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3 minutes ago, nacho said:

the final verdict means nothing of the sort, the sc was clear that we used a legal tax scheme like many other clubs, it was a civil case which has no guilty/ not guilty verdict and it was only finally established last week that the money was actually owed, there is nothing in sfa/spfl rules that give them the power to deal with legal tax avoidance, so all that is left is the side letters that have already been dealt with

I don't really give a flying f**k about any of this, but if your tax avoidance was legal, why do you think you (or 'the company that used to own the club') have been hit with a tax bill of £50m? 

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10 minutes ago, nacho said:

you do realise that we still had large amounts of money available to us until after we were using ebts, you are talking nonsense

Eh? Did you miss the whole liquidation bit? Not having enough money to pay the creditors? It was in the news and everything.

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17 minutes ago, nacho said:

there is already proof that they werent inellgible - lord nimmo - case closed, my post was redundant, for the obvious reason that there is no case to answer

There's not proof; there's an opinion. 

There was a case to answer.  I too suspect that this is closed.  It's thoroughly unsatisfactory though.  You just like it because it matches your preferred outcome.  

You can't defend it as fair or right - you're just able to say that's the way it is.


Imagine being pleased with that.

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49 minutes ago, nacho said:

it has ended, you and a few other morons bleating on the internet isnt going to change anything, its already done and dusted

He's actually saying that it's over.

You don't read well, do you?

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The fact that Rangers could have paid the wages / attracted the calibre of player anyway & subsequently went bust has nothing at all to do with any of this.
Rangers chose to make illegal, undeclared payments without notifying the footballing authorities. Start & finish.
Titles should be voided, an enquiry into the conduct of the SFA & SPFL should take place.

But, nothing will happen.

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3 hours ago, Insaintee said:

it's got 6-1,  and moshni going into melt down and disgracing your new team's name. 


Cracker of a left hook tho, Irwin's jaw being pulverized



3 hours ago, Insaintee said:

Worked with you:lol:

Dumfries' version of the Fonz.

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2 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Eh? Did you miss the whole liquidation bit? Not having enough money to pay the creditors? It was in the news and everything.

Give them a break there Joey, it isn't easy seeing much while wearing blinkers and blue tinted sunglasses.

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6 hours ago, Insaintee said:

The club not only questioned the ruling but did not pay. There are plenty of precedents. And in terms of civil action LNS/the SFA stating no going back on the is irrelevant. 

And as stated LNS took the loans to be loans and there for a benefit in kind that should have been declared. The ruling declares them to be payments (or the moneys going into the trusts as payments) and there for Rangers are now guilty of the more serious issue of making undeclared cash payments to their players. Completely different and more serious. 

Also none of the other clubs were able to make any representation so again grounds for other clubs to appeal.

Finally the LNS inquiry was NOT a SFA tribunal but some sort of semi-detached invention that has never happened before or since. The whole thing may well be deemed contrary to SFA rulings in challenged. 

My point is that both clubs and fan groups can now challenge this ruling. And the SFA does have the potential if not the appetite to re-investigate the case. One way to do this is to hold an inquiry into the role of Ogalvie in this fiasco and get that whole can of worms opened. 


I did quote "SPL commission" did I not? The whole thing sucks and sucks so fucking hard it hurts because both associations colluded together to bury Rangers durty deeds.

Fan power?, could work but you'd need just about fans from all the clubs applying sooo much pressure on their club to basically to have a vote of no confidence in both boards of the associations to have anything done even if it's an asterisk beside their tainted honours. You don't need to void them as I think an asterisk beside each trophy will hurt the fucking diehard **** knowing there was a "sidenote" har har :lol: noting the trophy they won was tainted by Rangers FC's immorality for all time.

You are absolutely right about Ogilvie, he is the c**t who could have stopped Rangers FC from using the EBT scheme as far back as 2003 when he became the SFA's treasury director and knew what the EBT scam was. I think we can safely lay blame to one man who could have ended Rangers cheating and eventually brought the whole game in Scotland into disrepute. Rangers FC are the c***s who started all this and then landed it right on our doorstep like a huge shite and forced a cover up or we'd have UEFA & FIFA involved. That would not end nicely for our game.

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4 hours ago, nacho said:

it has ended, you and a few other morons bleating on the internet isnt going to change anything, its already done and dusted

You are seriously one huge fucking idiot of the highest magnitude. Tedi. Try to actually read the content of my posts ffs.

