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2 hours ago, I'm Brian said:

Phil has moved on from making political points to outright personal attacks.

His argument has been lost and his credibility is in shreds. Poor Phil


You really have to wonder what drugs these Scotland In Union/Force for Good/Orange Order/Conservative and Unionist Party(North Britain Branch) dudes are taking.

Given the issues with drugs in Scotland at the moment, probably not the best thing to use to try and discredit people.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Why are PISA discredited?

Can't be bothered looking up detailed criticism, but here's some UK criticism of the methodology from Wikipedia


Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard warned against putting too much emphasis on the UK's international ranking, arguing that an overfocus on scholarly performances in East Asia might have contributed to the area's low birthrate, which he argued could harm the economic performance in the future more than a good PISA score would outweigh.[51]

In 2013, the Times Educational Supplement (TES) published an article, "Is PISA Fundamentally Flawed?" by William Stewart, detailing serious critiques of PISA's conceptual foundations and methods advanced by statisticians at major universities.[52]

In the article, Professor Harvey Goldstein of the University of Bristol was quoted as saying that when the OECD tries to rule out questions suspected of bias, it can have the effect of "smoothing out" key differences between countries. "That is leaving out many of the important things," he warned. "They simply don't get commented on. What you are looking at is something that happens to be common. But (is it) worth looking at? PISA results are taken at face value as providing some sort of common standard across countries. But as soon as you begin to unpick it, I think that all falls apart."

Queen's University Belfast mathematician Dr. Hugh Morrison stated that he found the statistical model underlying PISA to contain a fundamental, insoluble mathematical error that renders Pisa rankings "valueless".[53] Goldstein remarked that Dr. Morrison's objection highlights "an important technical issue" if not a "profound conceptual error". However, Goldstein cautioned that PISA has been "used inappropriately", contending that some of the blame for this "lies with PISA itself. I think it tends to say too much for what it can do and it tends not to publicise the negative or the weaker aspects." Professors Morrison and Goldstein expressed dismay at the OECD's response to criticism. Morrison said that when he first published his criticisms of PISA in 2004 and also personally queried several of the OECD's "senior people" about them, his points were met with "absolute silence" and have yet to be addressed. "I was amazed at how unforthcoming they were," he told TES. "That makes me suspicious." "Pisa steadfastly ignored many of these issues," he says. "I am still concerned."[54]

Professor Svend Kreiner, of the University of Copenhagen, agreed: "One of the problems that everybody has with PISA is that they don't want to discuss things with people criticising or asking questions concerning the results. They didn't want to talk to me at all. I am sure it is because they can't defend themselves.[54]

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PISA [emoji23]

Willie Rennie [emoji23]
Wow. The discredited statistically unsound Pisa figures from 2016. Hot news!
I like Nicola but education is not in a good place - and a lot of indicators over the next few years might show severe decline.

Denying criticism is seriously not helpful.

BUT why the f**k has someone posted a 2016 article? I'm guessing he didn't see/look for the date, which shows the level of intellect we're dealing with here with dafc. There really is no other sane explanation.
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17 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

I like Nicola but education is not in a good place - and a lot of indicators over the next few years might show severe decline.

Denying criticism is seriously not helpful.

BUT why the f**k has someone posted a 2016 article? I'm guessing he didn't see/look for the date, which shows the level of intellect we're dealing with here with dafc. There really is no other sane explanation.

Bad statistics give misleading results. That's a fact, whatever the true state of Scottish education.

I'm not defending the Scottish system, just pointing out that the figures DAFC has provided are discredited and way out of date.

The next PISA figures are due in December 2019. If they suddenly show Scottish education to be the best in the world (which they won't!), the current methodology will still be unsound.

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Fair enough if there is actual credible data to demonstrate Scottish kids are lagging.

Perhaps someone on the inside in Scotland would be able to comment; my experience of the English system in London was that children coming into year 7 (p7 for Scotland, but secondary is started earlier) all had to be retested because no one trusted the primary school data that followed the child into the secondary. And that was just in one borough with relatively good state schools. That was a localised issue. Expanded across a city and a country, I don't know how credible stats are collated on pupil performance with so much subjectivity built in from early on. Like a tolerance stack up in engineering.
And by the way, the two "good" and "outstanding" schools I taught in, with class sizes of up to 33, taught to the test as well, because league tables and funding.

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The SNP cannot be criticised. I get it.
The noisy militant minority are shouting down any criticism or counter arguments and actually persuading more people to vote no with their belligerent attitudes.
If it was a no brainer to vote yes then why did Scotland vote no?
Well you see it's because the majority are stupid. Ok then. Keep dreaming.

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The SNP cannot be criticised. I get it.
The noisy militant minority are shouting down any criticism or counter arguments and actually persuading more people to vote no with their belligerent attitudes.
If it was a no brainer to vote yes then why did Scotland vote no?
Well you see it's because the majority are stupid. Ok then. Keep dreaming.
You posted a 2016 article you fucking gimp.

I'm a teacher and I'm telling you there's a legitimate criticism to make - but not by using old fucking articles.

Read and work out what your sources actually are.
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The SNP cannot be criticised. I get it.
The noisy militant minority are shouting down any criticism or counter arguments and actually persuading more people to vote no with their belligerent attitudes.
If it was a no brainer to vote yes then why did Scotland vote no?
Well you see it's because the majority are stupid. Ok then. Keep dreaming.
You've quite clearly not read a single thing anyone has said since your 2016 Willie Rennie hot take.
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