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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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Not that I'm Corbyn's biggest fan but I wish more people, like you have, would realise that you shouldn't be basing your judgements on the Daily Mail etc. 
Eta. I'm using Daily Mail as an example, no idea if you actually read that or not. Point being the media is chock full of biased p***ks with an agenda.

Guardian mainly but susceptible to TV news vibe and i don't suppose the parliamentary Labour Party helped much either.
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Even the Guardian isn't exactly Corbyn friendly. The amount of out of touch Comment is Free articles is staggering, no wonder their begging messages are falling on deaf ears.

Yup.I like the Guardian and enjoy it but it always feels like its burning a candle for the Lib Dems to save it from endorsing Labour.
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Independence question from STV poll returned:

Yes 47% 
No 53% 

This just takes Unionist parties Vs Indy parties GE voting intentions does it not ?

Many non SNP voters vote Yes. Also does not take into account 16-17 year olds and EU nationals.

I'm assuming that so I could be wrong.
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39 minutes ago, Loondave1 said:

Guardian mainly but susceptible to TV news vibe and i don't suppose the parliamentary Labour Party helped much either.

Agreed, the PLP have as much to answer for, if not more, than the media on this one. 

That bunch of shysters and the embarrassment that is Slab is why I could never vote Labour, unfortunately. 

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Rudd's creepy wee closing statement last night is exactly why I'm going to get optimistic here. Last time, the Tories seemed to know something everyone else didn't. Pollsters, bookies, pundits etc had it touch and go and yet Cameron continued to act like he couldn't be arsed to run a General Election campaign. "In the quiet of the polling booth" tells me they're still confident of the shitebag contingent coming out and doing the business for them.

CCHQs polling is more optimistic than the public pollsters, or so I've been told.

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This is Amber Rudd's constituency.

Which is one of the reasons why I still don't get this YouGov model. It has Canterbury as too close to call and it's been Tory since the 1800s and would take some swing to change it. Apparently it also has some independent likely to win East Devon? Granted, she came a good 2nd in 2015, but I'd still be absolutely shocked.


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2 minutes ago, Sooky said:

Which is one of the reasons why I still don't get this YouGov model. It has Canterbury as too close to call and it's been Tory since the 1800s and would take some swing to change it. Apparently it also has some independent likely to win East Devon? Granted, she came a good 2nd in 2015, but I'd still be absolutely shocked.


Agreed that it seems strange. Have there been any boundary changes ?

This of course is a strange election with Brexit and IndyRef2 heavily influencing voting. I'm also beginning to suspect that the collapse of the UKIP vote isn't all going towards the Tories, with perhaps some former Labour voters drifting back due to Labour's pledge to implement (an albeit 'softer') Brexit.


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17 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

This is Amber Rudd's constituency.


I would be reluctant to read too much into that; I can recall YouGov having a load of Scottish constituencies 'leaning Labour' in the weeks directly preceding the 2015 GE - including some where they ended up losing by c. 10,000 votes. 

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Although it is interesting that if Amber Rudd plans on sticking around and being, as speculated, a possible Tory leader in the future, then she'd best hope either the boundary changes are good for her or find a better seat. That seat would easily go red as it did 97-2010 on a very good Labour night. She's had some rise since she entered Parliament in 2010 though.

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6 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

I would be reluctant to read too much into that; I can recall YouGov having a load of Scottish constituencies 'leaning Labour' in the weeks directly preceding the 2015 GE - including some where they ended up losing by c. 10,000 votes. 

I'd agree. Difficult to trust the pollsters now after the amount they've got wrong recently.

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