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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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1 minute ago, dogmc said:

Was he not pretty much bang on in Scotland (with the first reactions being utter derision from Yoon politicians)?

He had SNP winning 58/59 seats and I think the other (Orkney and Shetland) going Lib Dem. In the end, Mundell sneaked in by half a percent in Dumfries and Ian Murray picked up a relatively comfortable win with an increased share of the vote.

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He had SNP winning 58/59 seats and I think the other (Orkney and Shetland) going Lib Dem. In the end, Mundell sneaked in by half a percent in Dumfries and Ian Murray picked up a relatively comfortable win with an increased share of the vote.

In context of the time that was an outlandish prediction. The amazing thing is he was so close
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30 minutes ago, harry94 said:

He had SNP winning 58/59 seats and I think the other (Orkney and Shetland) going Lib Dem. In the end, Mundell sneaked in by half a percent in Dumfries and Ian Murray picked up a relatively comfortable win with an increased share of the vote.

Mundell did not get elected in Dumfries.

Richard Arkless of the SNP is the town's MP, for now at least.

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2 hours ago, badgerthewitness said:

I'm over a thousand miles from home & it represents the best medium for keeping track of people/events. What's your f*cking point?

You appear to be the sensitive soul that values your Facebook friends.  Soldier on. 

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19 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

Interesting piece from Stephen Bush - who is, in my opinion, probably the best political commentator in Britain at the moment - on the recent polls and whether Labour's 'surge' is real: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/june2017/2017/06/jeremy-corbyns-surge-labours-poll-boost-real.

That's a good piece too DrewDon. I said a week or two back that Corbyn doesn't actually have to win. Limiting the majority enough to weaken the Tory ramrodding of Brexit would be enough. When the EU start playing their games and progress is not meeting expectations (it won't take long) then Corbyn and Sturgeon can have their day in Westminster.

May is legendary for her fillibustering in Westminster. She and her cronies (Rees-Mogg) are bit players compared to the EU procrastinators. I wouldn't be surprised if we're back at the hustings by September. 

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14 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Pedant. You know what he meant - somewhere in the Borders. :P

Aye, very good.

I know I'm being pedantic, but it bugs me.  There's this lazy inaccurate perception that Dumfries is Tory.  It's not had a Tory MP for twenty years.

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The trend by YouGov and Survation lately could well suggest that Labour may take their first lead of the campaign tonight in those polls?

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