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The Worst Posters in P&B History (2017 Edition)

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I’m not sure if this is sarcasm or whether or not you ever appreciated my input but a lot changes through the passage of time sadly and I’m not sure I can ever revisit those dizzy heights again.

What? [emoji38] 
He was awful back then as well.

Im being serious although entirely basing this on the "Stephen Fry/Dad" post which is one of the funniest things I've ever read on here. This desperate pally patter and cliquey in joke shite makes me want to stab myself in the face.

"Throbbers gf hahahah lolz"


"Shandon Par wears dodgy loafers? Hilarious!"
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32 minutes ago, throbber said:


What do you bring to the table exactly? The only post of yours I remember is when you spoke about your weekends mostly consisting of “dating” as if you are some sort of sex in the city wannnabe.


I wouldnt say shagging £10 a go crack head prostitutes constitutes dating to be honest.

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17 minutes ago, Boostin' Kev said:

Mrcat is right GN on P&B is brutal.  I actually spend a bit more time reading the Shed on jambo brokeback.

Your input seems to be posting about rap, awful trainers and boxing, trolling wrestling fans and kissing Nizzy's arse. If you don't like it then f**k off.

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7 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

Your input seems to be posting about rap, awful trainers and boxing, trolling wrestling fans and kissing Nizzy's arse. I'd you don't like it then f**k off.

All solid contributions to the relevant subforums. I don't see the problem here, but I suppose I'll never see eye to eye with a Jarvis Cocker fan that chooses to live his life in  Hamilton.

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2 minutes ago, LinkinFighter said:

Indeed it was, I venture in now and again and it's painful reading. I voted yes, but some of the Yes clowns who post in there are embarrassing.

I voted YES too but get a bit of stick from friends etc for being a Labour party member as I treat party political issues and Scotland's constitution as seperate entities, id imagine id get similar stick in the politics forum were I to venture in there....



....although I get stick on here regardless anyway 8)

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12 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

Creating the politics forum was a masterstroke.

I recall XBL was raging when it was created.   He was convinced Div moved it to suppress the Yes campaign.   

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6 minutes ago, Finch road said:

Good to see the resident beige non entities slagging people who post in this section. The exact types of arsehole that are raging when their mate wins a coupon.

I probably would be raging if you won a coupon tbh.  Are you not one of the Morton lunatics that was involved in the online spat with WTM or VT?

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