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The Tennents Lager Appreciation Society

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On 30/03/2018 at 18:07, Bully Wee Villa said:

Just arrived in Scotland for the weekend. Can't wait to get stuck into my first sexy Tennent's.


Letting the flat out while you're away ?

Hope you enjoyed it mate, and the vitamin T. ;)

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1 hour ago, Twinkle said:

Looks a lovely pint but what the f**k is going on with that beer mat? emoji38.png

Haha! It was in The Wine Library in Falkirk, they probably don’t sell a lot of draught Tennents.

Also came served with a bowl of crisps.

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13 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:


That sounds and looks utterly vile, why would you drink such a thing?


Purely because it was called A Duffy Special. Also an indication of how pished I was at the time. Not my finest hour.

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