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Alex Salmond show on Russia Today


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I will go out on a limb here.The guy is finished.Not to say his profile won't still be high but as a serious politician.Nah.

Mate, if you dont think that Salmond could get back into Holyrood if he really wanted to then you are even more deluded than you come across. I doubt he will though, hes achieved everything there is to achieve in Scottish politics. Trolling yoons is his specialty now and they bite every time.....its delicious.
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Mate, if you dont think that Salmond could get back into Holyrood if he really wanted to then you are even more deluded than you come across. I doubt he will though, hes achieved everything there is to achieve in Scottish politics. Trolling yoons is his specialty now and they bite every time.....its delicious.

"He's achieved everything there is to achieve in Scottish Politics".Maybe I'm being picky but i think perhaps there was a glaring lack of achievement on one of his policy goals.Maybe just me though..
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5 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

Welshbairn sharing RT links, who'd have thunk it? The Kremlin claims another... :whistle

I watch RT and Fox News occasionally, and they both do some decent documentaries and shows. But comparing their attempts to be truthful with the BBC on news is laughable. Of course the BBC have an institutional bias towards the centre ground of politics, and are London centric as was proven in their coverage of the indyref, I think more from ignorance than malice. They thought the SNP were a minor fringe loony force like UKIP or their more extreme comrades, until the polls freaked them out in the last weeks. They don't make blatant lies on the News though, as RT regularly does. "No Russian troops in Crimea/Ukraine". "The missile that shot down the Malaysian airliner was fired from a Ukrainian plane in a failed attempt to shoot down Putin's plane, which was nearby." etc...

Edited by welshbairn
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4 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:


Oh they don't do they?

"He didn't answer the question"


That was a reporter talking about his own interaction, wasn't it? Not a news organisation propagating a lie on every news programme.

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That was on reporter talking about his own interaction, wasn't it? Not a news organisation propagating a lie on every news programme.


Didn't apologise, didn't retract, still employed.


And since when would you describe the political editor of the BBC doing a report on an election press conference as "his own interaction?"


Come off it.


ETA you're also forgetting the subject matter of the treasury with the help of the BBC breaking purdah. But that of course was the idea.


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I watch RT and Fox News occasionally, and they both do some decent documentaries and shows. But comparing their attempts to be truthful with the BBC on news is laughable. Of course the BBC have an institutional bias towards the centre ground of politics, and are London centric as was proven in their coverage of the indyref, I think more from ignorance than malice. They thought the SNP were a minor fringe loony force like UKIP or their more extreme comrades, until the polls freaked them out in the last weeks. They don't make blatant lies on the News though, as RT regularly does. "No Russian troops in Crimea/Ukraine". "The missile that shot down the Malaysian airliner was fired from a Ukrainian plane in a failed attempt to shoot down Putin's plane, which was nearby." etc...

If you believe the bbc don't make up news your head must button up the back. Go and watch London Calling and the penny might drop about their made up shite
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2 minutes ago, bob the tank said:


If you believe the bbc don't make up news your head must button up the back. Go and watch London Calling and the penny might drop about their made up shite


Well give some examples then. What channel is it on anyway?

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5 minutes ago, bob the tank said:


You tube, and for someone so interested in politics its hard to believe you've never heard of it. Full title "London Calling" How the bbc won the referendum.


I'll give it a watch if I can find it. Not right now though.

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It didn't take long after the first broadcast for the nonsense to  begin. The Torygraph is accusing Salmond of fake news already and claiming the viewer questions on his show actually came from a Russian troll farm. 

It also described Nicola Sturgeon's brief comments about the show as opening up an "unprecedented rift".

#fakenews indeed.

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Salmond is mad, a poor man’s Bond Villain. Anyone who has that high an opinion of themselves obviously has serious mental health issues. Scotland is well shot of him along with that other priggish, smug Nat Angus Robertson. People who take themselves that seriously deserve everything that comes their way, hence the glee when these smug p***ks lost their seats.

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The BBC is biased, there is absolutely no dubiety about that at all.

But up and above that I genuinely believe there is a deficit  of talent at the BBC  and it makes them look bad to the point where people see bias instead of someone who is just bad at their job

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Mate, if you dont think that Salmond could get back into Holyrood if he really wanted to then you are even more deluded than you come across. I doubt he will though, hes achieved everything there is to achieve in Scottish politics. Trolling yoons is his specialty now and they bite every time.....its delicious.




hes achieved everything there is to achieve in Scottish politics. Trolling yoons is his specialty now



Do those achievements include losing the all important Independence referendum? Trolling yoons is all he’s left with.


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