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Junior football, what is the future?


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10 minutes ago, BTID said:

Am I right in saying if it went to a vote now regarding the options within junior ranks, the west would outnumber east and north combined? Ie if the juniors are to have a position the west can control the outcome then it goes back to the PWG for discussion and feedback from other parties before a decision is made?

Are you suggesting a second jexit referendum ? :rolleyes:

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3 minutes ago, BTID said:

Am I right in saying if it went to a vote now regarding the options within junior ranks, the west would outnumber east and north combined? Ie if the juniors are to have a position the west can control the outcome then it goes back to the PWG for discussion and feedback from other parties before a decision is made?

As I said above, I doubt there's any "voting" to be done in the sense of finding a winner, all that's going to happen is feedback on each of the four suggestions.  I guess pros and cons for each one.  There might even be other suggestions made?  Perhaps if there's positive feedback from all parties on one or two particular suggestions, then Petrie/PWG will take these forward and forget the rest.    That's my take on it anyway.

That said, are the SJFA going to go back with feedback broken down by Region, or will it be one overall   "here's what the majority think/prefer"?

There's not much wiggle room left to get any of this accepted for next season.

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27 minutes ago, BTID said:

Am I right in saying if it went to a vote now regarding the options within junior ranks, the west would outnumber east and north combined? Ie if the juniors are to have a position the west can control the outcome then it goes back to the PWG for discussion and feedback from other parties before a decision is made?

63-70 (32+38)

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1 minute ago, jimbaxters said:

Does that answer the post or are you testing our BODMAS knowledge?

answer the post :)

63 West Region clubs compared to 70 clubs in the other regions. 32 in the North and 38 in the East. So the West Region could be outvoted if there was a SJFA wide vote.

If that helps anyone thinking it's a maths quiz.

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Re the misinformation campaign, does the existence of the community clubs change things here? They will presumably be in attendance at meetings, Will they try(or even have the chance) to dispel the myths?

Re hanging out and taking the pot of gold at the end, I would assume come the end of the SJFA that a huge chunk of held funds would go to TJ’s redundancy?

Edited by parsforlife
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1 hour ago, Beenzon-Toste said:

Surely if Burnieman's info is right, it's a possibility.

It was abundantly clear last season that the EoS and LL are not going to agree to this and they have an effective veto because changes to the LL entry playoff format require their approval, so it's difficult to see a scenario unfolding in which it could happen. It's also not clear that the ERSJFA could sustain a 16 club east feeder (due to the travel demands involved), which is what the SFA were saying last year was needed at tier 6. The north and south sections the ERSJFA have this season would be a much better fit for tier 7, which will no doubt be one of the reasons that option two is in there as well.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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14 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

Burnieman's info also said it was included at the request of the SJFA. Knowing full well it's been voted on & rejected already.

My info was that it was pointed out at PWG that this suggestion had already been rejected, but TJ wanted it included.

Then we hear that the ERJFA are telling clubs that they could be in at tier 6 next season.

Make up your own mind over motive.

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21 hours ago, cmontheloknow said:

Would require reinstatement as it would be a transfer. Can assure you they sign players separately and there can be no nebulous moving from one to another without a transfer and reinstatement to Junior.

They've been doing it, however its done.

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My info was that it was pointed out at PWG that this suggestion had already been rejected, but TJ wanted it included.
Then we hear that the ERJFA are telling clubs that they could be in at tier 6 next season.
Make up your own mind over motive.
The part of Burnieman's info I'm referring to is the SFA suggestion of a LL split.
LL West feeders being the WRSJFA and SOSL and LL East feeders being ERSJFA and EOSL.
That means all 4 feeders are at Tier 6.
That would tie in with the mandate of the SJFA for both Region's entry at the same level.
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1 minute ago, Beenzon-Toste said:

The part of Burnieman's info I'm referring to is the SFA suggestion of a LL split.
LL West feeders being the WRSJFA and SOSL and LL East feeders being ERSJFA and EOSL.
That means all 4 feeders are at Tier 6.
That would tie in with the mandate of the SJFA for both Region's entry at the same level.

But thats why it would be discussed. That may work if the ersjfa just became Tayside and the rest joined EOSFL.

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The part of Burnieman's info I'm referring to is the SFA suggestion of a LL split.
LL West feeders being the WRSJFA and SOSL and LL East feeders being ERSJFA and EOSL.
That means all 4 feeders are at Tier 6.
That would tie in with the mandate of the SJFA for both Region's entry at the same level.
Anyone asked the SPFL on this? My guess is no, and again ERJFA and EoS at the same level covering the same area is a non starter regardless of how it is dressed up.

Plus, there's a boundary to consider, and the opinion of the LL, and there's the problem that some ERJFA WL clubs don't want to travel to Tayside, hence north and south split this season.

Just get west in next season as a first step, and then work on the east and north later. TJ in full job saving mode it seems.
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1 hour ago, Beenzon-Toste said:

The part of Burnieman's info I'm referring to is the SFA suggestion of a LL split.
LL West feeders being the WRSJFA and SOSL and LL East feeders being ERSJFA and EOSL.
That means all 4 feeders are at Tier 6.
That would tie in with the mandate of the SJFA for both Region's entry at the same level.

The issue is that the SPFL will want the clubs in the leagues below it at tier 5 to be fully licenced. At the moment, that won't be possible if there's two lowland feeders. Remembering as well that the SPFL wasn't keen in the first place to have two feeders rather, so three will be a major leap, although it makes sense.

The realistic option is for the Highland/Lowland parallel leagues to continue and a West league to come in at tier 6. Once the number of licenced clubs starts to climb, then three leagues at tier 5 could be revisited.

I can't see how the ERJFA en masse can ever come in a tier 6, there's just too many issues in overlapping geography, promotion issues with the Highland/Lowland boundary that the PWG has no power to resolve.

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The only viable option in the discussion paper is option W, West region moves over intact alongside SoS and EoS, ERSJFA and NRSJFA still outside.

Of the others X has already been kiboshed, rightly. Y is just a different version of X but moves ERSJFA down a level. Pointless for the same reason. Z is another version of X which splits the LL (which the SPFL clubs oppose) but inexplicably keeps the ERSJFA at Tier 6 alongside the EoS premier, which is why option X has already been rejected due to overlapping league's.

There's some merit in Z in terms of a LL split to East and West, but absolutely no reason to then have ERSJFA at Tier 6 alongside EoS which has been rejected already.

As should have happened last year, West moved in current structure to Tier 6, option W, job done for 2020/21.

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1 hour ago, Exvale said:

The future is brilliant take my team Darvel Juniors crowds increasing every week. A bus to every away game and a special appearance by santa to give the kids presents "NOW THAT'S THE FUTURE" and it's growing every week

The problem for the west it probably wont get as big a bounce as the east have got as nothing will really change. Our crowds are up about 50%. The east clubs have had a resurgence like glenrothes might come so easily in the west as it's the same.teams still looks like will be sjfa 

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