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My work gives out £50 per site for everyone to go out for a Christmas meal. Some sites have thirty-odd people.

I'm technically my own department, so it wouldn't be fair to give me £50 for myself. So I get hee-haw. Merry fucking Christmas.

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The unpaid overtime I did was due to being thrown onto new roles and receive zero training or help.
Basically all over the place during the day and thought that this was the only way to learn and ensure a less stressful time further on.
The obvious question was why not ask for training. There is no training.
Most others either refuse, dont get asked or do it badly.
End result was then getting more roles and the same thing repeats.

On the positive side I managed to find a psychologist online who is excellent and explains everything as matter of fact.
She's an expert on toxic workplaces and mobbing and her videos links it all together.
I think that validation is the most helpful and why I've gone daft on here because people tried to joke about it or blame me.
What I've realised is that certain people are damaged and don't realise it but unfortunately these traits of confidence and being able to control others is seen by clueless employers as leadership material when most of the time its one side of a jekyll and Hyde psychopath personality.
They need to cause chaos, humiliate and ruin people. Its just who they are. If you react or attract attention to it then you will be a target. So best to be inept, sycophantic and disinterested than skilled, self reliant and engaged.
Bizarre but true imo.

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15 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

The unpaid overtime I did was due to being thrown onto new roles and receive zero training or help.
Basically all over the place during the day and thought that this was the only way to learn and ensure a less stressful time further on.
The obvious question was why not ask for training. There is no training.
Most others either refuse, dont get asked or do it badly.
End result was then getting more roles and the same thing repeats.

On the positive side I managed to find a psychologist online who is excellent and explains everything as matter of fact.
She's an expert on toxic workplaces and mobbing and her videos links it all together.
I think that validation is the most helpful and why I've gone daft on here because people tried to joke about it or blame me.
What I've realised is that certain people are damaged and don't realise it but unfortunately these traits of confidence and being able to control others is seen by clueless employers as leadership material when most of the time its one side of a jekyll and Hyde psychopath personality.
They need to cause chaos, humiliate and ruin people. Its just who they are. If you react or attract attention to it then you will be a target. So best to be inept, sycophantic and disinterested than skilled, self reliant and engaged.
Bizarre but true imo.

It takes just one toxic person to turn a workplace to shit.

I used to think that employers were just really poor judges of character. Now I tend to think these toxic people are far enough along the psychopath scale that they are able to present themselves plausibly to managers as just driven, ambitious types.

The unseen damage they cause to others must be immense.

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The unpaid overtime I did was due to being thrown onto new roles and receive zero training or help.

That bit reminded me of a boy I knew at college who was dead chuffed about having a job offer before graduation. Bumped into him a few months later on the way home from work and he looked miserable. He'd arrived on his first day and was told to start writing a program in C++.

"Err...I don't know C++. We only did Pascal at college"
"Go read a book. On your own time, mind"

Apparently he'd spent the first couple of weeks sat at his desk trying to look busy until his midnight book reading started to pay off.
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It’s interesting that the person that red dotted that does the same type of thing on here. Contributes little and causes chaos and puts others down.
All in the name of ‘doing the right thing’ for the forum of course.

Like I said, wired differently. It’s a scratch they need to itch. Just look at their post history and involvement in toxic threads.

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4 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Is there anyone, in any company in the world, who leads a "Social Committee" that isn't a complete fucking weapon? 

If I ever own my own company and have to interview anyone, my first question will be "Do you have any desire to be the head of the Social Committee?" and if the answer is "yes" the trapdoor opens.

Invariably populated exclusively by overweight "I'm mad, me..." cat ladies who have joined to drown out the screaming loneliness in their souls and the odd wee pointy-shoed drone who think it'll look good on his CV and might provide an opportunity for "networking"

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3 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

It’s interesting that the person that red dotted that does the same type of thing on here. Contributes little and causes chaos and puts others down.
All in the name of ‘doing the right thing’ for the forum of course.

Like I said, wired differently. It’s a scratch they need to itch. Just look at their post history and involvement in toxic threads.

