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You've never been out to the dancing clearly.

Except I spent a good whack of my years between 18 and 23 going to clubs. Randomly going up to girls and grinding against them funnily enough was seen as rapey behaviour and see you get booted out.
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Did I use the world "randomly?" Work on your reading comprehension.

Yes, that's what I said.:rolleyes:
You ever rubbed up next to a girl you spotted on the dance floor without some sort of explicit communication?

Sounds pretty random.
Easy mistake to make IMO.
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Did I use the world "randomly?" Work on your reading comprehension.
And I don't dance at all, rapey or otherwise.

Sorry. You instead actually pick a target and go rub against them without consent. Apologies you rapey f**k.
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13 minutes ago, mjw said:


Sounds pretty random.
Easy mistake to make IMO.


No. It's actually not an easy mistake to go from no explicit communication to randomly. People communicate by looks and other nonverbal communication all the time on the dance floor. Again, work on your reading comprehension.  


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Only wierdo lefties could argue the point that there's different social standards for sexual advances based on the context of the event your at. I used a dance club and McDonalds to illustrate the point.:lol:  Leftism is a mental disorder.

Dear oh dear oh dear.
The actual nick of this.
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On 9/8/2017 at 15:30, Jmothecat2 said:

Fucking hell, only you could take a misogynist, sexist view on this.

Darling, please pull yourself together.

You no doubt read my previous posts on this but have inexplicably forgotten, so a quick memory jog:



This paper assesses gender disparities in federal criminal cases. It finds large gender gaps favoring women throughout the sentence length distribution (averaging over 60%), conditional on arrest offense, criminal history, and other pre-charge observables. Female arrestees are also significantly likelier to avoid charges and convictions entirely, and twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted.

That's only covers the US though, so a quick word from our good friend Philip Davies MP on the same situation in the UK:

Allied with kilbowie2002's post...

On 9/8/2017 at 15:50, kilbowie2002 said:

Its the same with any police shooting, can only fire a shot to preserve life, fleeing police isnt an excuse to fire (except if the officer reasonably believes the vehicle will be used to kill someone ie in an act of terrorism).

...it seems safe to say that despite the usual race-bait-rage attempt by The Usual Racebaiters degenerates on the forum, there's no evidence to support the position that the Twitter clip posted was all about race, and if any identity was in play it was sex.

On 9/8/2017 at 16:04, Jmothecat2 said:

Actually trying to justify racism with statistics.

You will have to grow up, wisen up at some point, you do know that? :)

Edited by banana
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