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BBC bias

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21 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Venezuela had a thriving oil and gas industry, then nationalised the oil companies thus impoverishing the citizenry.

Socialist madness!

All sounds wonderful on paper but hopeless in practice.

In fact I understand that Venezuela are now reintroducing some private enterprise and there are signs of improvement.

Venezuela has still got  the largest oil reserves in the world but it's of a very heavy crude and presents production problems and costs.

It shares at least one basin with Trinidad, remember Trinico.

Major exploration and production offshore Guyana and Surinam just south of Venezuela ongoing right now with Exxon the major player, Stena with four rigs working for them. The Irish company Tullow doing Ok.

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The BBC have put together a nice propaganda piece on the brexit wins, sadly there are none and the wins they have identified could have been done within the EU and it's complete bullshit about US whisky tariffs if anything Brexit threatens peace in NI and therefore risks the US placing sanctions on the UK.


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42 minutes ago, 101 said:

The BBC have put together a nice propaganda piece on the brexit wins, sadly there are none and the wins they have identified could have been done within the EU and it's complete bullshit about US whisky tariffs if anything Brexit threatens peace in NI and therefore risks the US placing sanctions on the UK.


Adam Fleming angling for a start with Andrew Neil's new outfit there. 

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

The BBC have put together a nice propaganda piece on the brexit wins, sadly there are none and the wins they have identified could have been done within the EU and it's complete bullshit about US whisky tariffs if anything Brexit threatens peace in NI and therefore risks the US placing sanctions on the UK.


What can you expect from the BBC when the Chairman is an ex tory councilor and a major tory party donor, you're bound to get propaganda like this praising the tory government, it's corrupt. 

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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

What can you expect from the BBC when the Chairman is an ex tory councilor and a major tory party donor, you're bound to get propaganda like this praising the tory government, it's corrupt. 

Sandy - I think you’ll find this goes with the territory. When Labour were in power they put their supporters into these kind of jobs.

I think you’ll find that most of the Quangos in Scotland are headed up by SNP placemen.

Very hard to change things, I’m afraid. Everyone is biased to some extent. Even your good self is not unknown to indulge in some political exaggeration. 

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sandy - I think you’ll find this goes with the territory. When Labour were in power they put their supporters into these kind of jobs.

I think you’ll find that most of the Quangos in Scotland are headed up by SNP placemen.

Very hard to change things, I’m afraid. Everyone is biased to some extent. Even your good self is not unknown to indulge in some political exaggeration. 

Here's a list of Scottish quangos. Please provide some proof that most are "headed up by "SNP placemen" or withdraw your remark above.

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‘Stories are Chosen due to Editorial Merit’ & ‘Newsworthy Updates’
BBC Responds to Concerns over Lack of Coverage of New Johnson Sexual Affair Revelations


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1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:


Good article, nice bottom line :


The BBC may soon find that, when it needs its friends the most, it doesn’t have any left


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37 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Good article, nice bottom line :


A very prescient article, the key word being 'craven'.  And we should never lose sight that the priapic liar that is Johnson is merely the most visible cast member of a UK Government which is venal and incompetent in equal measure.  And worryingly, over 20% of the Scottish electorate intends to vote in a few weeks for the northern runt of their party.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
4 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sandy - I think you’ll find this goes with the territory. When Labour were in power they put their supporters into these kind of jobs.

I think you’ll find that most of the Quangos in Scotland are headed up by SNP placemen.

Very hard to change things, I’m afraid. Everyone is biased to some extent. Even your good self is not unknown to indulge in some political exaggeration. 

I see what you did there. 

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56 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

A very prescient article, the key word being 'craven'.  And we should never lose sight that the priapic liar that is Johnson is merely the most visible cast member of a UK Government which is venal and incompetent in equal measure.  And worryingly, over 20% of the Scottish electorate intends to vote in a few weeks for the northern runt of their party.

If Nicola Sturgeon had been having an affair the BBC would be all over it 24/7.

Who wants to tell me that the BBC is not Government run?

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11 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I've been quite keen to see the response to this from Dawson Park Boy.  Perhaps he's done a Captain Oattes.....

He's done a Lex, who hasn't shown his face since he embarrassed himself over the Salmond inquiry.

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17 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I've been quite keen to see the response to this from Dawson Park Boy.  Perhaps he's done a Captain Oattes.....

Sorry to take so long. I’ve been out on a 15km walk with my pals today.

You may well be correct. Simple answer- I don’t know. 
I took my cue from Jack Perry of Scottish Enterprise who went public in stating that they were put under severe pressure to toe the line by the SG.

The only one I know of is Jeanne Freeman who was a bit of a ‘quango queen’ before becoming a minister.

Anyway, I can’t be bothered looking into it (life’s too short) but I don’t know so, in that respect my post was a bit over the top.

Happy with that?

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6 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Are you sure?

I'm stating the obvious and a fact that you well know, but anyway go to any of the tory rags which is most of the print media, on any day, and see how anti Nicola Sturgeon they are, they are obsessed with her.

It's a Goebbels type of hatred propaganda designed to influence voting, all it does is strengthen the SNP vote.

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7 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

I'm stating the obvious and a fact that you well know, but anyway go to any of the tory rags which is most of the print media, on any day, and see how anti Nicola Sturgeon they are, they are obsessed with her.

It's a Goebbels type of hatred propaganda designed to influence voting, all it does is strengthen the SNP vote.

I think that Nicola Sturgeon is afforded the same level of privacy that is granted to every other corporate friendly politician.

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sorry to take so long. I’ve been out on a 15km walk with my pals today.

You may well be correct. Simple answer- I don’t know. 
I took my cue from Jack Perry of Scottish Enterprise who went public in stating that they were put under severe pressure to toe the line by the SG.

The only one I know of is Jeanne Freeman who was a bit of a ‘quango queen’ before becoming a minister.

Anyway, I can’t be bothered looking into it (life’s too short) but I don’t know so, in that respect my post was a bit over the top.

Happy with that?

No. I'm not happy with that.

Jack Perry was Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise between 2003 & 2009.

Labour (and their little Lib Dem puppets) were in power at Holyrood at the time of his appointment. Why would Labour appoint an "SNP placeman"?

Jeanne Freeman was either a Labour Party member or was not a member of any political party at the time she was appointed to (practically?) all of her public roles. As far as I can see, none of these public roles were on the list of quangoes I provided. 

She spoke to my my local "Yes" group in the run-up to the 2014 indyref. She was described as a founder of Women For Independence, not as an SNP member. She also spoke at Labour For Independence metings.

She was not a member of the SNP in November 2014, when the SNP voted in favour of allowing non-members to stand as their candidates in the general elections. Nicola Sturgeon actually specifically named Freeman as an example of the sort of person that might be chosen by a constituency branch. Obviously, she resigned all public roles after she was elected.

So, having shown that your first two examples are incorrect, do you want to try again?

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