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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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Hare Reid















That’s basically the skeleton we’re working with whenever the season starts and we can sign players. Can’t really say I want any of them starting apart from Houston and McCowan but given the circumstances I can see everyone else signing back on for at least another year.


Priority is replacing Doohan, Kelly and Forrest whilst a decent centre back and striker.


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Hare Reid
That’s basically the skeleton we’re working with whenever the season starts and we can sign players. Can’t really say I want any of them starting apart from Houston and McCowan but given the circumstances I can see everyone else signing back on for at least another year.
Priority is replacing Doohan, Kelly and Forrest whilst a decent centre back and striker.

McCowan obviously dipped in form but he should be a starter going into the new season - particularly with Forrest away. Hopefully Ecrepont gets a loan move.
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On 18/04/2020 at 15:49, AyrExile said:

If the EPL got going right now behind closed doors the pay per view potential would be huge. More than enough profit to pay for some stewards to keep the stadia  surroundings clear 

People would pretty soon tire of watching football without fans, it's a shocking spectacle with no atmosphere and generally no tempo to the matches.

Football has to be one of the worst sports possible to watch without actual fans in attendance.

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On 18/04/2020 at 16:02, AUFC 1910 said:

Would any club let people into their ground when there is a chance of someone dying due to people converging for a football game?

Would there not be a huge risk of the club being sued for negligence?

Knowingly bringing people together while there is a killer global pandemic would surely be an ‘ambulance chasers’ dream!

I tell you what - if we are let back into Somerset Park before 2021, I’ll pay everyone in emoji106.pngemoji16.png

If the Government allowed it then there's absolutely no problem legally as it would be the consumers choice, like it always is.

People DO die at football matches almost every week, Heart Attacks & Strokes being the main killers. People can also pick up flu bugs and risk pneumonia every year in normal times but do any of us seriously consider this as a "risk" ?? I drive a 50 mile round trip to Somerset every week so again I could perish in an RTA !!

The facts remain that this is infecting and killing very few people despite the 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week wall to wall coverage.

I'm at work right now and I don't see standing in the Somerset road end any more of a risk than what I'm doing right now, especially as there's more people condensed around me and in an enclosed area right here than there would be in the SRE.


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Hare Reid
That’s basically the skeleton we’re working with whenever the season starts and we can sign players. Can’t really say I want any of them starting apart from Houston and McCowan but given the circumstances I can see everyone else signing back on for at least another year.
Priority is replacing Doohan, Kelly and Forrest whilst a decent centre back and striker.

Would you want ecrepont playing at this level? I haven’t given up on keeping harvie yet especially if the league gets reconstructed and we land up in the top league!
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Just now, ryanayr1987 said:

Would you want ecrepont playing at this level? I haven’t given up on keeping harvie yet especially if the league gets reconstructed and we land up in the top league!

I can only presume you’ve not read his full post. 

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On 19/04/2020 at 02:34, AUFC 1910 said:

The point I'm trying to make is this.

Why would government introduce lockdown and social distancing, night after night, address the nation to explain why they are doing it, and the importance of doing it - to then just stop it and risk another surge in infections / hospitilisations / deaths?

Surely crowds at a football match will be near last on the list of acceptable 'gambles'?

I honestly cannot see how a government can do so much to try to save lives, to then just let things run wild and take risks.

I just hope and pray that the timelines are wrong for inoculation and it comes quicker than 18 months.

I also hope that if you get it, that you 'are' then 'immune'.

Please dont let it mutate.

And please let it be wrong that animals are testing positive for it, and that there is no trans-species contractions.

I think football is fucked unless it can find a way without physical crowds, for the next season.

Can anyone realistically see a way that we will be back at Somerset in August 2020?



That's this months "advice", last month it was "herd immunity" was the way to go and there was absolutely no issues at all with holding the Cheltenham festival or various high level football matches.

Make no mistake, People ARE dying and this virus is indeed a killer, however as others have said we need to learn to live with this and if that means releasing lockdowns and managing it in waves, then so be it.

