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C**** on a Train

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I once observed @AsimButtHitsASix spray warm, Tesco own-brand cider over some H*n from Auckinleck on the platform at Paisley Gilmour Street.

It was wonderful.


ETA - IIRC it was the day we beat Stranraer 8-0 in the League Cup and Amy Winehouse died. A vintage day.

Edited by BishopLenBrennan
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15 hours ago, JamesP_81 said:
15 hours ago, GordonD said:
If the rest of the coach is practically empty why are you sitting in their reserved seat?

If I get on at Motherwell and I see a table seat empty with 'reserved from Glasgow' as we pull out of Motherwell I can then stop my hunt for a seat that is unreserved on the assumption that whoever was designated that seat has chosen to sit elsewhere/travel on another train/has died. As soon as I have decanted all my gear, plugged in all devices needing charged and got myself comfortable queue the said person finally bumbling their way into the carriage after getting lost somewhere along the train. C*nts.


5 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

In which case you tell them to bolt as the seat isn't 'theirs' until Glasgow

I think he's trying to say that the train started from Glasgow.

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I fucking hate c***s who come on, sit at the table I’m at with those stupid fucking white headphones on yapping away on their phone the whole journey about f**k all. Loads of work talk about nothing. Man works in financial services which is probably why. c**t’s skin is in a terrible state, all red and blotchy. No fucking wonder. What kind of mad work-obsessed gimptard is blabbing on about work before he actually clocks on? f**k him, the c**t.


I was quietly reading Band of Brothers on Kindle when he got on at Kinghorn. Ruined the atmosphere so much that I had to move to a different table.


I am getting a lot of violent urges these days.


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34 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

I fucking hate c***s who come on, sit at the table I’m at with those stupid fucking white headphones on yapping away on their phone the whole journey about f**k all. Loads of work talk about nothing. Man works in financial services which is probably why. c**t’s skin is in a terrible state, all red and blotchy. No fucking wonder. What kind of mad work-obsessed gimptard is blabbing on about work before he actually clocks on? f**k him, the c**t.

One day this thread is gonna have the opposite c**t as a poster.

Can just imagine a reply to this with someone complaining about some arsehole on the train giving him dirty looks for spoiling his reading of his shitey war novels at Kinghorn.

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One day this thread is gonna have the opposite c**t as a poster.

Can just imagine a reply to this with someone complaining about some arsehole on the train giving him dirty looks for spoiling his reading of his shitey war novels at Kinghorn.

Possibly, if they weren’t so busy talking shite on their phone.
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It's a sorry state of affairs when Edinburgh's stockbrokers have to commute in from Kinghorn


c**t had 6 “business units” as well and he wasn’t bothered about Mike fucking off to a rival as him and Jake had it covered.


Oh, and he’s having a poker night this evening. High times.

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29 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

One day this thread is gonna have the opposite c**t as a poster.

Can just imagine a reply to this with someone complaining about some arsehole on the train giving him dirty looks for spoiling his reading of his shitey war novels at Kinghorn.

c***s on a thread who dont know Band of Brothers isnt a novel ;)

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13 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

Caught short and had to crap on a train and the c***s who load the toilet with paper had not done so. Train tickets are too slidey and no substitute. Not at my freshest after that.



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Me, the missus, her pal and her fella were waiting on the train to Brighton from Blackfriars yesterday. Got on and spied a wee block of four seats and were about to get on it when some middle aged farter of a woman popped up from the two seats across from it and planked herself on it even tho' she could clearly see the four of us heading toward it.

There was no table there, she didn't have loads of bags, she didn't need the (non existent) socket to charge her phone, she wasn't changing the direction she was facing. Just decided she wanted to sit in the wee four seat space rather than the two.

On Remembrance Sunday as well. This is not what my grandfather died for! Although, to be fair, he did survive the war and died in the 60s.

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2 hours ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Me, the missus, her pal and her fella were waiting on the train to Brighton from Blackfriars yesterday. Got on and spied a wee block of four seats and were about to get on it when some middle aged farter of a woman popped up from the two seats across from it and planked herself on it even tho' she could clearly see the four of us heading toward it.

There was no table there, she didn't have loads of bags, she didn't need the (non existent) socket to charge her phone, she wasn't changing the direction she was facing. Just decided she wanted to sit in the wee four seat space rather than the two.

On Remembrance Sunday as well. This is not what my grandfather died for! Although, to be fair, he did survive the war and died in the 60s.

Three of you should have sat in the remaining seats, with the other just across the aisle.

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12 minutes ago, The Master said:

Three of you should have sat in the remaining seats, with the other just across the aisle.

And the person facing her continually standing on her feet or kicking her ankles. Accidentally, of course.

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