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Election Night In America - Results Thread


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I've got a good representation of Trump's vision of America.


I'm not sure what better represents Hillary's vision for America.

A radical immigrant's son shooting up a gay club?

People marching under a foreign flag attacking conservatives for exercising their constitutional rights to free speech and peaceful assembly?

Both are pretty representative of what the Democrat Party seeks, but I'm not sure which is more.


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2 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

I've got a good representation of Trump's vision of America.


I'm not sure what better represents Hillary's vision for America.

A radical immigrant's son shooting up a gay club?

People marching under a foreign flag attacking conservatives for exercising their constitutional rights to free speech and peaceful assembly?

Both are pretty representative of what the Democrat Party seeks, but I'm not sure which is more.


Canny believe this guy's a Rangers fan tbh

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Kentucky is projected to vote for Trump. The reliably Republican state has only ever voted Democratic when a presidential candidate from the South has run, such as Jimmy Carter in 1976 and Bill Clinton in 1992.

Vermont is projected to vote for Clinton. Obama won 66% of the vote in this very Democratic New England state in 2012.

Indiana is projected to vote for Trump. The state is generally a safe Republican state - although Barack Obama secured a narrow win here in 2008.  

As of 19:00 EST [00:00 GMT] polls should have also closed in Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia, although polling locations will remain open if there are queues of voters still waiting.

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Just shows what happens when you ride roughshod over the legitimate concerns of the people and enforce a political agenda they are not ready for not wanting.

Just shows you what happens when you silence people through labelling them and making them social outcasts because they dare to publicly express an opinion that isn't considered "politically correct".

Society only has itself to blame for this one.

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38 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Just shows what happens when you ride roughshod over the legitimate concerns of the people and enforce a political agenda they are not ready for not wanting.

Just shows you what happens when you silence people through labelling them and making them social outcasts because they dare to publicly express an opinion that isn't considered "politically correct".

Society only has itself to blame for this one.

Silence n**ger!

(Just expressing my free speech)

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4 minutes ago, Deanburn Dave said:

Trump is 1/50 ON at the bookies just now. Clinton 10/1 against.

He's anything upto 1/200 and you can get at least 25/1 Clinton, was 40/1 10 minutes ago.

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4 hours ago, Fat Joe da Gangsta said:

Chlamydia has a point.  We might not agree with their point of view but telling a sizable proportion of the electorate that what they're feeling is wrong or even worse simply ignoring them is a risky political strategy imo.

No he doesn't have a point, peoples 'politically incorrect' views dressed up as 'Legitimate concerns' is not a case of being belittled just for having different views, they are belittled because they are still just racist and homophobic views.

In America they, like us, have allowed a system to develop where they rely on a cheap workforce which is used to prop up key industries and is generally made up of people from other countries who are trying to establish themselves in the US.

Like here however, choosing to blame those people for having the jobs is stupidly ignoring those who are actually creating these problems, those employers who don't pay decent wages and a government that has no support for the poor and who allow big business to drive policy - thus taking no action against exploitative employers.

The Mexicans aren't the ones creating problems in places such as Michigan and Detroit, it was the likes of General Motors who fucked the place up for their own uses and then buggered off leaving a wasteland.

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23 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

No he doesn't have a point, peoples 'politically incorrect' views dressed up as 'Legitimate concerns' is not a case of being belittled just for having different views, they are belittled because they are still just racist and homophobic views.

In America they, like us, have allowed a system to develop where they rely on a cheap workforce which is used to prop up key industries and is generally made up of people from other countries who are trying to establish themselves in the US.

Like here however, choosing to blame those people for having the jobs is stupidly ignoring those who are actually creating these problems, those employers who don't pay decent wages and a government that has no support for the poor and who allow big business to drive policy - thus taking no action against exploitative employers.

The Mexicans aren't the ones creating problems in places such as Michigan and Detroit, it was the likes of General Motors who fucked the place up for their own uses and then buggered off leaving a wasteland.

Isn't that what the second part of his post refers to?  No matter how much we might disagree with someone's point of view, belittling them for it will very likely only end up strengthening their resolve towards how they feel about it.

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4 minutes ago, Fat Joe da Gangsta said:

Isn't that what the second part of his post refers to?  No matter how much we might disagree with someone's point of view, belittling them for it will very likely only end up strengthening their resolve towards how they feel about it.

I agree that belittling people doesn't help, but the tone I picked up (and maybe I've misread his post) is that they should be considered as valid opinions that should be admitted as being acceptable concerns which, if you are dealing with racism or homophobia for instance, I don't think is the case. Those are views which in society we want to move away from and you don't do that by patting people on the back and saying 'oh you're right' when you aren't.

We have moved away from respecting the opinions of those who base them with valid evidence and good arguments to 'everyone has a valid opinion' no matter how factually incorrect the premises those opinions are based upon i.e that the Mexicans etc are the root cause of the problem in America.

It would be better though to campaign on a policy of trying to disseminate actual, factually correct information and show where the real root of the problem is, how they can fix it, and why those racist views are wrong; rather than simply trying to belittle the opposition and ignore it doesn't work. I don't agree though, that we should accept racist or homophobic views under any legitimate disguise.


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