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The Clyde FC 2018-19 Thread

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For me, it would be a pointless change at this stage. If there was significant progress in that the club are reaping the benefits from young/new Cumbernauld based fans then I can see the point of “giving something back”. I wouldn’t be too opposed to that. This is the effort we need to put into, though. We have made good progress in the last couple of years so hopefully we can keep it up and celebrate it with a promotion.

It all comes down to the first team on the pitch. If the team is winning, people will come out and watch, it’s as simple as that. Which is why promotion is absolutely vital.

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Actions speak louder than words and if we want to engage more with Cumbernauld, and wider, then it will be what we do not what’s on our badge that will matter.
It does matter to many Clyde fans.
Having the town name on the badge means absolutely nothing to anyone except existing Clyde fans.

The general population of Cumbernauld won't give a f**k.

Most won't even see the badge.
It doesn't lead to engagement in any meaningful way.

I've no objection to Cumbernauld being in the shirt replacing or in addition to a sponsors name. Then the Cumbernaulders would see it in newspapers etc.
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It does matter to many Clyde fans.
Having the town name on the badge means absolutely nothing to anyone except existing Clyde fans.

The general population of Cumbernauld won't give a f**k.

Most won't even see the badge.
It doesn't lead to engagement in any meaningful way.

I've no objection to Cumbernauld being in the shirt replacing or in addition to a sponsors name. Then the Cumbernaulders would see it in newspapers etc.

Sorry if I came across differently, I meant adding this would do nothing In my opinion. Actions speak louder than words. Actively engaging will do more than any wording worked in to a badge or strip. Not saying that it doesn’t mean anything to Clyde fans as it will mean something to all of us.
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At a personal level, any alteration or change to the name would finish it for me.  But even standing back from it, IMHO to do so would actually defeat the purpose of its aim, you'd be removing what few USP's the club had by changing a core identity. It's been proven multiple times in other industries to be exactly the wrong thing to do.

That's not what's being proposed here.  Personally I've no problem with it, we've now been in Cumbernauld longer than our original home at Barrowfield, quarter of a century this coming January.  That said, I can understand those that do, there's no real right or wrong to it because people are just going by their gut instinct, it's just how they feel about it. It's easy for me to accept as I would view it as the same badge, just with some additional info added which happens to be technically correct, largely superficial for esthetics.  To me no different than if they wrote information on their socks!


If this is just a small part of a much larger and comprehensive plan to engage with the entire local community - which they need to be doing in any case to have any chance of building the club back up to where it should be - then I can see how that could play well.  If they think that in itself it'll make a difference without that, they're in dreamland.  As mentioned above, 25 years this January, sounds like a PR gift for the Club to instigate some kind of widespread and very visual engagement plan to mark that anniversary.  Would it really be the worst thing to choose a game in January and provide free tickets round schools, businesses and for families to at least begin the process?  The seats are empty anyway...



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1 hour ago, Adolfo Rios said:

Actions speak louder than words and if we want to engage more with Cumbernauld, and wider, then it will be what we do not what’s on our badge that will matter.

Just come across this. It's awfully bizarre! 

But why then would the badge need altered, if it were the club actions which secured the necessary publicity and/or commercial links in the first place? This is what's been sorely lacking. 


The correct answer is no, to the proposal/idea, in this instance. 

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To be honest there is a different context to this issue if you heard what Norrie said last night in his presentation. Obviously this will stimulate huge debate amongst fans. It was, as he said part of a much bigger buisiness plan to engage locally but absolutely not to forget or leave our history or Glasgow roots behind: the badge logo was to stimulate debate and to be inclusive to where we  are actually based.  Open to wide discussion debate I don’t think it should be likened to the name change debacle of previous Chairman. This is not the same.

I have mixed feelings about it as I think most attendees last night did, however as I say it was in context to the wider debate last night. The Chairman has some very ambitious plans and is building superb links with the Landlord and wider community.  

I thought it was a very positive meeting with the possibility of very exciting times ahead for the club.

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1 hour ago, haufdaft said:

It does matter to many Clyde fans.
Having the town name on the badge means absolutely nothing to anyone except existing Clyde fans.

The general population of Cumbernauld won't give a f**k.

Most won't even see the badge.
It doesn't lead to engagement in any meaningful way.

I've no objection to Cumbernauld being in the shirt replacing or in addition to a sponsors name. Then the Cumbernaulders would see it in newspapers etc.

All relevant points. 


What's being ignored here is that the club HAVE in the past had sponsorship and commercial activity within the locale. Businesses didn't give a shit before, and don't give a shit now, what's on your badge. That's for the customers (fans) to bother with. 


