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The Official Former President Trump thread


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There is zero credible evidence that any Muslims, Jews, Mossad Agents or Martians were dancing in the streets of New York in the immediate aftermath of  the attacks on 11 September 2001.


People spreading these stories are simply revealing their prejudices and incredulity. While a couple of clowns on an internet forum swallowing this crap is a bit cringey, one of those taken in by these kind of stories is now one of the most powerful figures in the world. 

Edited by dorlomin
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5 minutes ago, RiG said:

That Trump cartoon is a spoof incidentally. No surprise to Banana creaming himself over it thinking it was genuine though.


On the contrary mon frere, some of the best pro-Trump 'toons are the ones that are supposed to be anti-Drumpf! Evidently by that pic :wub:

"Ehrmergherd, draw Trump being a masculine patriot who's into like liberty and capitalism, erhmergherd that will totally trigger the Trumpnazi's!" :lol: 

Tbf,  just exemplifies the decades-long 'Progressive'/Feminist assault on core western culture, values, and alpha men.

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55 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

There is zero credible evidence that any Muslims, Jews, Mossad Agents or Martians were dancing in the streets of New York in the immediate aftermath of  the attacks on 11 September 2001.


They took photos of themselves with the towers in the background. Eyewitnesses describe them as being happy. They were arrested and failed lie detector tests. The guy who owned the removal company fled to Israel never to be seen again. The FBI concluded they were Mossad agents.

There is clearly more going on here than is in the public domain and the issue isn't whether or not anyone was dancing


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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

They took photos of themselves with the towers in the background. Eyewitnesses describe them as being happy. They were arrested and failed lie detector tests. The guy who owned the removal company fled to Israel never to be seen again. The FBI concluded they were Mossad agents.

There is clearly more going on here than is in the public domain and the issue isn't whether or not anyone was dancing

^^Scrambling for evidence. 

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On the contrary mon frere, some of the best pro-Trump 'toons are the ones that are supposed to be anti-Drumpf! Evidently by that pic :wub:
"Ehrmergherd, draw Trump being a masculine patriot who's into like liberty and capitalism, erhmergherd that will totally trigger the Trumpnazi's!" :lol: 
Tbf,  just exemplifies the decades-long 'Progressive'/Feminist assault on core western culture, values, and alpha men.

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19 minutes ago, Detournement said:

These are actual things that happened! No disputes any of that.

In the past you have promoted the nonsense conspiracy theory that Trump is controlled by Israel so you have form on the sewage you will lap up and vomit back onto


The odd newspaper clipping here and there is about the same strength of evidence as the "Muslims were dancing in the streets".

Its clear the motivations that drive  some believe the story about the Muslims, as for you, well that is for others to decide for themselves. 


Edited by dorlomin
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Trump's main donor is Netenyahu's main donor. Kushner has extensive financial interests in Israel. Papadopulous was given 10 thousand dollars by the state of Israel. Flynn was prosecuted for lying to the FBI about lobbying for Israel against the Obama administration. Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's "undivided and eternal capital". Trump ended support for Palestinian refugees and wants to deny right to return. Trump is kicking the Palestinian Authority out of Washington DC. If those links were Trump/Russia rather than Trump/Israel there would be genuine uproar. I haven't said Israel controls Trump but there is clearly collusion (which is not a crime) in the manner of the UK and Saudi Arabia.

The story about Muslims is fake. This actually happened. They were arrested, kept in solitary. Failed lie detectors and judged to be Mossad agents. Their boss immediately fled the USA. No one shouldn't jump to conclusion based on events like this but it's extremely disingenuous to deny corroborated facts on the basis of the existence of conspiracy theories. Saying it didn't happen when it's documented that it did is absurd.



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11 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Saying it didn't happen when it's documented that it did is absurd.

Saying some Israelis taking photos after the planes hit the towers, like just about every other person in New York, is relevant to anything, is absurd. Loads of Israelis choose low level Mossad jobs for military service, mainly menial stuff but you get to work in places like the NY consulate. This is one of lamest conspiracy theories I've heard. What sinister thing were they supposed to be involved in?

Edited by welshbairn
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Yes this discussion is completely banal. What possible point would there be (in the mind of a conspiracy theorist) for stationing Mossad agents in Jersey to take pictures of the towers burning when it was being filmed from multiple angles by hundreds if not thousands of people, whether the conspiracy theory was (1) advance warning (2) collusion or (3) whatever other crackpot scheme anti-semites have come up with?

Aye there might have been Mossad agents in New Jersey, aye the US State Dept, CIA or FBI might wonder what they are up to, but whatever they were up to it clearly would have f**k all to do with 9/11 other than that they were transfixed like everyone else.

I do wonder if JDog is a reincarnation of The King and whatever other guises he had.

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No idea if this has been shared on this thread, but if not it really should have been. If so, it's worth watching again..

Watching this underlines exactly why Trump went for Obama policies. Not because they were good or bad, but because he had absolutely and mercilessly ruined the guy publicly and he wanted revenge. His anti Obama bullshit is a personal vandetta not some political or financial agenda.

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