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"The ICT Thread - From the Premiership to the Seaside"

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Watched James Vincent and Miles Storey for Hereford last night.

James Vincent - never my favourite player but did really well in central mid. Will be useful at this level I feel. 

Miles Storey - really impressed. Some good runs and a decent hit for the goal. Sometimes runs out of ideas at the end but overall, I like him. 

Thank you. 

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Might sound dramatic/reactionary, however on reflection I think last night is one of the worst ICT performances I’ve seen. Absolutely dominated all over the park by a League One side. We were slow, insipid, toothless, unorganised and frankly pish to a man. Special shout-out to Kirk Broadfoot who already looks like the worst signing we’ve made in years.

And then Dodds comes out and says he’s not worked on the defence yet.

Is it time to start worrying?

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I really hope Dodds has the balls to drop Broadfoot. Each passing game makes it look like one of the worst signings we have made. Wasnt impressed when we signed him and am sure as hell not impressed after his performances so far. We were reasonably solid with Devine and Deas last season so the sooner we get back to that partnership the better. The fact Dodds made Broadfoot captain last night suggests he will start most games though. 

As for his ridiculous comment about not doing any work with the back four, surely that's where the foundations of any team is made. If you dont concede goals you dont lose games. Its unbelievable to be 9 days from the league season starting and he hasn't worked on the back four, madness.

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I wasn't exactly excited by the signing of Broadfoot in the first place but I was under the impression that he was more going to be de-facto assistant manager and registered as a player so probably in the squad most weeks but not playing that often.  It seems to be more that he's an out-and-out player though.  The choice to make him captain is also telling - he's experienced yes, but he's only been in the door five minutes.  I thought Aaron Doran was vice captain, but he seems to have been replaced already.  Ridgers has captained the team in the past as well and I would have Carson further up the pecking order. 

I didn't see the game last night but when I saw Broadfoot against Peterhead I thought he was alright - his passing out from the back was good but he wasn't really tested defensively.  Against Stirling he was mediocre - he's as slow as a week in San Quentin and coming up with anyone with pace and he'll be absolutely roasted.  When Devine replaced him on Saturday, he looked much more reliable.  

Obviously we can't write Dodds and Broadfoot off yet but I think it's pretty clear both have been jobs-for-the-boys appointments.  For three games in a row now we've played a 4-2-4 formation and at least against Stirling (and I assume against Cove too) we've been dominated in midfield and looked very vulnerable on the counter.  We all want to see us attack and play with wingers but the days of getting away with only two central midfielders are over.  4-3-3 might work, 3-5-2 is maybe an option as well.  If 4-2-4 sees us getting dominated in midfield against Cove and Stirling then what'll happen to it against the likes of Kilmarnock and Dunfermline?!

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How bad is the ICT defence at the minute? Well, just look at the opening goal for Cove last night:

For me it all starts with Harper being sat too far behind Deas and Broadfoot covering McIntosh coming off the right flank. Harper tries to pass him on to Broadfoot and moves out to half heartedly close down Fyvie (which he doesn't need to do as Doran and Allardice could get there quicker) whilst Deas is occupied by a run forward from Megginson, who initially dropped off the front line to receive a short pass pulling Deas out from the back, and then angles his run in behind Harper pulling Deas away from the middle and McIntosh positions himself in between the now massive gap between our two CBs neither of whom can recover in time to block the shot.

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On 21/07/2021 at 08:47, Girth said:

Watched James Vincent and Miles Storey for Hereford last night.

James Vincent - never my favourite player but did really well in central mid. Will be useful at this level I feel. 

Miles Storey - really impressed. Some good runs and a decent hit for the goal. Sometimes runs out of ideas at the end but overall, I like him. 

Thank you. 

I come in peace as a County fan, but having seen plenty of both players over the year, this is very much a “wow, a blue car!” Type post.  Miles Story will occasionally look great.  Most of the time he won’t though.

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