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The Official Former President Trump thread


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19 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Look at the fucking state of this nonce defender. So entrenched in your politics that you clamour to defend a beast. Even for a troll you are toxic.

I'm doing no such thing. I'm interested in the story and this is a message board. This is the appropriate thread. There's zero reason any of us have to or should assume that allegations are 100% true for any crime when almost no hard evidence has been presented. 

And just one year ago almost every single one of you wanted a Presidential candidate to win who has been accused by multiple rape victims of seeking to intimidate them. Don't get on your high horse.

19 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

The 80s was keyless fobs for locking and unlocking doors, the ability to push a button in a car (Central Locking) and lock the doors is almost as old as cars, 1914 according to this WIKI bit,


Interesting. It says they started to become standard on luxury cars in the 50s. I talked to my dad and he said he couldn't remember having a car with the feature until the early 90s. 

18 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Imagine being unfortunate enough to be born into one of the evangelical families.


I'd imagine holding other demographic features constant, you be less likely to end up poor, but also less likely to become rich. You'd probably have a better shot at a stable family life. You'd probably be a more generous person.  

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7 hours ago, dorlomin said:



Yeah. Trumps an idiot with what he's chosen to prioritize with Congress. He's picking issues where 30-40% of the country is with him like health care and taxes instead of the issue where 50-60% (including his base) is with him. IMMIGRATION, MUSLIM BAN, WALL, TRADE, INFASTRUCTURE!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, he's done a lot administratively to move the right way on those issues. But he's done nothing to change the permanent situation for when a Democrat gets back in office. 

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A woman has claimed Judge Moore made her uncomfortable with his flirting and grabbed her ass when she came to his law office to sign the paperwork giving up custody of her son. Classy.

Two more women who worked at the mall have come forward and said he flirted with them as teenagers and asked them out.

Judge Moore is saying that the woman who accused him of sexual assault lost a divorce case in front of him in the late 90s. She did not try to have him removed from the case at the time or mention this in her press conference. Judge Moore is also demanding the yearbook be given to independent forensics experts. He says their are inconsistencies with how it's signed, especially the initials after his name, that make him think it was copied from his signature in the divorce proceedings.

It looks like the best case scenario for Judge Moore is that he was a creep in the late 70s, it was well known, but he did nothing illegal. The two women who have accused him of illegal behavior would have known the rumors, and therefore known what topic to use when constructing a damaging lie. Doesn't seem likely this is the case at this point. I'd say that unless he comes up with some sort of smoking gun fairly soon he needs to drop out.

Here's the attorney for Mr. Moore:


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1 hour ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Interesting. It says they started to become standard on luxury cars in the 50s. I talked to my dad and he said he couldn't remember having a car with the feature until the early 90s. 


^^^^ Hated when my dad drove me to school in his Wartburg type post.

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A woman has claimed Judge Moore made her uncomfortable with his flirting and grabbed her ass when she came to his law office to sign the paperwork giving up custody of her son. Classy.
Two more women who worked at the mall have come forward and said he flirted with them as teenagers and asked them out.
Judge Moore is saying that the woman who accused him of sexual assault lost a divorce case in front of him in the late 90s. She did not try to have him removed from the case at the time or mention this in her press conference. Judge Moore is also demanding the yearbook be given to independent forensics experts. He says their are inconsistencies with how it's signed, especially the initials after his name, that make him think it was copied from his signature in the divorce proceedings.

If judge Moore divorced the woman then why did he claim to not know who the woman was?

Could it be you don't actually need to go in front of a judge to get divorced?
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24 minutes ago, mjw said:

If judge Moore divorced the woman then why did he claim to not know who the woman was?

Could it be you don't actually need to go in front of a judge to get divorced?

Moore is arguing - and morons are falling for it - that because she lost a divorce case (or didn't, as the case may be), she's obviously overcome with hysterical rage and bitterness and so nothing she says can be believed.  It's abhorrent.  

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Trump ploughing on with his "Did the black guy before me do this? Let's get rid of it" approach and reversing the importing elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia.


Bizarrely, as is often the case with gun tooting morons, the NRA seem to think that killing an endangered animal, erm, helps!?


By lifting the import ban on elephant trophies in Zimbabwe and Zambia the Trump Administration underscored, once again, the importance of sound scientific wildlife management and regulated hunting to the survival and enhancement of game species in this country and worldwide,”


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Yeah. Trumps an idiot with what he's chosen to prioritize with Congress. He's picking issues where 30-40% of the country is with him like health care and taxes instead of the issue where 50-60% (including his base) is with him. IMMIGRATION, MUSLIM BAN, WALL, TRADE, INFASTRUCTURE!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, he's done a lot administratively to move the right way on those issues. But he's done nothing to change the permanent situation for when a Democrat gets back in office. 

Given that ~25% of the country voted for him and his approval ratings are in the 30s, you're taking a massive flyer in asserting 50-60% are behind him on anything. Stopping after word 4 would have made the post more accurate.
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Draining the swamp yet again, Donny? Zero policy changes on improving the lives of ordinary Americans, but at least his imbecile son can bring home his trophy animals. Trump only wanted to become president so he can make money out of it.

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The defenders of Roy Moore seem be switching focus from "never happened" to men in their thirties "dating" 14 year old schoolgirls is culturally normal for Alabama.

P.S. Ali Velshi moved to Canada from Kenya when he was 2 years old.

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46 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The defenders of Roy Moore seem be switching focus from "never happened" to men in their thirties "dating" 14 year old schoolgirls is culturally normal for Alabama.


That guy's an absolute weirdo.  An incompetent weirdo.

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6 hours ago, mjw said:

If judge Moore divorced the woman then why did he claim to not know who the woman was?

Could it be you don't actually need to go in front of a judge to get divorced?

Not sure what the laws are in Alabama. 

But if the man who raped you was your judge, you'd remember. She did not mention this in her press conference and specifically denied having later contact with Judge Moore. There's no reason a judge would remember a random divorce case.

5 hours ago, RiG said:

Trump ploughing on with his "Did the black guy before me do this? Let's get rid of it" approach and reversing the importing elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia.


Bizarrely, as is often the case with gun tooting morons, the NRA seem to think that killing an endangered animal, erm, helps!?


Why is that bizarre? Right now the short term economic incentive for poor people with corrupt governments is to kill the animals, but not to maintain a stock for the future. If rich people want to pay to hunt the animals that changes the incentives.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

The defenders of Roy Moore seem be switching focus from "never happened" to men in their thirties "dating" 14 year old schoolgirls is culturally normal for Alabama.


He was responding to the question as to why Roy Moore would have asked permission from the parents if he dated a woman who was over 18.

The response by Stephanie Ruhle is exactly why people in middle America don't trust and hate our elites (I looked up her background on the internet). The lawyer was responding to a question. He made an innocent comment in a polite  trying to demonstrate that sometimes there's cultural difference in courting rituals. Faux outrage, virtue signaling, and an obvious bias towards assuming what her guest was saying had to be bigoted in some way. Then she switched to yelling and intimidating tactics about 14 year old girls when the question he was answering had to do with why someone would ask permission to date a woman over 18. Next she yells about her co-host being from Canada, as if no Indian/Pakistani people in the West could ever be intimately familiar with marriage customs other than those practiced here. Also, Wiki says the co-host was born in Africa and lived in Pakistan for a time while growing up. What a massive c**t.

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He moved from Kenya to Canada when he was 2 years old. I don't see any mention of living in Pakistan. There are other supporters asking what's wrong with a man in his 30's trying to "date" school children.

P.S. Correction. His family visited Pakistan when he was one year old.

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