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3 hours ago, McSpreader said:

Much of the talk around Independence is centred around Scotgood/Englishbad which to me is exclusivist and prejudiced



That is completely untrue. Would you be able to provide some evidence of this assertion: it'll be dead easy because that's what much of the talk is about. 

I don't mind people having a different view from me - that's natural and healthy. What I do object to is people just making stuff up to suit what they want to believe. 

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You admitted that your main reason for posting was to troll. That's basically it. I think you've made some decent points at times but no ones going to take them seriously when you're only here to troll.
Mr Bairn had the same problem.

The temptation is too much at times with the sanctimonious stuff that crops up on here.I do accept the point though.
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Once again folk rightly accusing trolls of trolling whilst others respond to the trolls trolling.

Much of the pish that certain Unionists post on on here don't merit any sort of sensible coherent response but some folk still take the bait hook, line and sinker.

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2 hours ago, Loondave1 said:

Oh aye and who made you the arbiter of what you can post like.The opening part was obviously in jest and anyone thinking it was a "lie" to deceive needs to get a grip.Also "having a pop" at Fide i think is legitimate if you disagree with the constant aggressive dismissive nature of his replies to anything he disagrees with.Also i never "greet" about other posters not taking me seriously as ive learned unless you follow the majority thinking on here you will get negative responses regardless of how you frame your posts.The lack of self awareness on here is pretty funny at times.

Whilst I will freely admit I do post before thinking on occasion, I do not think I have a "constant aggressive dismissive nature".

I do agree I could and perhaps should rein it in a little at times, but I like to think I've made a good deal of coherent points.

Love you x

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Whilst I will freely admit I do post before thinking on occasion, I do not think I have a "constant aggressive dismissive nature".
I do agree I could and perhaps should rein it in a little at times, but I like to think I've made a good deal of coherent points.
Love you x

Aye fair enough.Much hugs x
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On 11/04/2017 at 18:30, Antlion said:

In other words you don't believe Scotland is capable of electing governments to govern Scotland, and thus England should choose them for us.

Your hatred of the SNP is a smokescreen. You would oppose Scotland's sovereignty and statehood (which you believe are necessary things; it's just Scotland that should be denied them) if an independent Tory party were to gain power in iScotland.

You hate the SNP because they are a potential threat to your ideological belief in Scotland being forever a wee region of your desired state: an independent UK. Let's not pretend otherwise.

You're wrong in your analysis of my mind set, as always.

Too often your interpretation of my posts  highlight your own beliefs and prejudices and do not make any attemt to understand my own.

I ccould easily support a drive for an iScotland but not in today's toxic climate.

Your last sentence is just anger fuelled  as I have no hate and have never expressed hate but you're right that I am currently happy that the UK is the state I live in. That could change if it weren't for people like you and the Fidiot.


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13 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

You're wrong in your analysis of my mind set, as always.

Too often your interpretation of my posts  highlight your own beliefs and prejudices and do not make any attemt to understand my own.

I ccould easily support a drive for an iScotland but not in today's toxic climate.

Your last sentence is just anger fuelled  as I have no hate and have never expressed hate but you're right that I am currently happy that the UK is the state I live in. That could change if it weren't for people like you and the Fidiot.


Yet you supported Brexit in a climate of murder, abuse, xenophobia and anti-Europeanism. Judging by your posting history, you are far more motivated by hatred and anger than the people you project it on to.

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23 hours ago, Fide said:

Can you quote me one supporter of independence saying "Englishbad"?  That is not the same as Westminsterbad, remember.

So you don't think there's a better path to forge than one including Brexit, ideological attacks against the poor and disabled, slashing bereavement benefit, the rape clause etc etc?

I don't keep notes of what individual posters say . I'm not that obsessed but the Westminsterbad is, for a few individuals on here and out in the wider society, an  excuse to bring forth an underlying anti English/Welsh prejudice.  Prejudice is wrong wherever it comes from.

The ideological attacks etc you refer to are wrong and are happening because the SNP, Labour  etc have left it to the Tories to sort out the mess that is the social benefits system. It isn't fit for purpose, like anything that is used as a politcal football and therefore it is incumbent on those parties who do genuinely care about  supporting the vulnerable in society to create a system that doesn't reward cheats, feckless wasters.

I agree the rape clause is pure evil.