Idiot. :1eye

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42 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

You are seriously one huge fucking idiot of the highest magnitude. Tedi. Try to actually read the content of my posts ffs.

Idiot. :1eye

He's not Tedi.

Tedi was many things, but he wasn't actually a stupid bloke.

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1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:

He's not Tedi.

Tedi was many things, but he wasn't actually a stupid bloke.

Are you quite sure about that MT?

First he kept posting tons of links from the internet that only ever backfired on him making him look stupid. Then he resigned from a public forum thread saying he had had enough only to haunt the fucking thread giving out rep on the BRALT. Finally he returned back to said thread making a c**t of himself posting shite. Deleted probably hundreds of his posts to cover up his stupidity which was caught in quotes from posters replying to his pish. Got himself banned for quoting the forums rules for fucks sake? :lol: Started to argue and insult many posters over the last couple of years before he got binned because he just couldn't back down and say he got it wrong, instead he picked certain or particular phrase or part of a post to circumvent the his stupidity by trying to claim a moral victory like he was right in the first place. Then there is Tedigate! nuff said there. Reduced to logging in only to give Benny all his 50 greenies a day, and the worst of all using child molestation to score points..... there is plenty more and that was just off the top of my head. He was a thick poster who liked to argue and never said sorry if he got things wrong. He won't be missed and Nacho has the very same M.O.

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32 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

Are you quite sure about that MT?

First he kept posting tons of links from the internet that only ever backfired on him making him look stupid. Then he resigned from a public forum thread saying he had had enough only to haunt the fucking thread giving out rep on the BRALT. Finally he returned back to said thread making a c**t of himself posting shite. Deleted probably hundreds of his posts to cover up his stupidity which was caught in quotes from posters replying to his pish. Got himself banned for quoting the forums rules for fucks sake? :lol: Started to argue and insult many posters over the last couple of years before he got binned because he just couldn't back down and say he got it wrong, instead he picked certain or particular phrase or part of a post to circumvent the his stupidity by trying to claim a moral victory like he was right in the first place. Then there is Tedigate! nuff said there. Reduced to logging in only to give Benny all his 50 greenies a day, and the worst of all using child molestation to score points..... there is plenty more and that was just off the top of my head. He was a thick poster who liked to argue and never said sorry if he got things wrong. He won't be missed and Nacho has the very same M.O.


But you got on ok with him?


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23 minutes ago, bennett said:


But you got on ok with him?


At first maybe until he got me 3 warnings and tried to have me banned for homophobic remarks after I fucked up a post. Endlessly arguing with him other many threads for days. No I do not miss the fud after his shite.

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12 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

The fact that Rangers could have paid the wages / attracted the calibre of player anyway & subsequently went bust has nothing at all to do with any of this.
Rangers chose to make illegal, undeclared payments without notifying the footballing authorities.

The payments were not illegal.  Silly. That they were undeclared was acknowledged and punished by the then SPL.

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14 hours ago, Insaintee said:

The club not only questioned the ruling but did not pay. There are plenty of precedents. And in terms of civil action LNS/the SFA stating no going back on the is irrelevant. 

And as stated LNS took the loans to be loans and there for a benefit in kind that should have been declared. The ruling declares them to be payments (or the moneys going into the trusts as payments) and there for Rangers are now guilty of the more serious issue of making undeclared cash payments to their players. Completely different and more serious. 

Also none of the other clubs were able to make any representation so again grounds for other clubs to appeal.

Finally the LNS inquiry was NOT a SFA tribunal but some sort of semi-detached invention that has never happened before or since. The whole thing may well be deemed contrary to SFA rulings in challenged. 

My point is that both clubs and fan groups can now challenge this ruling. And the SFA does have the potential if not the appetite to re-investigate the case. One way to do this is to hold an inquiry into the role of Ogalvie in this fiasco and get that whole can of worms opened. 


I mentioned this the other day.  The LNS Commission was set up by the SPL, not The SFA.  The SFA has already stated they won;t take the matter further (rightly).  The now SPFL hvaen;t said much, but they won't.

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2 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

And I thought semantics wasn't your game? :lol:

I pick and choose.  They weren't illegal, though.

I'm more concerned about traffic chaos in Motherwell, though.  How come Hamilton Road is closed?

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