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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Whilst the Ukraine is fascinating, here's the Democrats standing firm and showing they really, really, really oppose Trump. Really.
That is truly embarrassing.

The democrats make the British parliamentary labour party look like honourable, principled statesmen.

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13 hours ago, dorlomin said:

Trump shitfested his way to a lucky election result that is likely to put a huge hole in the Republicans for years to come. They are highly likely to lose Congress in a couple of months and have wasted an entire election cycle alienating non white voters that they need to start turning Republican. America is undergoing a demographic transition that the 2016 election was something of a dummy spit against, those demographic numbers are not suddenly going to reverse. 

You can't shitfest an election champ.  He won on a landslide coming from absolutely nowhere, with no policies whatsoever basically.   Some very very clever people using key words and phrases to manipulate people and push their emotional buttons.  That's why he kept repeating phrases, he was taught how to do this and given basically a script for each public appearance.

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2 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

You can't shitfest an election champ.  He won on a landslide coming from absolutely nowhere, with no policies whatsoever basically.   Some very very clever people using key words and phrases to manipulate people and push their emotional buttons.  That's why he kept repeating phrases, he was taught how to do this and given basically a script for each public appearance.

He lost the popular vote and his electoral college vote was one of the lowest winning margins in history. 46th of 58. He most certainly did not win by a landslide.

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1 minute ago, Peppino Impastato said:

He won an absolute landslide champ, wasn't even close.

Except he got fewer votes, and his electoral college margin was one of the lowest in history.

The Republican Party, whose ticket he headed, lost seats in both the House and the Senate.

You could say it was a shock win, an improbable win, an unthinkable win and you'd be right.

But in no sense was it a landslide. Champ.

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Except he got fewer votes, and his electoral college margin was one of the lowest in history. The Republican Party, whose ticket he headed, lost seats in both the House and the Senate.

You could say it was a shock win, an improbable win, an unthinkable win and you'd be right.

But in no sense was it a landslide. Champ.



Nixon over McGovern (for shame) was a landslide. Obama over McCain was a landslide. Trump was unexpected, masterminded, and certainly no fluke (and seemingly not on the level), but hardly a landslide.


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13 hours ago, Jambo: First Blood said:


This is all primary source material.

Cynical playing to the crank market. It's certainly not a good look.

However I still think all the alternative media sources which have provided perspective on Syria have done a valuable job countering MSM war mongering and staggering amounts of propaganda. Post Iraq the public won't be drawn into a war in the convential way so lies are crafted about African mercanaries being given viagra and 7 year old bloggers end up with publicity agents.

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There did not need to be a war no. When Syrians were peacefully protesting in 2011 for more freedom and against corruption, the Assad regime and his secret police didn't need to start shooting protestors or arresting them in the middle of the night to be tortured.
Have a look at some interviews with FSA fighters. So many of them were men in the Syrian army who defected in 2011-2013 to the FSA after being commanded to shoot at their own people while they peacefully protested for a better life.
Where did all these moderate secularist democrats we heard so much about back in 2012 disappear to and why were they replaced so quickly on the battlefield by the likes of Al-Nusra and ISIS? The war in Syria has a lot more to do with a rerun of the Islamic fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood uprising against Hafez Al-Assad and the secular one party state socialism of the Baath party back in the 1980s than a struggle for liberal democracy. As such, both sides are not particularly palatable.
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55 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

Disapproval hits 60%.



Could very easily be an outlier but it does not look good for the orange disorder. 

Expect a 3 a.m. tweet claiming a reverse of these figures.

”60% approval folks, bigly support for sacking Mueller and Sessions”

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Vote for Lyin' Ted, who's really Canadian and whose Dad killed Kennedy.


He's right about Lyin' Ted btw.


Edited by welshbairn
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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

The thing about Ted Cruz's Da might not actually be that mental. Oswald hung about with a lot of Cuban nutters from both sides in the months leading up to the shooting.



A day after accepting the Republican Party’s nomination for president, Donald Trump rehashed a conspiracy theory that claims the man who killed President John F. Kennedy once cavorted with Ted Cruz’s father.

“I don't know his father. I met him once. I think he's a lovely guy,” Trump said at a morning-after rally in Cleveland. “All I did is point out the fact that on the cover of the National Enquirer there was a picture of him and crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast.”

Trump invoked Cruz’s father during an extended screed against the Texas senator for failing to endorse him during the convention. While Trump and Cruz were primary rivals in May, Trump initially pointed out an Enquirer story which featured Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald while handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963.





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Oswald had quite the life though. He knew lots of interesting people who had links to the CIA, high society etc. Why not Ted Cruz's Da?

Obama's Maw had a kid with a guy studying in America on a CIA scholarship and then married an Indonesian government official while the CIA were helping them murder hundreds of thousands of leftists. It's a small world.


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