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What's the most "Tin Pot" thing you've seen in the SPFL

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3 hours ago, SpeysideRisky1903 said:

"Charles III"

Funnily enough, the c*** is the first monarch named Charles to reign over Scotland. There's been just the one.

Surely they've used the English "the third" by accident seeing as they're a Scottish club, right?.... Oh

Charles I was James VI & I's son, born here, crowned here 1633... Having lost his head (from troubles he began here) his son Charles II was crowned here 1651, some 9years before Restoration 'down south'.

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3 hours ago, Parttimesupporter said:

Nope.  Union of the Crowns in 1603, Chuckles the first and second reigned after that.

You may well be right about the timing of the tweet mind.

Well, in that case I stand corrected. Chuckles III he is.

I get the feeling there'll be a tremendous amount of folk labouring under that misapprehension as well. That's the last time I trust pop-history factlets without question...

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3 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

As much as I'd love to stick the boot in, the convention now is to use the higher number in any case, so a future King James will be James XIII and not James III.

Couldn't you get you're X's and V's mixed up when I draw you in a quiz cup?

Without turning this away from football, it always surprised me how the next in line was named as he'll be William III/V, no issue with Prince George as the six previous were the start of the German influx in the 18th century. Name's pretty emotive in these island's too considering III(I) basically usurped by a coup and whole lot of Shenanigans over in Ireland. He doesn't have to adopt it however.

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