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What's the most "Tin Pot" thing you've seen in the SPFL

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7 hours ago, Super_A said:

I'd imagine they couldn't give f**k what fans of other clubs do because unlike in Scotland they actually like their clubs more than they hate another.

How dare people hate the sectarian bile and bigotry that your club encourages every week.

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24 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I’m not sure I see your point here. 

Im not shifting blame, it was his decision and his failure and that’s that. I have said it on this forum many, many times. 

What I’m saying is that the conclusions people have drawn don’t make sense. And all your response to that really is ‘don’t be surprised if people do that’.

So all I can really say is if people draw their own conclusions and they don’t make sense, don’t be surprised if they get challenged? 

It feels like because i support Aberdeen that I must be leaping to his defence somehow when I point this out. 


Has Milne publicly explained the rationale behind what he did?

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Has Milne publicly explained the rationale behind what he did?

I think he has but I can’t find quotes anywhere to substantiate that. 

If that’s sufficient for you to retain your conclusion then crack on. 

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29 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

You mean the club that purposely ensures theres always an orange strip for sale, who have bigots on their payroll as "media partners", who play up every link possible with Linfield, and who ensure the "party tunes" are played in the stadium every week (tHe WOrdS ArE DiffEReNt!!!) arent actively trying to end the bigot element around their club and instead actively encourage?

Shocked, i tell you. Shocked.

Edit, because of how pathetic the whole thing is, is that Celtic do the same. The sooner both moron supports realise that both clubs simply string them along to help "sell the brand" the better. Both clubs actively try to create and promote bigotry, and get you branded as such by others, to make as much money as possible, not because they "hate" each other.

Of course, everyone with an ounce of sense recognises the cynical game the clubs play.  This is a particularly blatant example though.  As such, it actually is kind of shocking, even if the context already exists.

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3 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Ok then, well if you’ve no real opinion and I can’t back up mine with quotes, then let’s just move on and enjoy our Sundays.

Yes, we can do that.

As I said, the absurdity of the original decision, coupled with the absence of evidence of an alternative narrative, doesn't help with the rubbishing of the one some are offering.

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2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, we can do that.

As I said, the absurdity of the original decision, coupled with the absence of evidence of an alternative narrative, doesn't help with the rubbishing of the one some are offering.

You enjoy that last word. 

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Whatever the reasons Milne had for keeping the 11-1 "OF veto" we may never know. What we do know is that keeping it made the subsequent meltdown from Aberdeen, Celtic and their pals in the media extra hilarious when St Mirren and Ross County used it to torpedo the 8/8/8 split idea.

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

Ok then, well if you’ve no real opinion and I can’t back up mine with quotes, then let’s just move on and enjoy our Sundays.

This is not how heads gone Sundays are meant to go, I demand the two of you continue your disagreement until one of you lose the plot and inevitably gets binned.

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16 minutes ago, Empty It said:

This is not how heads gone Sundays are meant to go, I demand the two of you continue your disagreement until one of you lose the plot and inevitably gets binned.

It's "loses" not "lose" you fucking Cretin! 

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Not sure if this is in here or not already, I can't be arsed looking and I'm sure it will be a welcome distraction away from attention seeking Queen of the South fans. So I must have a rant about the elephant in the room at Inverness Caledonian Thistle or more precisely one of the many elephants we have.

Definition of Tin Pot is definately our Orange/red away strip (is that red or a darker orange??) which was tastefully released on the 12th July.

Surely must have been an accident releasing an orange strip on that day or someone at the club has some funny ideas about our support. We hate any connection with this cancerous west coast bigot shite. This is why we support ICT and not either of the arsecheeks. In Inverness the home club support is massively out numbered by Celtic and Rangers fans, why pull us into this. When did Orange become one of our colours???? Its embarrassing and I'd rather become dangerously obese and smell of Doritos and arse than wear that.

Seriously!! 🤨


Has anyone elses club ever had a random orange strip released for sale in the club shop on the 12th July?

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35 minutes ago, approximately dave said:

Not sure if this is in here or not already, I can't be arsed looking and I'm sure it will be a welcome distraction away from attention seeking Queen of the South fans. So I must have a rant about the elephant in the room at Inverness Caledonian Thistle or more precisely one of the many elephants we have.

Definition of Tin Pot is definately our Orange/red away strip (is that red or a darker orange??) which was tastefully released on the 12th July.

Surely must have been an accident releasing an orange strip on that day or someone at the club has some funny ideas about our support. We hate any connection with this cancerous west coast bigot shite. This is why we support ICT and not either of the arsecheeks. In Inverness the home club support is massively out numbered by Celtic and Rangers fans, why pull us into this. When did Orange become one of our colours???? Its embarrassing and I'd rather become dangerously obese and smell of Doritos and arse than wear that.

Seriously!! 🤨


Has anyone elses club ever had a random orange strip released for sale in the club shop on the 12th July?

A random orange kit? Yes and one of, if not the least liked Saints shirts ever. 12th of July? Can't recall but probably not.


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54 minutes ago, approximately dave said:

Not sure if this is in here or not already, I can't be arsed looking and I'm sure it will be a welcome distraction away from attention seeking Queen of the South fans. So I must have a rant about the elephant in the room at Inverness Caledonian Thistle or more precisely one of the many elephants we have.


It's already been discussed to death you tedious w****r.

Somebody post that Titanic front page.

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1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:

It's "loses" not "lose" you fucking Cretin! 


30 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

It's already been discussed to death you tedious w****r.

Somebody post that Titanic front page.


John McEnroe has hacked Monkeys account.


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