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26 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

So because he takes the easy way out and kills himself rather than face up to what monstrous he’s done he’s suddenly a hero?

Not for me, but you fire in.

You might also like to check out Hitler. He also killed himself. You clowns should be all over him.

Re-read the initial post you made and how it could be construed by someone on here who may have contemplated suicide in the past, or has a friend/family member who has.

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1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

So because he takes the easy way out and kills himself rather than face up to what monstrous he’s done he’s suddenly a hero?

Not for me, but you fire in.

You might also like to check out Hitler. He also killed himself. You clowns should be all over him.

Nobodies calling him a hero.

I hope you don't ever have to experience someone close to you taking their own life.

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I doubt we'll ever hear what he was accused of now. It would be unsettling to find out that instead of the lovable cuddly bear he thought he was, woman actually saw him as a  creepy groper. Probably more serious than that though.

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7 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:

John Prescott's son has been suspended after allegations made against him.


2 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:

You used a term commonly and dismissively used towards people who commit suicide which I'm sure you know is offensive and inaccurate.

Those that are pious should perhaps take some care on comments 

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Apologies for sharing the entire article (even more so as it's from The Sun) - but it's kind of the point. I don't know where to start with this one - the woman in the article sounds like she's had to put up with all manner of sleazy shite in the time she worked in Westminster - but juxtaposing that with lots of sexy snaps of her  would be pretty poor, even by Sun standards. But some of the photos seem likely to have been provided by the woman herself, so er.... :blink: 

I've got no illusions about the way the tabloids work or that people will do anything for a few quid or some publicity - but if that was the case, it would be in pretty poor taste....

Also - given that she left in 2015 and mentions an SNP MP as a serial sleazebag - from a time they only had 5 (male) MP's - it doesn't take much imagination to come up with a shortlist....



Former Westminster bar manager claims she was pestered for sex by up to 30 MPs — including one who ‘groped her on the bus’

Alice Bailey, who worked in Parliament’s notorious Sports and Social Bar, reveals she was 'regularly pestered for sex by men working in Westminster'

By Andrew Parker
8th November 2017, 10:29 pm
Updated: 9th November 2017, 11:25 am

A FORMER Westminster bar manager told how she was repeatedly pestered for sex by up to 30 MPs — including one who followed her out and groped her.

Alice Bailey, 25, who worked there for nearly four years, said some spent all day boozing — occasionally popping back into the chamber to vote before carrying on drinking until late.

Alice Bailey worked as a bar manager at Parliament’s notorious Sports and Social Bar

Alice Bailey worked as a bar manager at Parliament’s notorious Sports and Social Bar

Many behaved like “obnoxious old pervs”, she said, adding: “They fancied their chances because I was just a young barmaid and in their minds they were very important people who presumed I would be available.”

But she went on: “They were such creeps. It was pathetic as they were nearly all married and at least twice my age.”

Alice, who started working as a barmaid at Parliament’s notorious Sports and Social Bar – run by a social club and regulated by the House of Lords -when she was 19, told how:

  • ONE SNP MP begged her for sex two hours into her first shift;
  • A VETERAN Labour member sank 12 pints then followed her home and groped her;
  • A WELSH MP spread lies about bedding her after she confronted him about his womanising;
  • MPs enjoyed regular drunken snogs in corridors with researchers before heading back to their families;
  • A PLUMBER visiting the bar told an MP to shut his mouth after he made lewd comments;
  • BOOZY MPs and guests would regularly get through five bottles of Jagermeister a night.

Alice goes on to reveal that she was repeatedly pestered for sex by up to 30 MPs

Alice goes on to reveal that she was repeatedly pestered for sex by up to 30 MPs

Alice believes the MPs ‘fancied their chances’

Alice believes the MPs ‘fancied their chances’
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Alice Bailey parties with pals on holiday in Portugal

The notorious Sports and Social Bar is in earshot of the Commons voting bell, so boozy members can nip to and from the chamber.

Alice, who started there in 2011, said: “They trot out and vote and pop back for a refill. What a life.”

She told how a Labour MP once had his first pint of Guinness at noon and was the only one left when she served him his 12th at 11.15pm.

Alice said: “He leaned over the bar and asked me – all slurry – to go back to his flat for a whisky.

One night an MP followed her out of work and ‘groped her’

One night an MP followed her out of work and ‘groped her’

Alice worked in the bar for nearly four years

Alice worked in the bar for nearly four years

“I had heard him bragging about sex before and knew he was after more than just a bit of company.

“He was old enough to be my grandad. I had a boyfriend and told him ‘No’ in no uncertain terms.”

She then locked up and left, but saw him loitering as she headed to a bus stop for the journey home.

Alice went on: “I assumed he would give up and got on the bus. But I was stunned when he hopped on as well and sat down beside me.

“Then he grabbed my thigh quite aggressively and said, ‘So what about that whisky, Alice?’ I screamed at him, ‘Just f*** off.’”

She jumped off and asked her bosses the next day if she should go to the police — but was told nobody would believe her.

