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The Worst Posters in P&B History (2017 Edition)

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The fourth worst poster in P&B history, with 52 points and 3 first place votes:

A large proportion of this list has been motivated by posts made in the political forum. Wthe exhile for good or bad there are few subjects in the world today as divisive as politics. This being a Scottish football forum the predominant subject in this area of the past ~five years has been independence and the referendum(s), but that's not the case here. Our poster is a confirmed yes voter, so you'd think there's at least some sort of redeeming quality within him.

Sadly, no. While near enough everyone on this list, certainly everyone on the top ten offers some sort of redeeming quality to balance their awfulness - where would we be without infinite laughter at 8Mile's expense, or bennett frequently explaining why horses are allowed to shite in the street? - there is nothing here. None at all. The few subjects he holds reasonable views on are so few and far between I can't even bring any to mind, and the lengths he goes to on matters where he is a complete are are so exhaustive there are barely any specifics left to hold against him. You just know he's a c**t.

Your words:

"A lovely mix of an utter fantasist and a c**t. Using his fantasist existence to pass off his cuntish world view."

"Reynard lite"

"An absolute Walter Mitty who clearly has a shit dead-end job and spends his time concern-trolling threads in the Politics sub-forum and being absolutely owned on almost any subject matter he tries to debate. He definitely earns about £8 per hour and has a younger female boss who finds him very creepy. He's been utterly slapped about on subjects like Benefits, HR and Uni Degrees but keeps coming back for more. A complete and utter simpleton."

"Just a scumbag Walter Mitty."

"bitter old sacked school teacher who thinks youngsters are stealing from his meagre pension."

"An absolute fantasist and not even entertaining with it."

He has a PhD, you know, and runs his own business, you know. These alleged credentials mean that not only is he better than you but he knows more than you about absolutely every social and political issue he cares to vomit all over the forum about, regardless of the extent to which he is repeatedly disproved or the expertise of those who disprove his hateful rubbish. Who could forget jupe explaining at length how benefits work and why, only for him to stick to his own version? It takes some brass neck to be comprehensively proven wrong on a subject and slither off never to be heard from again, our poster should be put on a plinth for his ability to stick with it in the face of overwhelming and conclusive evidence to the contrary of everything he says.

So as the fourth worst poster in P&B history @oaksoft will no doubt tell us that everything said here is wrong. He was voted in first place by the first person to send me a ballot, nobody likes him, nobody takes him seriously. And so he carries on, ceaselessly into the wind. A perpetually angry and ignorant man with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

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