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The Official Former President Trump thread


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2 hours ago, Deplorable said:

Never change Democrats. :lol:

Apparently the whole forum went something like this.

Repeat after me, folks - There is no more openly, fashionably racist than the modern 'Progressive'.

Another chair candidate at on the right, Jehmua Greene, is another horrific race-baiter I posted a video of a few days back.

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4 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

"TTIP is history," Bernd Lange, chair of the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade, told online magazine vorwaerts.de when asked about the impact of Trump's win on the negotiations.


Come on, admit it - you got it wrong.  The Executive Order he signed yesterday was what you were referring to; that was for TPP not TTIP.

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Hillary was going to sign that as well. Funny to see Spicer having another shocker with Trump and the voter fraud.

I bet Trump is loving it. "Hey, Spicer, go and tell them I've got the biggest cock in America." " Yessir Mr Trump." "Hey guys, come and watch Spicer!"

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Just now, welshbairn said:

I bet Trump is loving it. "Hey, Spicer, go and tell them I've got the biggest cock in America." " Yessir Mr Trump." "Hey guys, come and watch Spicer!"


I reckon we're months away from Piers Morgan doing a Jim Traynor and packing in the day job to go and follow his heart.

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Just watched Spicer answering questions on voter fraud.  Holy f**k!

Journalist:  The President says he believes the moon is made out of cheese, does he have any proof to support this?

Spicer:  This is a position he has held for some time, he has seen various studies and read various reports and stands by this position.



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So, looks like the Dakota pipeline is getting the go ahead, and the climate plan and clean water plan are getting the heave-ho.

Remind me again who's the biggest threat to our planet..?

EDIT: Forgot to add, this Spicer guy is a total laugh. If you didn't laugh you'd be sad.

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Trump. total roaster

But at least we know that him an his pals are roasters.

Far easier to have a POTUS that you know is comfortably probably at the lower end of the psycopathic spectrum.

Most of the presidents I have had in my lifetime (40 years) have to all intents and purposes been good al boys. All the time authorising thousands of deaths.

Psychopaths eh. where would the world be without them.

Obama. Now that is an interesting psych analysis.

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Sanders backs Trump on TPP, Trudeau finds a spine and backs Trump on Dakota pipeline.

Liberals now in state of ideological existential crisis.

(to be fair, many are emerging from their tribal infantility and backing him on individual issues, a.k.a. President Trump is winning, again)

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The USA is so, so fucked.  He is going to build the wall after all - except it's coming from Americans' tax dollars.  Taking out of healthcare and putting it towards building a wall.  Today is going to be an absolute clusterfuck, and probably herald the moment that moderate Republicans begin to hatch an impeachment plan.  

Those who were hoping his campaign was merely rhetoric....


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40 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Those who were hoping his campaign was merely rhetoric....

...were also convinced Trump wouldn't run, wouldn't win the candidacy, would eventually drop out, would lose to Shillary in a landslide of all landslides.

Yet here we are, the man getting shit done pronto.

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The USA is so, so fucked.  He is going to build the wall after all - except it's coming from Americans' tax dollars.  Taking out of healthcare and putting it towards building a wall.  Today is going to be an absolute clusterfuck, and probably herald the moment that moderate Republicans begin to hatch an impeachment plan.  
Those who were hoping his campaign was merely rhetoric....

I think it's more likely that there will be gridlock when he vetoes Congress and they don't pass his protectionist executive orders.
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6 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

Trump. total roaster

But at least we know that him an his pals are roasters.

Far easier to have a POTUS that you know is comfortably probably at the lower end of the psycopathic spectrum.

Most of the presidents I have had in my lifetime (40 years) have to all intents and purposes been good al boys. All the time authorising thousands of deaths.

Psychopaths eh. where would the world be without them.

Obama. Now that is an interesting psych analysis.

Trump will do well to match O'Bomber's record of being at war every day of his presidency. Beacon of class, dignity, humility etc that he was.


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20 hours ago, banana said:

Repeat after me, folks - There is no more openly, fashionably racist than the modern 'Progressive'.

Another chair candidate at on the right, Jehmua Greene, is another horrific race-baiter I posted a video of a few days back.

Yeah, the Tucked In victim.

In my video you can see her face positively light up with glee as she realizes that white people bashing is about to occur.

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2 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

The USA is so, so fucked.  He is going to build the wall after all - except it's coming from Americans' tax dollars.  Taking out of healthcare and putting it towards building a wall.  Today is going to be an absolute clusterfuck, and probably herald the moment that moderate Republicans begin to hatch an impeachment plan.  

Those who were hoping his campaign was merely rhetoric....


1. The USA military budget is well over a half trillion per year. We allegedly spend this money to stop foreigners from coming into our country and changing our government without our consent. Lets take it out of NATO. The Germans and French can make up the difference.

2. Mexico will pay. The Mexican President has already laid out protecting the right of Mexicans in the US to send money back to Mexico as one of his top priorities in negotiations with Trump. These amount to $25 billion per year. Our current trade deficit is $50 billion per year.  Wiki says a half billion per year in foreign aid. We hold the cards.

