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Cosmic Joe

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Smoking in my teens, twenty's and early thirty's didn't bother me, but once I started knocking on for forty it started to effect me health wise. Fifty next year and I'm struggling, they're gonna have to go. Smoke 50g of Baccy a week, so not heavy, but they've got me fucked

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15 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Even at 60 a day, I would never ever have one until my breakfast coffee in the morning and then I was off. Very often would have got through ten by lunchtime. I was self-employed with my own workshop doing a mixture of TV, audio and video repairs - everytime I hit a problem it was out with the Regal King Size. By evening meal time I would have probably got through close to forty.

Then a pint or 3 in the local pub (before the ban) and I could easily get through another 20. Although when I come to think about it there were always scrounging bastarts around in these days who never seemed to have any. So maybe it was nearer 50 a day - not such a bad habit really.

Smoking roll ups I've no idea how many I get through. An occasional 10 pack of B+H disappears in no time though.

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Stopped smoking nearly two years ago now and whilst I have the odd fag when pished, it's the best thing I've ever done.  I was about 30 to 40 a day, maybe even as much as 50 when drinking before I switched to roll ups, couldn't tell you how many roll ups I smoked.  I put on some weight at first but was able to drop that, I've saved an absolute fortune and it's a bit of a relief knowing that now if you sit beside someone in a bus they just need to deal with the smell of cheap aftershave rather than stale smoke.

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To the guy struggling to give up...

i remember having my first smoke when i was 12, and having been a wee ned who bought 10p "tippies" at the ice cream van outside school, was hooked by the time i was 14/15.Tried and failed numerous times to stop and came to the conclusion that i was going to always smoke and die a horrible death. I was just as addicted (and still partially am) to the habits around the habit. Smoking and driving, smoking and working outside, smoking after food, smoking with a drink. a 20 year addiction.

i decided that i was so weak-willed, i still had to have the fix of the nicotine and the "smoking action" so I've taken up the vaping and immediately halved my ciggie intake about 6 weeks ago. I've now not had a fag for three and a half weeks (baby steps). I smoked about 20 a day. I'm vaping a lot at the moment, but already noticing i'm doing that less and less and the biggest surprise for me has been the total lack of desire for a cigarette. My other half still smokes and i dont feel tempted to have one of hers at all. i started on 6mg of nicotine, and am now on 3mg. The plan is to reduce to a 0mg liquid in the next month or so, then cut it out completely. I seem to have broken some of the routines and habits, so i'm hoping that i'll be able to take the next step. So if you dont mind, all you wanks calling me a c**t or a twat or whatever, i'll vape thanks. 

I do not however have any desire to become one of those professional, perpetual vapers who build their own kit and do youtube videos about smoke ring competitions at the local skate park comparing one coil to another and get my ear lobe pirced with a curtain ring. its my route off the fags and i'm pleased to say, touch wood, it seems to be working. Go me

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I gave up two and a half years ago, when I was diagnosed with cancer on my tonsils. Not smoking-related, apparently, but I can take a hint..
Still vape, but my consultant reckons that, while something still get me in the next three or four decades, it won't be that.
Pretty sure that everybody needs a real reason to give up - mine was a bit drastic but it could be an ultimatum from a partner, heart scare, simply not being able to do certain physical things.
Like the poster above, it's the habits surrounding the habit which are hardest to break and, as I still vape,I can't claim to be free of those. I'm not dosing myself with carcinogens on a regular basis, though, and I'm fairly sure the occasional whiff of aniseed is preferable to stale smoke for those around me.
I used to smoke rollies - and paid less as we live near a convenient "baccy run" port - but the amount of cash saved was not insubstantial. How anyone can carry on smoking at a tenner plus a pack is beyond me.

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I honestly wonder how anyone has the time to smoke 60 fags in a day, that's roughly 5 hours of your waking day dedicated solely to smoking, how is that possible?  Best of luck in trying to stop though, my habit isn't anywhere near that level and I still find it hard.

I have the luxury of only needing to work part time and even when I was full time I could get through 20 in a 8 hour shift. It's pretty much chain smoking.... I know on a Saturday I can't smoke between the hours of 12-4 because of football so from say 8-12 I'll smoke more to make up for those I'd miss. Even when I've fallen asleep if I wake I'll go outside for a fag. It's a horrible habit and not to mention expensive. Worked out I spend 8k a year on fags [emoji21]
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I have the luxury of only needing to work part time and even when I was full time I could get through 20 in a 8 hour shift. It's pretty much chain smoking.... I know on a Saturday I can't smoke between the hours of 12-4 because of football so from say 8-12 I'll smoke more to make up for those I'd miss. Even when I've fallen asleep if I wake I'll go outside for a fag. It's a horrible habit and not to mention expensive. Worked out I spend 8k a year on fags [emoji21]

Jesus man, that is pretty horrendous..gave up a few years ago after being a twenty a day man since the age of 14 (I'm 39 now)...best thing I ever did for myself. Like Shandon it just clicked after reading Allan Carr's book.
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Cremating my father tomorrow - heavy smoker for years and the house stinks of smoke. Death certificate stated COPD and Smoking as prime causes.
I gave up about 6 years ago fortunately.

Sorry to hear that mate, my mum has the same illness and my grandmother died from it. mum is a heavy smoker and her lung capacity is like 53% down from 77 in less than a year, now she has been told the end result and it's still not stopping her.
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My gran lost her leg due to diabetes (type 1) and was told that smoking hastened it as it really fucked her blood flow. She was told to quit but never did, despite circa 10 heart attacks.

At least it made carrying her coffin easier.

Anyway, there must be a cheaper way to look and smell like a jakey

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guy at work was 40 a day a few years ago, was costing him around £5000 a year. I was always amazed how smokers could find money for their fags. the other thing that always amazed me about smokers is how they would fool themselves to excuse their smoking like "auld Jeanie round the corner smoked 60 a day and lived till she was 85 while ian was fit as a fiddle, never smoke or drank but dropped down deid while jogging, he was only 28..." smoke all you want then, that'll show them doctors!! or as you see on this thread, smokers telling themselves (a few ex smokers still saying this as well) that smoking looks or is cool....it really  isn't, not by a long way and that's not even going into the smell or taste it leaves.

it's the 1 thing I'm glad I never started, as I've seen mates who have tried and tried to give up but it's an incredibly addictive habit.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Col. John Hannibal Smith said:

Smoking is a great habit. 40 ciggies a day keeps the doctor away. Can't beat an after dinner cigar. Also can't stand c***s that smoke outside. Knew a twat that wouldn't let c***s smoke in his house, so when he came round to mine, when he wanted a beer he was chucked out onto the street while the rest of us smoked inside. Right daft b*****ds they anti smokers. Where's the ashtray and the packet of Bensons. 

f**k off, Donny.

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