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9 minutes ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

Surely the problem with Maloney, but by no means unique to him or Hibs, is bringing in a manager mid-season who wants to play an entirely different style and doesn't have the players to do it.  The amount of clubs who do this always baffles me.  Don't get me wrong, he might be useless as Cathro ended up being but if you want that kind of completely new style then you have to commit to it.

Jack Ross wasn't the appointment of the CEO.  They fired him far too hastily in the middle of the season and in a cup final instead of showing some loyalty to the guy who got us third.  Why?  My opinion is if he won the cup then he couldn't be punted even in the summer.  So instead we get a rookie manager with dreams of attacking free flowing football and in reality we have to watch Drey Wright kicking about the place.  

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6 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

Jack Ross wasn't the appointment of the CEO.  They fired him far too hastily in the middle of the season and in a cup final instead of showing some loyalty to the guy who got us third.  Why?  My opinion is if he won the cup then he couldn't be punted even in the summer.  So instead we get a rookie manager with dreams of attacking free flowing football and in reality we have to watch Drey Wright kicking about the place.  

I thought Ross was a bit unlucky to be sacked tbh, but it's the lack of a coherent succession plan that makes it worse.   I mean we lurched dramatically between styles Neilson left and all it does is give you a massive turnover of players and the hope it'll come good.

I mean there's no only one model for success I suppose but Ross to Maloney doesn't seem well planned

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7 minutes ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

I thought Ross was a bit unlucky to be sacked tbh, but it's the lack of a coherent succession plan that makes it worse.   I mean we lurched dramatically between styles Neilson left and all it does is give you a massive turnover of players and the hope it'll come good.

I mean there's no only one model for success I suppose but Ross to Maloney doesn't seem well planned

Yep.  I wasn't completely adverse to Ross going but we needed someone better to come in to succeed.  Sound out a manager who is going to improve us before sacking him.   Instead we sacked him for a few reasons and look at the shambles now.  I've zero confidence Maloney will bring in the players in the summer to change things.  Rons laddie will be in charge of who comes in and the beauty of a rookie manager for them is being able to dictate to that. 

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Ross was a ticking time bomb, although sacking him before the final was a bit snide, he did deserve to go imo, the football was shite. (not much better atm but I'll come to that)

Our main problem this year has been injuries. Magennis has been crocked since September after a promising start, Hanlon has been out since January (came on late vs Aberdeen), Haven't even seen Harry Clarke kick a ball since joining. There has been a plenty more, plus suspensions etc...

Maloney came in trying to get the team to play a particular way. I don't think he will get punted, he'll get the summer and the start of next season for sure. I'd say Jasper has been his stand out signing, he's the only player who wants to run with the ball, although his end product could be a lot better at times. Mueller has been pretty underwhelming since joining. Our defence in recent weeks has been a back 3 with one centre back. Porteous is a very good footballer despite what people want to think, his temperament/mentality definitely needs looked at.

The whole season has been pretty uninspiring, however we are somehow still on for a 4th place and a cup final or we will get bottom 6 and pumped by Hearts. I'm siding with the latter.

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Maloneyball has been utterly pish so far. There’s no escaping it. The fact that Drey Wright has made himself into a first pick every game is baffling. I know we’ve got injuries but f**k sake.

Theres no chance Maloney goes before the summer imo. Only a relegation would see that happen.

A big overhaul is needed (again). I think I’d only 100% want three or four that started the last game to be here next season. 

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I will ask this ahead of the match thread; do Hibs still play ‘Sunshine On Leith’ before kick off at Easter Road?

Without a doubt the best football ‘anthem’ in Scotland.


Not really unless we win a Derby or a big game. 

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13 hours ago, Hoose Rice said:

I would love Stubbsy back.  

I wouldn't but I respect your opinion. Remember had we not won the Scottish Cup in 2016 Stubbs would have got his jotters at the end of that season after the failure against Falkirk and finishing 3rd in the Championship. He put a team out that couldn't defend either cross balls or long throw ins from Peter Houston's horrible team. Lennon came in and hardened that team up and made it play ugly when it needed to. You saw that when he signed Grant Holt who in his first league game battered the shit out of the two Falkirk Centre backs. 

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16 hours ago, Hoose Rice said:

Jack Ross wasn't the appointment of the CEO.  They fired him far too hastily in the middle of the season and in a cup final instead of showing some loyalty to the guy who got us third.  Why?  My opinion is if he won the cup then he couldn't be punted even in the summer.  So instead we get a rookie manager with dreams of attacking free flowing football and in reality we have to watch Drey Wright kicking about the place.  

You're probably right about this, but I always think most clubs are wimps in this regard.

There's not many examples of this about, but Southampton and Brentford have both shown that parting ways with a successful coach because you want to go in a different direction can work absolutely fine, despite the inevitable howls from the media when you do it. There's this idea that a coach who is doing a good job must stay. Businesses don't work like that. You change direction and look for new ways of doing things. Then you commit to it.

Hibs should have shown a bit more backbone about it and if he won the cup, just deal with it later. 'Jack did a great job, hero for winning the cup, leaves with our thanks. But we want to go in a different direction now'.

But most clubs would think in the same way. Football is addicted to the idea that you have to wait for things to be bad before you make a change and you can't get rid of someone who's had success recently. It's really stupid.

Bringing in Maloney is fine, but not ripping everything up mid-season and setting him and the team up to fail.

Edited by VincentGuerin
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Hibs statement:

"We can confirm that our appeal against Brian Porteous' sending off against Aberdeen has been successful, and the SFA has kindly agreed to extend Brian's suspension to four games. Hibs would like to thank the SFA for their cooperation in this matter."

Edited by Steve_Wilkos
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29 minutes ago, Steve_Wilkos said:

Hibs statement:

"We can confirm that our appeal against Brian Porteous' sending against Aberdeen has been successful, and the SFA have kindly agreed to extend Brian's suspension to four games. Hibs would like to thank the SFA for their cooperation in this matter."

Aberdeen fans really need to move on from the obsession they have over RP.  

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Just now, Kyle Reese said:

It is good to see the SFA finally making an effort to clamp down on his cheating and clogging. It has been a long time coming but at least it is a start.

Sadly they never did clamp down on Elvis, the biggest ,clogging cheat there's been for a long time. 

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6 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

Sadly they never did clamp down on Elvis, the biggest ,clogging cheat there's been for a long time. 

That’s all in the past, mate. It’s the here and now we need to concentrate on. We won’t make a better future for our children by trying to go back in time.



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I just don't see eye to eye with this concept that we're shite to watch, either now or under Ross. 

We may not be particularly effective, and we could certainly do with better players in the middle of the park to make it all tick, but with what we've got at the moment and indeed under Ross I thought we did about as much as we reasonably could to play it on the deck.

It's certainly not the levels that we saw under Lennon in that half season where we were particularly fun, but sadly that's a little bit of a flash in the pan.

If we're wanting to see anything better we might just have to stick it out, be patient, trust process, blah blah, because endless firing/rehiring/rebuilding doesn't exactly produce more than this. 

I appreciate that for the prices we pay it's not really good enough but there has to be some realism about where we are and how we get to where we want to be.  

That or we hire Neil Warnock and fully embrace dinosaur football and bring in the players for it, not totally against that either tbh but I'm not sure it'd go down particularly well. 

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