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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Trump's been in court more times than he's cheated at golf, it's the only time he sticks to the script. The way to ruin him is have the proceedings televised.

The rumour is the judge is going to have a gagging order placed because of his threats to the prosecution - that would cover not just his social media but any proxies.  I imagine he'll find it hard to comply with that.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I don't think it had anything to do with the election, much more likely it was about Melania. That's why I'm hoping the charges are about straightforward fraud, I don't think the breaking election spending thing will stand up, or it could be appealed for way after the election.

That's been my understanding too - falsified accounts relating to the payment to Stormy Daniels.  The only additional charges might be other falsification unrelated to Daniels that  they may have uncovered.

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33 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

He’s never been great at numbers; see in 2016 when he managed to get 9/11 confused with 7-11. 

Do you think that'll be his defence wrt. his taxes?

Edited by Trogdor
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So the problem is not the payoff but rather trying to disguise it as a business expense (which would be tax deductible).

I hope he gets the sort of jurists Lawrence Boyd was going to get in Billions.

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2 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Is it not a bad sign for the prosecution that they’ve handed out two dozen or however many indictments?  Does that not usually indicate a weaker case on the bigger charges?

Not really. In things like tax fraud/evasion and financial irregularities, you generally indict on all charges individually. It gives you maneuvering room for cutting deals and such. Also, a series of charges can show intent, and result in a consecutive, rather than concurrent, sentencing.

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26 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Wild that Republicans will frame the Democrats as 'The Radical Left' with a straight face.

Wild that anyone thinks ANYTHING politically in the American mainstream is so much as even approaching left leaning, much less radical left. 🤣

In the time I observed the political continuum in the U.S., the Right has become the Moderate Left and the Far Right is now the Mainstream Right. Hell, the Nazi’s would be left of people like Bobert and Greene.

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Last century, in terms of left-right positioning on economics (do note I'm entirely excluding social and cultural issues here), relation to capitalism was the dividing line. Left was anything against it and right was anything for it. So centre left would be democratic socialism/market socialism and far left was marxism or anarchism. Centre right would be social democracy (New Deal or Post-War Consensus) and far right would be neoliberalism (Reagan/Thatcher).

The left of that former spectrum isn't on offer in nearly all First World elections nowadays. The US put paid to that during the Cold War when the entire political left was the baby thrown out with the USSR bathwater. This despite anarchism and democratic/market socialism having nothing to do with the USSR and both being antithetical to it in many ways. Plus the Marxism-Leninism of the USSR only being a single strand of marxism, again majorly at odds with other marxist traditions.

Due to that, the only honest use of left and right nowadays is to comment on a party's/politician's position in comparison to another. Eg. Biden is to the left of Trump.

Edited by FreedomFarter
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I think he's yesterday's man and will end up getting fined after doing a deal and slink away to play golf and beam out Alex Jones type shows from Mar-a- Largo. Outside the group of hardcore Trump is Jesus disciples I think most Republicans have woken up to the snake oil salesman and even though "it was fun while it lasted" they're to conservative to risk a loose cannon again.

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On 31/03/2023 at 19:34, dirty dingus said:

I think he's yesterday's man and will end up getting fined after doing a deal and slink away to play golf and beam out Alex Jones type shows from Mar-a- Largo. Outside the group of hardcore Trump is Jesus disciples I think most Republicans have woken up to the snake oil salesman and even though "it was fun while it lasted" they're to conservative to risk a loose cannon again.

We wish, but the truth is he won’t slink away, it would reduce his income. As it is, this is likely all that is keeping him afloat, as he’s worth less today than if all the money he got from daddy was invested conservatively. He’s consistently lost money and used various tax schemes and bankruptcies to stay ahead.

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