One of the (formerly) largest sponsors is still emblazoned across 500 seats. It's neglecting the likes of these for a decade, by several other means of pushing agendas, which leaves us as an unattractive business opportunity. I don't envisage this poor recent history being wiped clean simply by use of one word. 

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Just come across this. It's awfully bizarre! 
But why then would the badge need altered, if it were the club actions which secured the necessary publicity and/or commercial links in the first place? This is what's been sorely lacking. 
The correct answer is no, to the proposal/idea, in this instance. 

Completely agree. Publicise ourselves correctly, as I believe we can do and we need not play about with anything that has been part of the club’s fabric for it’s entire existence. He did this to ignite discussion and it certainly has done that.
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1 hour ago, Adolfo Rios said:


Completely agree. Publicise ourselves correctly, as I believe we can do and we need not play about with anything that has been part of the club’s fabric for it’s entire existence. He did this to ignite discussion and it certainly has done that.


But if its only one word, and it brings even a slight benefit, you have already stated you would not consider it an issue. 


There's an old fable. A guy asks a woman if he would let him f**k her for a million pounds. "I'd think about it", she replied. 

"What about fifty pounds?"

She pours a drink over him and shouts loudly "what kind of woman do you think i am!!!?"

The gentleman answers, "my dear, we've already worked that out. We're merely haggling over the price".

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But if its only one word, and it brings even a slight benefit, you have already stated you would not consider it an issue. 

I’m not sure I have? I merely brought forward what was mentioned last night. I have stated I see no need to make any amendment. To engage and enhance any image we have in Cumbernauld, and further, will not be done this way. Proactive and vocal engagement, shouting that we want people to come to our games, businesses to sponsor us and why etc. All of which Norrie also mentioned last night.
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1 hour ago, Adolfo Rios said:


I’m not sure I have? I merely brought forward what was mentioned last night. I have stated I see no need to make any amendment. To engage and enhance any image we have in Cumbernauld, and further, will not be done this way. Proactive and vocal engagement, shouting that we want people to come to our games, businesses to sponsor us and why etc. All of which Norrie also mentioned last night.


Fair enough, i suppose you did. Apologies for any misunderstanding. 


The other mediums on which it is discussed, however, seem to be packaged with a hard-sell on what, as you say is merely an idea. 

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A wee game; guess the club from their badge/logo:

1.  juve.png.202b51d64a8066a07e17ff3bf058d011.png


2.  ef.png.cc1ded8998e36afbde5906b721c83f76.png

3. rm.png.767bf1ad99a4326ddee843dcd8d587df.png

4. wolves.png.4d205595618af81f8f7f5563b49dbefe.png


I agree that the club name shouldn't be changed. Club colours, possibly, after a certain period of time. It is an absolute certainty though that a club crest isn't sacrosanct given that nearly every single club in the world changes theirs at some point. Juventus changed theirs in 2017. Clyde themselves have already altered theirs by changing the date, and by putting different colour versions on their kits.

If we add the word Cumbernauld, Glasgow or whatever, underneath the name on the current badge, then I guarantee absolutely no-one except the perma-seething will actually care after a couple of weeks.

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Well DW- despite your “guarantee”, I can’t agree... I don’t consider myself a “ perma seether” and I’m afraid it’s not something I would be at all happy to accept. 

We are currently renting a stadium in Cumbernauld- albeit a good one- and one that is scalable if and when we march up the league’s- but we’ve been there for approximately only 18% of our existence and whilst at the moment there is no viable option for a return to Glasgow- it’s a hope/dream of a large percentage of the support to return to our Glasgow roots.


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Adding Cumbernauld to the badge is just a short jump away from adding Cumbernauld to the name.

Fortunately the Third Resolution added at the time of the EK vote makes it extremely difficult to change the name now, and it wasn't exactly an easy task before that.

However the Chairman also proposed changing the CIC structure. The change he proposed is a move away from supporter control which means changing the name becomes a whole lot easier.

Join the dots. Cumbernauld Clyde is on its way.

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We've been in Cumbernauld for over two decades. We've tried multiple things to snare new support, most recently, free child entry and still we have no substantial increase in attendance.

Changing the badge will have absolutely no effect.

Leave Cumbernauld Colts with the town name.

We'll take the tradition and the fame.

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I'd like it if we had Rutherglen AND Cumbernauld written below the badge. Maybe Bridgeton, too. Recognition of our history and our present. I do think we may have pissed off the locals in recent years with the EK speculation, so a visible reminder of our commitment to the town might be a nice statement. Obviously, f**k even considering changing the name, but a little adjustment to the badge wouldn't hurt, IMO. 

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