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Good Scottish bands

Miguel Sanchez

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For reasons I still can't fully understand, remember or which may not have actually existed in the first place I've decided to start listening to noted Glaswegian noise-enthusiasts Mogwai. This got me thinking of this name-checking list from The Twilight Sad's seminal 2015 Barrowland Christmas Extravaganza:


This song is for em, Mogwai, Aereogramme, Arab Strap, Frightened Rabbit, We Were Promised Jetpacks, Errors, RM Hubbert, all the people, I'm forgetting people, but all the people that have supported our music and made tonight possible for us and given us everything. Thank you very much for giving a f**k about our band. The Delgados, Camera Obscura... this country just makes fucking good music.

Share tales of your favourite Scottish music here.

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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Urusei Yatsura, Life Without Buildings, Aereogramme, Mogwai amongst my favourites still. More recently Fuath

Here's a cautionary tale, as a spotty young teenager I walked into a Virgin record store and seen a display for "new Scottish bands" can't recall all the albums that were there but not really knowing of any of them I wanted to get one and randomly narrowed down to the Travis debut vs Mogwai Young Team.....plumping for the Travis effort. Needless to say I found my way back to the light side in time but what a disastrous 'sliding doors' type situation that could have been when I think back on it. I can only imagine in horror my life now if I'd become a Travis-type music fan.

Looking back, the artwork, band names, everything about the Mogwai record was 100 times more exciting so lord knows why I went for Travis! I just wasn't ready I guess

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Couple that haven't been mentioned, the fratellis (the debut album was very good when it came out) and the view (won't be for everyone but seen them a few times and always decent). Not saying they're up there with the best of the best Scottish but worth adding to the long list imo.

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I will be charitable and say both albums have aged very, very poorly.
Ed - both debut albums that is, f**k knows what sort of horror they produced afterwards

Fratellis I couldn't name you a single song since the debut album. Might bt have aged well but was massive at the time.
The view have turned out some decent songs since the debut album. Like I say, no way the best Scottish bands but worth a place in a long list.

There's bound to have been a tv programme running through the top 50 Scottish bands or something?
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2 hours ago, 8MileBU said:

Biffy are overrated art-student dross.

Glasvegas should have every bit of their music wiped from existence and never be spoken of again.

I like Biffy.

Glasvegas are fucking dreadful though.

8 hours ago, Boostin' Kev said:

teenage fanclub. 

Got there before me.

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Couple that haven't been mentioned, the fratellis (the debut album was very good when it came out) and the view (won't be for everyone but seen them a few times and always decent). Not saying they're up there with the best of the best Scottish but worth adding to the long list imo.

The Fratellis are very underrated imo. There's some absolute belters on all 4 albums. Also Jon Fratellis solo album was decent and his band with Lou Hickey, Codeine Velvet Club had quite a few great songs.
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