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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Hmmm one of the moves may be a constitutional change to make it illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, gender or sexuality.
Effectively making affirmative action unconstitutional. 

Certainly picked a team that would head off in that direction.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

P.S. Paddy Power have some daft and not so daft bets on Trump too. 


At 40/1 I think SpaceX's Red Dragon mission to Mars planned for 2018 is worth a punt. More likely in 2019/20 though.


What odds are they giving for the first flight to mars with Donald Trump on board?

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Hmmm one of the moves may be a constitutional change to make it illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, gender or sexuality.
Effectively making affirmative action unconstitutional. 

Certainly picked a team that would head off in that direction.

It's like a Who's Who of the nutty alt-right.
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2 hours ago, kilbowie2002 said:

Yep im the exact same, I dont buy into the fact that because I want independence that i have to label myself a nationalist, for me, its partly because I reject british nationalism that I want independence.

I just think Scotland would be more efficiently run and with a political philosophy closer to my own if it was independent. I hate Flower of Scotland.

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So Trump might change the classification of Islam from a religion to a political stance so that Muslims won't be protected under the constitution.
Has he not got better things to be getting on with?

Amazingly, its possible to devise policy in parallel with other policy.
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47 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Do you actually know who who these people are?

Flynn is the one that scares me the most.

The man is totally Dagenham East.

A swivel-eyed loon who should be nowhere near the levers of power.

Getting back to the original post, do you believe that people should face discrimination based on inherent traits?

It's a simple question.

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Is anyone really surprised at these appointments?  Does anyone think that we won't see worse?

I'm astounded at the naivety of those in the U.S. who gave any credence to Trump's conciliatory remarks after the election.

For me it is confirmation that the post-election knee-jerk response that 'liberals' should be prepared to meet these folk half way is completely of the mark.


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1 hour ago, banana said:

Liberals swallowing whole what the MSM feeds them, despite repeated lessons that they're lying, misrepresenting propaganda merchants :lol:


It's Liberals swallowing what the MSM feeds them that leads to Donald Trump and Maggie May type governments. :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

This thread and the one about Brexit is truly indicative of how poisonous and toxic politics is these days. Like watching fans of football teams arguing the toss with eachother.

Half expecting to see a "so's yer maw" in PMQ's these days. No one able to behave like adults and consider views of others. That goes for left and right btw. Shameful stuff.

I agree with you up to a point.  I think we must engage with those of a different view point as it's only through rational discussion that arguments can be won.

Of course it's not that simple.  The U.S. election more than any other recent political event has shown that there's a whole group of politicians who have no problem telling continuous and massive lies on an unprecedented scale.  More worrying, there's a large section of the voting public that is not interested in the veracity of the statements they are being fed and upon which they are making their decisions; or at least claiming to make them.

In addition my earlier point about rational discussion has to be qualified.  There are many who reject rational discourse, many others who are incapable of engaging in it, and many who have views so odious that no one would want to debate them.

We are truly living in the post-truth era.

Edit to add 

I'd pay good money to see someone use 'so's yer maw' at PMQs.

Edited by Granny Danger
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