3. I find it hard to believe that illegal immigration does not cost the US taxpayer money in the end. By almost any measure poor people use up way more in government assets than they pay in taxes. I'd have to imagine that most illegal immigrants would fall into this category. Studies seem all over the place on this issue, but it looks to me that if you include the US citizen of children born to illegal immigrants you have a net loss to the US taxpayer.

Edited by Deplorable
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This article I think pretty well sums up what happened in the US as well as I've seen. It at least sums up my feelings pretty well. Andrew Jackson is the President who seems to be the subject of the most Trump comparisons.


The Jacksonian Revolt

American Populism and the Liberal Order


The distinctively American populism Trump espouses is rooted in the thought and culture of the country’s first populist president, Andrew Jackson. For Jacksonians—who formed the core of Trump’s passionately supportive base—the United States is not a political entity created and defined by a set of intellectual propositions rooted in the Enlightenment and oriented toward the fulfillment of a universal mission. Rather, it is the nation-state of the American people, and its chief business lies at home. Jacksonians see American exceptionalism not as a function of the universal appeal of American ideas, or even as a function of a unique American vocation to transform the world, but rather as rooted in the country’s singular commitment to the equality and dignity of individual American citizens. The role of the U.S. government, Jacksonians believe, is to fulfill the country’s destiny by looking after the physical security and economic well-being of the American people in their national home—and to do that while interfering as little as possible with the individual freedom that makes the country unique. 


The most powerful driver of Jacksonian political engagement in domestic politics, similarly, is the perception that Jacksonians are being attacked by internal enemies, such as an elite cabal or immigrants from different backgrounds. Jacksonians worry about the U.S. government being taken over by malevolent forces bent on transforming the United States’ essential character. They are not obsessed with corruption, seeing it as an ineradicable part of politics. But they care deeply about what they see as perversion—when politicians try to use the government to oppress the people rather than protect them. And that is what many Jacksonians came to feel was happening in recent years, with powerful forces in the American elite, including the political establishments of both major parties, in cahoots against them.

Many Jacksonians came to believe that the American establishment was no longer reliably patriotic, with “patriotism” defined as an instinctive loyalty to the well-being and values of Jacksonian America. And they were not wholly wrong, by their lights. Many Americans with cosmopolitan sympathies see their main ethical imperative as working for the betterment of humanity in general. Jacksonians locate their moral community closer to home, in fellow citizens who share a common national bond. If the cosmopolitans see Jacksonians as backward and chauvinistic, Jacksonians return the favor by seeing the cosmopolitan elite as near treasonous—people who think it is morally questionable to put their own country, and its citizens, first.


As for immigration, here, too, most non-Jacksonians misread the source and nature of Jacksonian concern. There has been much discussion about the impact of immigration on the wages of low-skilled workers and some talk about xenophobia and Islamophobia. But Jacksonians in 2016 saw immigration as part of a deliberate and conscious attempt to marginalize them in their own country. Hopeful talk among Democrats about an “emerging Democratic majority” based on a secular decline in the percentage of the voting population that is white was heard in Jacksonian America as support for a deliberate transformation of American demographics. When Jacksonians hear elites’ strong support for high levels of immigration and their seeming lack of concern about illegal immigration, they do not immediately think of their pocketbooks. They see an elite out to banish them from power—politically, culturally, demographically. The recent spate of dramatic random terrorist attacks, finally, fused the immigration and personal security issues into a single toxic whole.


At the moment, Jacksonians are skeptical about the United States’ policy of global engagement and liberal order building—but more from a lack of trust in the people shaping foreign policy than from a desire for a specific alternative vision. They oppose recent trade agreements not because they understand the details and consequences of those extremely complex agreements’ terms but because they have come to believe that the negotiators of those agreements did not necessarily have the United States’ interests at heart. Most Jacksonians are not foreign policy experts and do not ever expect to become experts. For them, leadership is necessarily a matter of trust. If they believe in a leader or a political movement, they are prepared to accept policies that seem counter-intuitive and difficult. 

They no longer have such trust in the American establishment, and unless and until it can be restored, they will keep Washington on a short leash. To paraphrase what the neoconservative intellectual Irving Kristol wrote about Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1952, there is one thing that Jacksonians know about Trump—that he is unequivocally on their side. About their country’s elites, they feel they know no such thing. And their concerns are not all illegitimate, for the United States’ global order-building project is hardly flourishing.




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32 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

1. The USA military budget is well over a half billion per year. We allegedly spend this money to stop foreigners from coming into our country and changing our government without our consent. Lets take it out of NATO. The Germans and French can make up the difference.

2. Mexico will pay. The Mexican President has already laid out protecting the right of Mexicans in the US to send money back to Mexico as one of his top priorities in negotiations with Trump. These amount to $25 billion per year. Our current trade deficit is $50 billion per year.  Wiki says a half billion per year in foreign aid. We hold the cards.

3. I find it hard to believe that illegal immigration does not cost the US taxpayer money in the end. By almost any measure poor people use up way more in government assets than they pay in taxes. I'd have to imagine that most illegal immigrants would fall into this category. Studies seem all over the place on this issue, but it looks to me that if you include the US citizen of children born to illegal immigrants you have a net loss to the US taxpayer.

You are totally clueless.

U.S.military is almost $600 billion per annum . (more than half the budget)

You seem to just talk a lot of shite and think people will believe you.

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