Tune into Julia Hartley-Brewer for more on this story…





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She explains how some MPs spent all day boozing and would occasionally pop back into the chamber to vote before returning

She explains how some MPs spent all day boozing and would occasionally pop back into the chamber to vote before returning

After working at the bar, Alice realised what powerful people MPs are and she just felt like a kid behind the bar

After working at the bar, Alice realised what powerful people MPs are and she just felt like a kid behind the bar

Alice said: “I realised in that moment what powerful people MPs are and I was just a kid behind the bar. Then to add insult to injury the MP came in with a youngish woman on his arm and smiled, as if to say, ‘Don’t worry I got another one’.”

Alice also reported another womanising MP who tried it on with her two hours into her very first shift.

She rejected the married SNP member’s pleas for her to go to his hotel room — and her manager later identified him without her even naming him. Alice recalled: “My boss said straightaway, ‘He’s always at it, just ignore him.’”

She said she was propositioned by up to 30 MPs before she left in 2015 – many from Northern and Scottish constituencies who were away from their families.

This sign was in the Parliament Sports and Social Club but has since been removed

This sign was in the Parliament Sports and Social Club but has since been removed

The former barmaid says that most MPs think of themselves as ‘God’s Gift’

The former barmaid says that most MPs think of themselves as ‘God’s Gift’

Alice said: “A lot of the MPs were put up at the Park Plaza Hotel just over Westminster Bridge.

“Many thought they were God’s Gift as they appeared on telly or in the papers. They would whisper their room number or drop the key card on the bar. It was pathetic.”

Alice, who was once ordered by her boss to wear a sexy Santa outfit for a Christmas party, also told how a Welsh Labour MP spread malicious rumours about her.

She said: “I saw him snogging a woman in a corridor one night.

“The next week he was upset, saying his wife was threatening to leave. I told him he should stop messing around with other women.

The sports and social club at Westminster is run by a social club and regulated by the House of Lords

The sports and social club at Westminster is run by a social club and regulated by the House of Lords

Alice even experienced lies and false rumours spread the commons about her

Alice even experienced lies and false rumours spread the commons about her

“A few weeks later I found out he had spread false rumours that he had slept with me. I was livid.”

Alice said members would regularly make obnoxious comments about her backside, and “say in lewd detail what they’d like to do”.

Teams of builders doing work at the Commons were said to be “appalled” by their behaviour. Alice, from Walsall, said: “I remember a plumber told one MP to shut his dirty mouth after he had been talking openly about sex in front of me. He was embarrassed for me and put him in his place.”

Alice called the cops the night Labour’s Eric Joyce got involved in an infamous punch-up there in 2013. The Sun also told last week how a sign there read: “What happens here stays here! Violators will be shot — survivors will be shot again.” It was taken down the next day.

Alice describes some of the MPs behaved like ‘obnoxious old pervs’ around her

Alice describes some of the MPs behaved like ‘obnoxious old pervs’ around her

Alice reveals how another MP tried it on with her two hours into her very first shift

Alice reveals how another MP tried it on with her two hours into her very first shift

Alice said: “I would stand there some nights and think it was unbelievable these are the people running the country. Most Thursday nights the bar would be rammed because most MPs went home on Friday and those who stayed over were partying with researchers.

“Nearly everyone would get paralytic on countless pints and shots.

“We would go through five bottles of Jagermeister and there would be all kinds of snogging and cuddling in the corridors. God knows what went on over in the Park Plaza.”

LIB Dem leader Sir Vince Cable last night admitted the party had let down victims of sexual harassment after claims it tried to cover up a rape allegation.

Thursday nights at the Westminster bar would be rammed because most MPs went home on Friday

Thursday nights at the Westminster bar would be rammed because most MPs went home on Friday
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Should possibly have worn dungarees and been interviewed by the Guardian if she wanted to make a serious point about this.

Of course she should be able to go around naked and not be subject to 30 old ugly guys pestering her for sex but I think that might only happen in some sort of alternative universe.


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1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:

Should possibly have worn dungarees and been interviewed by the Guardian if she wanted to make a serious point about this.

Of course she should be able to go around naked and not be subject to 30 old ugly guys pestering her for sex but I think that might only happen in some sort of alternative universe.



There's nothing thoughtful about it at all. It's complete trash.

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20 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


An article in which she recounts an incident when she was followed home and groped by an MP is 'complete trash' because she's provided a few revealing photos?


 That's pretty much why I shared it - the pictures serve to trivialise/detract from the subject, when you would think that it should (even in the Sun) have been a serious piece that led to investigation or charges being brought. It also leaves the woman open to accusations from the usual places that "she brought it on herself" and all that sort of shite....

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1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:



An article in which she recounts an incident when she was followed home and groped by an MP is 'complete trash' because she's provided a few revealing photos?


Do you think including semi-nude photos of someone in an article about their experience of sexual harassment or abuse legitimises or detracts from the point she wants to make?

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1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:


An article in which she recounts an incident when she was followed home and groped by an MP is 'complete trash' because she's provided a few revealing photos?


So you think it's not trash?
You think that it's a classy, eloquently written piece. Really groundbreaking, thought provoking, Pulitzer prize journalism that's going to strike at the heart of the matter.


Each to their own I suppose.

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