I'm happy with Brexit. We are so early in the negotiations I can't get too excited about it at the moment but my prediction is we will end up with a much softer Brexit than feared by Remoaners  as that will ultimately be the easiest and least negatively impactful way forward. Over a much longer timeframe we may well further extricate ourselves from the EU but I'm pretty sure the initial deal will retain many of the features and benefits we currently enjoy. If not, then the UK Gov't , and the EU have failed it's people.

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4 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

I don't keep notes of what individual posters say . I'm not that obsessed but the Westminsterbad is, for a few individuals on here and out in the wider society, an  excuse to bring forth an underlying anti English/Welsh prejudice.  Prejudice is wrong wherever it comes from.

I'm happy with Brexit. We are so early in the negotiations I can't get too excited about it at the moment but my prediction is we will end up with a much softer Brexit than feared by Remoaners  as that will ultimately be the easiest and least negatively impactful way forward. Over a much longer timeframe we may well further extricate ourselves from the EU but I'm pretty sure the initial deal will retain many of the features and benefits we currently enjoy. If not, then the UK Gov't , and the EU have failed it's people.

This includes your anti-EU prejudice, and your prejudice against Remain voters. You should be ashamed of yourself, by your own standards.

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5 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Yet you supported Brexit in a climate of murder, abuse, xenophobia and anti-Europeanism. Judging by your posting history, you are far more motivated by hatred and anger than the people you project it on to.

I have only ever said I love Europe  (not the eU) and European people.

I supported Brexit for my own reasons and not any body elses. It was to do with the push towards ever closer union and the creation of a totalitarian European Superstate ran from Brussels and Globalisation .

I have no hatred. You project your fears on to me  and your moral indignation.

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1 minute ago, Antlion said:

This includes your anti-EU prejudice, and your prejudice against Remain voters. You should be ashamed of yourself, by your own standards.

That's not prejudice it's a political position. Don't embarass yourself with that foolishness.....

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Just now, McSpreader said:


I have only ever said I love Europe  (not the eU) and European people.

I supported Brexit for my own reasons and not any body elses. It was to do with the push towards ever closer union and the creation of a totalitarian European Superstate ran from Brussels and Globalisation .

I have no hatred. You project your fears on to me  and your moral indignation.

Yet you have claimed that anyone who wishes to leave a political union is motivated by hatred of the other people and countries within that union. Ergo you must despise European people. You think a totalitarian superstate and ever closer union (one army, one state, one nation) on the British isles is a good thing, so it's clearly not the model of governance you object to (in fact, you love it). It must be union with non-British people you can't stomach. 

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1 minute ago, McSpreader said:

That's not prejudice it's a political position. Don't embarass yourself with that foolishness.....

I'm simply applying your own standards. You refuse to recognise support for Scottisb independence as a "political position", and instead repeat doggedly that it must be "prejudice". Therefore you admit that your own support for UK independence cannot be a "political position", but instead must be prejudice.

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1 minute ago, oneteaminglasgow said:


So, how exactly is wanting independence from the EU not based in prejudice but wanting independence from the UK is?


Especially when the reasons he cites for hating the EU are that it will do what the UK has already done (which is he thinks has worked out great and must be retained).

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On 4/12/2017 at 07:29, McSpreader said:

Much of the talk around Brexit is centred around UK OK!/Foreign Bad which to me is exclusivist and prejudiced.

I will be no more British after Brexit than I am now and I have no reason to think replacing any organisation or individual with a British alternative will make any improvement to my life.......possibly the opposite.


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46 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

the Fidiot.


It's noteworthy that the creator of this thread deems this and other outbursts from you as not worthy of commenting on.

29 minutes ago, McSpreader said:


The ideological attacks etc you refer to are wrong and are happening because the SNP, Labour  etc have left it to the Tories to sort out the mess that is the social benefits system. It isn't fit for purpose, like anything that is used as a politcal football and therefore it is incumbent on those parties who do genuinely care about  supporting the vulnerable in society to create a system that doesn't reward cheats, feckless wasters.


So, essentially, what you're saying is the ideological attacks on the poor and disabled of this country are, in part, the fault of the SNP?

Image result for riiiight

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A dystopic novel about the "totalitarian" EU would be the dullest thing ever. Fishermen moaning about quotas and grumbles about hearing German being spoken on the tube. Hardly up there with the Soviet Terror.

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10 hours ago, Antlion said:

I'm simply applying your own standards. You refuse to recognise support for Scottisb independence as a "political position", and instead repeat doggedly that it must be "prejudice". Therefore you admit that your own support for UK independence cannot be a "political position", but instead must be prejudice.

I don't see the push for independence by some people in Scotland and the leaving of the EU by the UK as being directly comparable.

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