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Believe it or not I thought that was another great episode, although nothing but plot and situation setting-up happened with absolutely no action, I think it augers well for the finale, where I think some serious shit is going to go down!!!

As an aside, has Michelle Yeoh had some disastrous plastic surgery or is she in Gary Oldman/Darkest Hour style make-up, I seem to remember her as being quite hot but she now looks like her face has melted!!! 

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I'm the opposite. Head-in-hands, Oh my God this is just getting worse. Plot Twists! Back from the dead! More plot twists! It's like watching the latter series of 24 again. I am so sad about Star Trek: Disco.  It could have been excellent, but it's just trashy Sci Fi. Even Dark matter had more gravitas than this drivel. 

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That whole episode felt rushed.  I think they should have had them getting home from the MU to find out they'd lost the war as the cliffhanger for the end of the series.  They seem to have written themselves into a corner and not left enough time to finish the series properly and now they're running out of time.

I hope the next episode manages to give a satisfying ending before setting up the nest season.

"Good" Lorca being rescued from Qo'nos, anyone?

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Well that was a big letdown!!!
The best part of it was the last 30 seconds and the end credits theme!!!

Oh and finding out the fun fact that Klingons have two pissholes!!!

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Bit of an anti-climax.

Agree that seeing the Enterprise & old theme was the best bit.

Was kind of hoping for a TNG-type cliffhanger.



We ended up with an ending like from the original films where everyone gets a medal & applauded by Star Fleet.

Edited by Slenderman
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Bit of a disappointment that. Even the medals stuff - let's totally ignore the other crew and not even say their names but we'll let Burnham have the floor for however long she wants it. Star Trek has always suffered from telling us about stuff rather than showing us stuff and the ending seemed to fall into that category. And the clunky exposition about the spore drive was very poor. The ending was interesting though. Does Saru take over or is Lorca maybe on the Enterprise?

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10 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Bit of a disappointment that. Even the medals stuff - let's totally ignore the other crew and not even say their names but we'll let Burnham have the floor for however long she wants it. Star Trek has always suffered from telling us about stuff rather than showing us stuff and the ending seemed to fall into that category. And the clunky exposition about the spore drive was very poor. The ending was interesting though. Does Saru take over or is Lorca maybe on the Enterprise?

Saru is Captain until they get to Vulcan to pick up his replacement, whoever that might be.

I liked the look between Sarek and Burnham when the Enterprise appeared.  Spock is supposed to be on there, but I have a feeling that might be at least part of what S2 will be about, a search for Spock, if you will.*















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Yeah I know, but you'd imagine the producers will be wanting Jason Isaacs back. He was clearly the "name" actor they needed, warranting an "and" in the credits and having his name listed when he wasn't even in an episode. I'd like him back too tbh. I wonder if Bruce Greenwood (or even Zachary Quinto) will make a cameo on board the Enterprise at the start of s2?

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Really enjoyed season one, not the most trekky but a good a sci fi and nowhere near as boring as TNG.

Only real moan is what they've  done to the Klingons, it wasn't broken and didn't need fixed. 

Real Lorca as the new Captain?


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Whatever/whoever it is the Enterprise is running from, it was an emergency distress call they put out to Discovery wasn't it, or did I pick that up wrong???

Whatever the unknown enemy/opposition is, reckon they'll have Lorca locked up somewhere, this new Vulcan Captain gets the chop quite quickly and Lorca slips back into the chair!!!


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  • 1 month later...

Looking at those tweets, bringing back Gary7 is a really good idea, it would probably be a better story than the Harry Mudd arc anyway!!!


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