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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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3 hours ago, NotThePars said:

I find the demand for absolute independence to be a bit daft and the stuff of the 19th century or something tbh. The world's interconnected now and the Tories attempt to obliterate workers rights in a post-Brexit blitz shows that the politicians closer to home don't necessarily care more for you.

America ditching the Trans Pacific Partnership led Japan and other Far Eastern countries to speed up a deal with the EU, which means the tariffs for American farmers exporting to Japan average around 30%, EU tariffs are eliminated for 90% of agricultural exports. Similar is happening in other industries. Britain will be joining America with shitty trade deals and having to accept American crappy standards of health and animal welfare, along with opening up the public sector to US firms profit gouging. 

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I would vote for an independent Scotland.
I would then look forward to the discussion about Scotlands own relationship with the EU.
This. Although i really couldn't see me voting to join thr EU. I voted remain because leaving wasn't worth it but doubt I'd vote to join them. Not after the way they handled the refugees and Catalonia. c***s
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On 22/12/2017 at 10:33, Colkitto said:

Panelbase poll..  

I would vote for an independent Scotland within the EU - 49%

I would vote for Scotland to stay in the UK and leave the EU-  51%


16-34 year old 66:34 Yes

55+ 36:64

46% of 2017 Westminster Labour voters would vote Yes, while 14% of SNP voters would vote No

19% each of Better Together and Indy voters have changes sides since 2014.

Better times ahead again for the SNP by the looks of things if there is a soft Brexit as the deal over the RoI-NI border seems to require.

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  • 1 month later...

There was a Survation poll out yesterday, which despite the headlines and proclamations from yon Tories I found to be fairly positive. It was a multi choice on the constitutional future of the UK. It was commissioned by the 'Scottish independence referendum party'...

UK Status quo- 36%..

Independence- 32%

Devo Max- 17% 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Pressure on May if latest polls in London are correct. Labour set to win flagship Tory councils of Westminster, Wandsworth and Barnet in May's local elections. Best performance by any party in London for 50 years.


Edited by Bedford White
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On 2/6/2018 at 10:07, Loondave1 said:

36% is "almost the same number" as 32% apparently ? Education standards have really slipped badly.

They are firmly within the margin of error of a bog-standard poll, so yes they should be treated as being the same in this context. If there were twenty polls showing the above figures then 'there is a 4% lead for No over Yes' would be a statistically accurate and significant statement; that's not what has happened here though. 

Try picking up and reading a copy of 'Statistics for Dummies' if you're having any further problems grasping this straightforward concept. 


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They are firmly within the margin of error of a bog-standard poll, so yes they should be treated as being the same in this context. If there were twenty polls showing the above figures then 'there is a 4% lead for No over Yes' would be a statistically accurate and significant statement; that's not what has happened here though.  Try picking up and reading a copy of 'Statistics for Dummies' if you're having any further problems grasping this straightforward concept.    



Also depends on the weighting. I'd suggest that weighting reflects the last GE where Torys did well in Scotland.... weighted as Tory =Status Quo. Torys would collapse in Scotland now so would be weighted differently in future. As you quite rightly say differences are well within the margin of error. To put it into manfacturing terms; the machine has slight variations in output but the inputs and machine calibration has not changed..... statistical anomalies


^ bought a copy of Statistics for Dummies








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They are firmly within the margin of error of a bog-standard poll, so yes they should be treated as being the same in this context. If there were twenty polls showing the above figures then 'there is a 4% lead for No over Yes' would be a statistically accurate and significant statement; that's not what has happened here though. 
Try picking up and reading a copy of 'Statistics for Dummies' if you're having any further problems grasping this straightforward concept. 

No your fine mate. Will stick with 36 being bigger than 32 I've seen what polling can turn out like.
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On 2/26/2018 at 01:36, Loondave1 said:

A halfwit dishing out "moron" labels has a sense of deep irony. Actually "Morton" is "moron" with an added letter,deep deep kharma at work surely.

^^^ word salad

Wouldn't expect anything less from a cretin who can't even grasp basic statistics tbh. Oh and enjoy your permanent, seaside league oblivion as well.


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^^^ word salad
Wouldn't expect anything less from a cretin who can't even grasp basic statistics tbh. Oh and enjoy your permanent, seaside league oblivion as well.

Top banter once again and still using the same pic from about 3 seasons ago to illustrate your point. I have a feeling you're not too hot on stats yourself but pointing at others might prove a good distraction from your own stupidity. Your trolling of the lower league forums was like an even stupider Biff Tannen style gloating that saw you as an object of pity to all that witnessed it. Feel free to carry on as it's quite amusing really.
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