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Putin's spokesman confirms it received email from Trump's personal lawyer during presidential campaign
This can't go on much longer.

This was discussed on 'Morning Joe' yesterday.
Trump never expected to get the Republican nomination far less the presidency, the whole thing was a massive publicity stunt that has ran out of control. Its going to end with someone called Donald Trump getting the jail and Jr seems to have gone very quiet recently.
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Were they not the ones Jo Cox's murderer was a follower of?

At least according to the Southern Poverty Law Centre


I should point out that NA deny the story

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47 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


Putin's spokesman confirms it received email from Trump's personal lawyer during presidential campaign

This can't go on much longer.

Sounds like Putin's had enough of Trump's incompetence at fulfilling his promises to remove sanctions and he's starting to dish the dirt.

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Sounds like Putin's had enough of Trump's incompetence at fulfilling his promises to remove sanctions and he's starting to dish the dirt.

From what I read they're only admitting things the investigators have proof of anyway

they're downplaying the significance of that rather than dishing fresh dirt
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16 minutes ago, Stinky Bone said:

Why doesn't the US and South Korea cease training exercises that are provoking North Korea?  Surely continuing this only provokes the madman? 

Because the imbeciles responsible would sooner initiate the fiery demise of 7 billion people than be seen to blink first.

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29 minutes ago, Stinky Bone said:

Why doesn't the US and South Korea cease training exercises that are provoking North Korea?  Surely continuing this only provokes the madman? 


Probably because they believe that if they do its them bowing to a madman or showing fear of his attacks.

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1 hour ago, Stinky Bone said:

Why doesn't the US and South Korea cease training exercises that are provoking North Korea?  Surely continuing this only provokes the madman? 


When Kim drew back from pitching missiles off the coast of Guam they should have postponed the war games and made some space for diplomacy. There is no military solution to this for either side. These two fat toddlers squaring off against each other with empty threats is comical but dangerous. 

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Just had a look at that vacuous charlatan Sebastion Gorka, recently sacked Trump strategist's Wiki entry. It's not kind.



Shortly after taking a position in the Trump administration in early 2017, Gorka drew critique from multiple commentators in academia and politics, who characterized him as a fringe figure in academic and policy-making circles.[4][5][9][41][42][43][44] Business Insider Politics Editor Pamela Engel has described Gorka as being "widely disdained within his own field."[5][45]

A number of academics and policymakers questioned Gorka's knowledge of foreign policy issues, his academic credentials and his professional behavior.[4][5][41][43][46][44][47] Andrew Reynolds, professor of political science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, questioned the validity of Gorka's Doctoral degree, noting discrepancies between how doctorates are normally awarded and how Gorka's was awarded. Reynolds said that the evaluations of each referee on Gorka's PhD committee was "a page of generalized comments – completely at odds with the detailed substantive and methodological evaluations that I've seen at every Ph.D defence I've been on over the last twenty years." According to Reynolds, two of the three referees only had Bachelor of Arts degrees, and one of the referees had published with Gorka previously -- a breach of conventional academic practices. [48] Georgetown University associate professor Daniel Nexonreviewed Gorka's PhD thesis, describing it as "inept" and saying "It does not deploy evidence that would satisfy the most basic methodological requirements for a PhD in the US".[43]

The journal Terrorism and Political Violence had never used Gorka as a reviewer because, according to the associate editor, he "is not considered a terrorism expert by the academic or policy community.”[49] In August 2017, Gorka falsely asserted that the Obama administration "invented" the term "lone-wolf terrorism", when in fact the term had been widely used in the academic literature, media and by governments long before Barack Obama took office.[50] Responding to his academic critics, Gorka said that there was an ongoing "proxy war" and that others were attacking him as a way to attack President Trump.[51]

In February 2017, Stephen Walt, a professor of international affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, voiced his reservations about Gorka influencing policy in the White House, saying: "Gorka does not have much of a reputation in serious academic or policymaking circles. He has never published any scholarship of significance and his views on Islam and US national security are extreme even by Washington standards. His only real 'qualification' was his prior association with Breitbart News, which would be a demerit in any other administration."[52]

According to BuzzFeed, Gorka was unable to obtain a security clearance to work in the Hungarian Parliament.[53]


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5 minutes ago, bob the tank said:

Gorka is a complete right wing nut job walloper. I saw an interview, and also heard one on the radio the week trump was elected, and the man was appalling. A complete arrogant, know all and never wrong lunatic

He was on C4 News last night. Absolute, total, unequivocal c**t. Like something out of In The Loop, and actually started doing playground style 'say something slowly' in order to relay that the interviewer is a bit dim. 


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