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I could be wrong, but I can't see a topic for this yet.


Anyone else picked this up?  I got it as it's made by Arkane Studios, the same studio who make the Dishonored series and released by Bethesda.

It's reviewed fairly well and, by all accounts, does pick up as you progress in the story.  I can't say I'm utterly hooked yet but there are a few novel ideas and it has a distinct Bioshock/ System Shock/ Half Life feel to it.  A Solid 8/10 so far for me, but I'm only about 6 hours into it.


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I've got it, really enjoying it actually - it's like some kind of bioshock/Half Life/ Dead Space hybrid.

The skill tree gives you a lot of different variations for play, I love the slightly useless weapons they give you - The Gloo Gun is versatile and there is a real charm about the Huntress Boltcaster - basically a Nerf gun that can be used to distract opponents in much the same way as the noise maker in Alien Isolation. Early in the game but there is so many situations you can't shoot your way out of that forces you to sneak around, or to fix a turret to shoot for you. The zero-G sections outside the station are well handled and look great. Indeed the whole thing has a highly stylized animation, rather than going for photo-realistic characters. Soundtrack is an awesome, retro synth score.

I've been using my neuromods heavily in the Engineer field, being able to move objects, repair and dismantle machinery and hack temrinals. Looking forward to unlocking the Typhon neuromods that let you take on some of the alien characteristics.

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Picked this up after playing the demo. It definitely reminds me of Bioshock which is great as I love that game. Having different ways of approaching certain scenarios is good. I'm not too far into it but the story has been intriguing so far. The graphics have been panned but I think they are fine. The mirrors in the game do look shocking though.

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I find the graphics more stylistic than below par - it lends to the overall atmosphere of the game.  I'm still not hooked about 6 hours or so into it.  I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not hooked the way I was with Horizon Zero Dawn.

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1 minute ago, The Diabolical One said:

I actually didn't like Fallout 4 tbh even though I enjoyed 3 and Skyrim.  Still have Witcher to play for a kind of an open world game and fancy getting the Hitman series next anyway.

If you're after an open world kind of game and you have a PS4, you NEED to get Horizon Zero Dawn.

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People love Horizon and rightly so because its a marvellous game and would probably appeal to more folk than most ps4 exclusives.

If you are interested in Yakuza 0 I can give it a thorough, heartfelt recommendation. Its certainly not a game for everyone by virtue of its oriental origins but its got a brilliant sense of humour, a rarity in games nowadays.

Also the sequel is coming out in August and they've already announced itll be 30 quid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spent around 10 hours playing this and really enjoying it. Exploring the Talos 1 space station reminds me of Bioshock. You can find out a lot of the back story and a few secrets by searching around. It is pretty difficult to start with and I had to drop the difficulty down to normal as it was rather frustrating to keep getting killed over and over again. The combat is nothing special until you start picking up the extra powers at which point you can start dealing with enemies in different ways. The lack of variety in enemy type hasn't annoyed me yet.

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Ended up putting in about 25 hours with various side quests to complete this. really, really enjoyed it. There are, I believe about 4 different endings based on decisions you take during the game. Combat by itself isn't exactly varied: The various enemies are decent at dodging, and there isn't really a cover system in the game, but the various neuromod powers give you a fair bit of variety in how you dispatch various opponents (I found machine mind really useful, once the clean up team of operators arrive from Earth to sterilize the whole place). Loved the weapons, the GLOO cannon is good value and adds a different dimension in terms of overcoming obstacles: you can hack your way through most things with enough neuromods, or you can hunt down the various key cards but usually there is an alternate route accessible by building bridges and steps with the GLOO cannon). The characterization is, in my opinion, well realized - it has to be given how much the story leans on the notion of empathy and morality. It's also got some pretty interesting things to say about the idea of identity and memory, reminiscent of Philip K. Dick, as the various story strands are built around the wishes of your character, or at least who they were between various neuromod removals (removing them resets memory back to when they were first installed, the implication being that your character's personality shifts substantially between neuromod experiments, and actually the various quest givers are quite sincere in that they think they are helping you achieve what you want, even when they are contradictory and set up conflict). So really, it's about playing the game as you'd want the character to respond: Mass Effect lite.

Graphics eschew photorealism for a highly stylized animation, which doesn't detract from the experience. The Talos One environments are well layered with plenty of scope for exploring - and the zero G stuff both inside and outside the station is well done - with the kind of retro-futurism décor: A lot of art deco influences. Sound design is really quite nice, love the soundtrack.

Overall, you can look at it and rattle of the various references: Bioshock, Systemshock, Dead Space, Half Life even Mass Effect (the good ones), and in truth it doesn't really add anything new, but it does synthesize the various derivative elements from those games into an entertaining package.

Edited by renton
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Sake, down to 27 quid for prime members, still not got started on Dishonored 2 shock I think was the developers previous work. By the time I get round to this second hand copies will be going for a tenner methinks.

I do love this style of game but it just doesn't have mass market appeal :(

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  • 2 years later...

Picked this up for six quid with all the DLC a while back and thought I'd give it a go. The designers were obviously big Bioshock/System Shock fans, and I also detected a bit of the old 16-bit cult classic D-Generation thrown into the mix too. Quite a bit of fun; throws you into a Shock-style infested space station and lets you get on with exploring the whole thing as you see fit from about an hour in, depending on whether you have the skills/keycards to get into different areas. It has its flaws that could have been improved upon in a (now-unlikely) sequel, but I enjoyed it quite a bit, and would consider it an essential purchase for any action/FPS fan when it goes on sale at three or four quid again.

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Thought Prey was a great game. Really enjoyed the story, characters and exploring Talos. The different powers and weapons gave multiple ways for completing certain tasks or fighting the enemies.

DLC was decent too but would have rather had a proper story driven campaign rather than what we got.

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