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The Aberdeen Mega-Hyper New Stadium Thread

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9 hours ago, COYR said:

Had a go at working out the contested capacity conundrum using the scaled plans of Pittodrie and Hearts new stand.

The Dick Donald and Merkland stands are fine and the Champions League level maximum recommended size pitch and track of 120x80m added.


16,884 for those 3 stands and if you got 6 rows of seating in a new stand on the other side that would be over 18,000. Lots of space opened up on the south side and the Merkland corner for fans to queue, mill about or evacuate and the necessary space for vehicles. 

Must be a much cheaper option too.

It costs too much

It won’t be allowed because…flats. Aye, flats.

It costs too much because nae money fae sale o’ Pittodrie, ken.

The trainin’ complex!!! Fit aboot the trainin’ complex?!

We need 20,000 seats! 18,500’s nae enough because look at Setterday’s game against Hibs, 18,500 widna hae been near enough tae cater for 15,000 (btw 15,000? Really?)

It costs too much.

There’s nae room even though ye maun think there is wi’ yer wee dra’in tae scale.

It costs too much.

etc. etc. and so on and so forth


Edited by EdTheDuck
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Could they build over Pittodrie street slightly, so the stand could overhang half the street. 


Build straight up the way, like...

Image result for la bombonera main stand


Image result for la bombonera main stand dimensions


and for the opposite side, get it converted to safe standing 



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On 14/12/2017 at 19:11, fatshaft said:

Where would you have it and why would your location be better? Many of the objectors have been asked this, not one has an answer, just that Kingsford is the wrong location. So, please do tell? (and not Pittodrie, that's off the table as repeatedly explained)

Many supporters can see that Kingsford is a daft idea but it's not up to them to identify a new stadium site. While on topic through: Dyce, King's Links and Loirston all are/would have been better options. The club incredibly turned down the chance to be part of the new AECC site but King's Links and Loirston are still deliverable. Each of those would have cost more than the otherwise unusable land at Kingsford but we would make that money back in the long run by not having to splash out on hiring 50-100 buses every week at £500 a go. The obsession over co-locating stadium and training facilities is bizarre. A good location is much more important than co-location and bringing "community facilities" and the community trust away from the community they're trying to serve seems odd to me.

The club have never presented a solid case for why Pittodrie can't be redeveloped either. As I stated earlier, the 12,000 claim is ridiculous given that the RDS alone holds over 6000 on its own.

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Could they build over Pittodrie street slightly, so the stand could overhang half the street. 
Build straight up the way, like...
and for the opposite side, get it converted to safe standing 

For a club that has tended to draw so much of its revenue from corporate hospitality an entire stand of corporate boxes might not be an entirely daft idea.

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25 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:



For a club that has tended to draw so much of its revenue from corporate hospitality an entire stand of corporate boxes might not be an entirely daft idea.

And building it like the Bombonera with open balconies mean the mainstanders can still be heard with their traditional chant of "sit doon! Sit doon!! Sit Dooooonnnn!"

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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:



For a club that has tended to draw so much of its revenue from corporate hospitality an entire stand of corporate boxes might not be an entirely daft idea.



I think there's a new American football stadium that have done that (San Francisco or LA or somewhere), stuck all the corporate boxes on top of each other along one side. Looks fucking awful but I suppose there's logic to it.  The one in Argentina is great cos that's all the space they seem to have had.

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I think there's a new American football stadium that have done that (San Francisco or LA or somewhere), stuck all the corporate boxes on top of each other along one side. Looks fucking awful but I suppose there's logic to it.  The one in Argentina is great cos that's all the space they seem to have had.

San Francisco one is very cool, Levi Stadium. Has an open space garden area on top too with bars etc.
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2 hours ago, PauloPerth said:

I think there's a new American football stadium that have done that (San Francisco or LA or somewhere), stuck all the corporate boxes on top of each other along one side. Looks fucking awful but I suppose there's logic to it.  The one in Argentina is great cos that's all the space they seem to have had.

Yes indeedy.

There is talk of expanding the Bombonera up from its current 49,000 capacity and their solution is to build another tier on top of the existing 3-tier traditional seating around 3 sides of the stadium because of the limited footprint available.

They had considered moving to a new custom built stadium but there is such an outcry it's likely they will redevelop where they are.

There is a 3rd option and Boca are looking at buying and flattening the apartments behind their VIP stand and making it the same as the rest of the stadium.

It all sounds tremendously familiar with the exception of the Boca board actually looking for solutions that keeps the support happy despite the practical problems they face.

Edited by EdTheDuck
speeling erorr
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3 hours ago, EdTheDuck said:

Gosh! I am shocked at this...


basket (1)


Hardly news. This was said at the open hearing In October and it’s the reason that everything that Aberdeen have is behind Kingsford. Or have you not been following the story as it unfolds?

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44 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Hardly news. This was said at the open hearing In October and it’s the reason that everything that Aberdeen have is behind Kingsford. Or have you not been following the story as it unfolds?

So why did Milne feel the need to repeat it at the AGM? Maybe he hasn't been following the story as it unfolds, eh?

A businessman who goes into a major project where his business faces disastrous repercussions in the event of failure with absolutely no alternative strategy is a damn fool and in this case because of his years of mismanagement it isn't just him who will be burned, it will be tens of thousands of Aberdeen fans.

This is the point the dissenters are making , not the fact that Milne has repeated this particular eulogy yet again.

If this Aurora horse-shit fails there is a fucking alternative by the way. Pittodrie. And if that costs millions more and means a stadium with 18,000 capacity then that is down to Milne and he should morally be prepared to get his cheque book out because it is entirely down to him that opportunities to buy land and develop Pittodrie over the last 25 years have been missed.


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