was by no means an easy decision for me as I know the whole  culture of “You can never change your team” is engrained in football fans brains. But as much as I enjoyed my time there, i never felt Kilmarnock was “my team” and never understood supporting them really.

Just got to the point where supporting them just because my dad did wasn’t a good enough reason and having kids of my own gave me the push.

I have no animosity towards Killie at all but making that switch couldn’t have felt more right. And at the end of the day, that’s all that matters. Life is too short to worry about what other people think of it. 

Doing it at 30, the only drawback is I can’t share the memories of players,  goals, matches etc that people talk about from the past and would expect me to join in with due to my age but I guess we all start somewhere so as each year passes the memories get made.

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