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5 hours ago, HTG said:

Shannon, I'm missing football too but I'm looking closer to home at the sfa than the politicians as to why there's no football getting played beneath the SPFL. It's also worth noting that in England, where they were televising FA Cup qualifiers with crowds in last summer, no football is being played below the level where almost all clubs are full time and testing. 

I can't believe anyone thinks that they might not vote because the administration they want to vote for hates football. Countries across Europe have suspended football when it reaches a level that's not fully professional. 

You might disagree with the assessment but it's absolutely consistent with others in this position. 

They mentioned the sex pests too. 

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I've noticed Ruth Davidson claiming the SNP have passed their "high water mark" in interviews recently - I can't help feeling the upcoming Holyrood elections will be a watershed moment after recent events, a convincing win up for us Nats and it's just gonna be a question of when we get a second referendum but a poor showing will set the cause back a decade and who knows what the world will be like in the 30s?

Nobody comes out of the Salmond shitstorm well but I wonder if in a couple of years from now he'll wonder if playing for approval from the Express/Mail audience for a fortnight will have been worth it?

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7 hours ago, Shannon said:
7 hours ago, GordonS said:
I'm not voting SNP and even I think this is bonkers. 

Why? They hate football and the fans? Or am I missing something?

TBH football is just one issue that seems to have overtaken you and causing your dislike of the SNP going by the amount of posts you have made repeatedly on the same theme , well and god, that's how you feel and good luck to you but right now, as has already been said, we are in a global pandemic, by global that means that every other issue takes a back seat, football being one of them.

We have all got issues with this lockdown and for sure it will be with us for a long time to come.

I see that your team managed to play 9 games between Oct 2020 and Jan 2021, I hope that the club managed to stream them for the fans.

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9 minutes ago, btb said:

I've noticed Ruth Davidson claiming the SNP have passed their "high water mark" in interviews recently - I can't help feeling the upcoming Holyrood elections will be a watershed moment after recent events, a convincing win up for us Nats and it's just gonna be a question of when we get a second referendum but a poor showing will set the cause back a decade and who knows what the world will be like in the 30s?

Nobody comes out of the Salmond shitstorm well but I wonder if in a couple of years from now he'll wonder if playing for approval from the Express/Mail audience for a fortnight will have been worth it?

And when do you think you would likely have such a referendum if there was a strong result for the SNP at Holyrood? 

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10 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

And when do you think you would likely have such a referendum if there was a strong result for the SNP at Holyrood? 

It really should be as soon as possible, if the SNP achieve a majority in May.

As for the inevitable "now is not the right time" argument I'll throw it back atya - when will be the right time?

It's quite clear the Yoon answer will always be "Not Now".



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1 minute ago, btb said:

It really should be as soon as possible, if the SNP achieve a majority in May.

As for the inevitable "now is not the right time" argument I'll throw it back atya - when will be the right time?

It's quite clear the Yoon answer will always be "Not Now".



When is as soon as possible?

I'm not talking about what either of us would like I'm talking about likely outcomes. 

Do you think if there was a large majority Bojo would grant a referendum? 

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Just now, Stormzy said:

1. When is as soon as possible?

2. I'm not talking about what either of us would like I'm talking about likely outcomes. 

3. Do you think if there was a large majority Bojo would grant a referendum? 

1. As soon as possible to me means within the lifetime of the next parliament, preferably within two years.

2. You're not just talking about "likely outcomes" you also asked when I thought "as soon as possible" was. :smartass

3. Ultimately that's what the Yoon cause has been reduced to, fear that they'll lose a second IndyRef and the threat to use delaying tactics by deliberately misinterpreting Salmond's "Once in a generation" quote. Tactically I think BJ & the Yoons should go for one as soon as possible as refusing one will just make Yes a more likely outcome a few years down the line. In the circumstances of the SNP winning a large majority I think BJ would be open to granting a referendum after all he shafted the DUP less than a fortnight after saying  "there will be NO SURRENDER to the EU" at the 2019 Tory Conference.

Oh how the Unionists laughed at this at the time - they're not laughing now! Boris is hardly a man whose word can be trusted!

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1 minute ago, btb said:

1. As soon as possible to me means within the lifetime of the next parliament, preferably within two years.

2. You're not just talking about "likely outcomes" you also asked when I thought "as soon as possible" was. :smartass

3. Ultimately that's what the Yoon cause has been reduced to, fear that they'll lose a second IndyRef and the threat to use delaying tactics by deliberately misinterpreting Salmond's "Once in a generation" quote. Tactically I think BJ & the Yoons should go for one as soon as possible as refusing one will just make Yes a more likely outcome a few years down the line. In the circumstances of the SNP winning a large majority I think BJ would be open to granting a referendum after all he shafted the DUP less than a fortnight after saying  "there will be NO SURRENDER to the EU" at the 2019 Tory Conference.

Oh how the Unionists laughed at this at the time - they're not laughing now! Boris is hardly a man whose word can be trusted!

Bold to think Boris will hold that view imo. 

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3 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Bold to think Boris will hold that view imo. 

Even bolder to think Boris will hold onto any view, as I said his career has hardly been a model of consistency...

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1 minute ago, btb said:

Even bolder to think Boris will hold onto any view, as I said his career has hardly been a model of consistency...

I wouldn't say so. He's effectively briefing what I've said so I wouldn't say it's bold to think this would be the likely outcome if the SNP actually manage to get a majority. 


1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:



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11 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Do you think the party shouldn't have encouraged others to come forward?

I don't see how Salmond comes out with a W here if it comes down to arguing over interpretations if Sturgeon can, justifiably, point to the climate of the time the allegations initially surfaced.

There is no climate where they should be pressurising the police or stove piping evidence as the texts show Murrell was doing unless you choose to reinterpret his very clear messages as the committee have kindly done. 



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No football below league two? Even getting league one and league two going again was a major struggle and took months. They don't want our non league teams training and under 20s havent played competitive games for 1 year now outside SPFL players. They are constantly threatening to stop football due to behaviour of a few Old Firm supporters. What the f**k!! It wasn't that in November????

There is so much I as an SNP voter of 20 years I am hating of the SNP Government currently and it's really sad. The extreme hatred for folk like us who like football and care about the Scottish National team and the community clubs we have feels like the final straw. It's a disgrace and I could never vote any other way but the SNP don't care about football fans like me and why should I vote for them now? It's Labour mid 2000s all over again.

Irish Government have done same mate. It's for Public Safety.
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Well both my votes will be going to SNP but I do understand concerns of others. I believe SNP should stand on a manifesto which calls out a referendum at its heart. I also believe the Greens should do the same. (If they do they might get my list vote). Coupled with this both Nicola and Harvie should push the media everyday with the line an Independence majority in parliament is a mandate.
Assuming all this happens and then nothing happens, something will need to change.

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For the last 2 Scottish elections i have voted SNP1 and Green party as List vote. I will do the same again this year as i think the Greens do proportionately better in list vote. It may be that we least same number of Green MP's as now to secure pro Indy majority.

he bottom line is if we don't secure pro Indy majority and especially decent one it becomes much harder. Not only that you can be sure the UK Govt aided by their greedy lying press barons will do everything to try and stop Indy 2 from happening in next 20 years should we fail to secure Pro Indy majority in May.

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11 hours ago, pandarilla said:

That's the problem.

I feel the Scottish govt are getting my vote simply because there's no-one else better. Not a good sign.

I hope the greens get more influence.

Are you voting Greens on the list?

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