You are a paranoid wreck who has claimed that multiple jobs you’ve had have been “toxic”. The reality appears to be that you you engineer these situations yourself or imagine them.

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4 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

Invariably populated exclusively by overweight "I'm mad, me..." cat ladies who have joined to drown out the screaming loneliness in their souls and the odd wee pointy-shoed drone who think it'll look good on his CV and might provide an opportunity for "networking"

The first person is pretty much the exact description of my last works head of social committee, who I sat next to.

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7 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

The first person is pretty much the exact description of my last works head of social committee, who I sat next to.

I imagine it's fairly universal. That type gravitates towards organising monolithic all-inclusive events like Xmas dos as deep down they know it's all they're getting an invite to. They're also prone to a meltdown after the meal when people start surreptitiously disappearing in groups of pals to somewhere they actually want to go to: "We need to all stay in one group..!"



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27 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

You are a paranoid wreck who has claimed that multiple jobs you’ve had have been “toxic”. The reality appears to be that you you engineer these situations yourself or imagine them.

Gaslighting 101 folks.

No, only two jobs from seven. One was just one person another was a group. You seen to have created a reality rather than look at how you behave at times. It has made me more cynical and jaded and prone to standing up for others, I don’t see this as a bad thing.

I get it you’re different and see things differently. That’s fine. If you enjoy hurting other people then good luck, it will probably get you promoted.

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That bit reminded me of a boy I knew at college who was dead chuffed about having a job offer before graduation. Bumped into him a few months later on the way home from work and he looked miserable. He'd arrived on his first day and was told to start writing a program in C++.

"Err...I don't know C++. We only did Pascal at college"
"Go read a book. On your own time, mind"

Apparently he'd spent the first couple of weeks sat at his desk trying to look busy until his midnight book reading started to pay off.
Never got on too well with C++, C was fine but object oriented stuff did my head in back in the day.
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31 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Gaslighting 101 folks.

No, only two jobs from seven. One was just one person another was a group. You seen to have created a reality rather than look at how you behave at times. It has made me more cynical and jaded and prone to standing up for others, I don’t see this as a bad thing.

I get it you’re different and see things differently. That’s fine. If you enjoy hurting other people then good luck, it will probably get you promoted.

And there’s the go to term for you “gaslighting”, surprised it took as many as 3 posts.

”enjoy hurting people” by giving a red dot to another whinging work post from you. Mental.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

And there’s the go to term for you “gaslighting”, surprised it took as many as 3 posts.

”enjoy hurting people” by giving a red dot to another whinging work post from you. Mental.

Enjoy your promotion, you evil, evil man!

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Just now, D.A.F.C said:
4 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
And there’s the go to term for you “gaslighting”, surprised it took as many as 3 posts.
”enjoy hurting people” by giving a red dot to another whinging work post from you. Mental.

Youre an Internet troll. Well done.

You’re the biggest fucking troll of them all with this continual woe is me shite about your work. 

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3 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

You're the absolute fucking poster child for this sentiment. You've spent years on here complaining about your work and your neighbours and the countless situations where everything you think and do is right, but everyone's against you. You've employed various coping mechanisms about it when you do, usually "I'm too nice" or "too honest" or "I care too much" and yet, despite all of this you don't do anything to try and fix those problems. If you're right, why haven't you taken it to someone who can do something about it? If your organisation is so corrupt and intolerable, why have you stuck with it for so long? Better yet, why do you seem to enjoy spending so long on here complaining about it?

Don't be surprised that people are fed up with your shite, because it's been going on for far longer than anyone with any sense would tolerate. Now you've started doing on P&B what you say you do in real life. You're transferring your own faults on to everyone else. Everyone's being mean! They're making things up about me! It's all their fault! The worst part here is you have the cheek to try and appear magnanimous when you're doing it. Wind your fucking neck in and take some responsibility for your own life instead of telling yourself everyone else is wrong and you're always right.

If I could greenie this post more than once I would. Absolutely spot on. 

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