The figures for Scotland aren't actually that bad and what we need to do is test, test and more testing to track this virus and also ascertain how many have had at and whether or not it gives you immunity. We would then be able to quickly intercept any outbreak and confine it through temporary lockdowns / quarantines etc.

The alternative is that we stay locked up forever and stop living our lives. No more travel, no more sport, no socialising etc, etc. Fcuk that.

Personally I don't see that as living at all and would rather just take my chances with Covid or anything else that may come my way.

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On 19/04/2020 at 12:04, AUFC 1910 said:


It’s not easy and everything right now is a balancing act really.

I’m a furloughed worker right now, and if I’m not back at work in about 6 weeks, I don’t see how my employer can survive, and they are a large corporate uk wide business.

Equally, my job involves customer contact, in their homes, up to 8 different ones each day. How is social distancing going to be implemented there? Who knows!

The biggest problem I see with all that is going on is time.

There is a limit on how long business and institutions can go on, doing nothing, earning nothing, without collapsing.

There is the ticking clock to try and come up with a best guess solution regarding ‘treatment’ that can hopefully keep those out of ICU that contract the virus.

Then you have the whole vaccine issue.

Running along these you have the lack of mass scale testing, either for having the virus or for having had it.

The closer we reach all of these is when we will see things scaling towards normality - but to me the major issue will be what will normality look like?

Will it involve crowds - I don’t think so.

The chat already is that pubs, clubs and restaurants will be the very last things to be relaxed - where people gather in a confined space.

I’m hopeful that we will see some kind of football by the start of next year, but not holding my breath.

Could Scottish football live stream games on a pay per view basis for a season? Would this be a middle ground and the best of a bad bunch?

Imagining you could sort out testing for players, staff and support staff etc.

Advertising could still be sold in some capacity.

If clever, delivery services could set up a ‘match day pack’ which could see clubs sell merch, even food, for your club.

Could sell half time draw tickets.

The technology is there - could this be the new normality at least for a while?



This just can't happen, you can't have "special rules" for footballers while the rest of the population are locked up in the house and having to adhere to "social distancing".

There would be anarchy and rightly so.

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You’d be correct it’s only when I re read it I noticed the skeleton statement! Apologies

That’s fine

I think Harvie will stay regardless of league. If teams continue to use this furlough scheme then his wages won’t be covered if he were to sign elsewhere. Given the uncertainty I think he’ll stay put for another year. Ecrepont won’t get a look in with Harvie here but Kerr had planned to loan him out in January so I’d imagine he’ll do that this year.
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On 19/04/2020 at 21:10, Thereisalight.. said:

As for the AUMedia POTY, I voted for Harvie. Doohan has been a bomb scare at times after being so reliable last season, and Doc? don’t make me laugh, average at best. Doubt he’ll be waltzing away with the award on his way up to Thistle 

Seriously ??

He's had a couple of iffy moments but absolutely MILES away from being a "bomb scare" and personally I wouldn't swap him for any other keeper.

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On 20/04/2020 at 14:45, Robbo63 said:

Going by government briefing this afternoon, games behind closed doors was discussed  and they said it would likely  encourage people to congregate elsewhere to watch the game thus breaking social distance rules so looked unlikely anytime soon 

And it would likely be a horrific spectacle.

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2 hours ago, ryanayr1987 said:

I know that covid19 is happening but can we keep this to football chat? We get enough shit from the actual media without people posting absolute drivel on here too!

Does anyone know if there has been anything coming from the reconstruction talks yet? I noticed Lachlan hasn’t posted anything yet!

Who is under contract for next season?

Anyone else?

Sorry, was just catching up.

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34 minutes ago, ryanayr1987 said:

Would you want ecrepont playing at this level? I haven’t given up on keeping harvie yet especially if the league gets reconstructed and we land up in the top league!

Obviously Harvie is arguably our best player but Ecrepont will need a chance at some stage. He looked good (if a little small) in the cameo appearance at Wrexham but If he's up to it then he should really be playing for us next season.

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20 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Seriously ??

He's had a couple of iffy moments but absolutely MILES away from being a "bomb scare" and personally I wouldn't swap him for any other keeper.

At certain times watching him this season, my heart has been in my mouth. The Morton game a great example of that. Definitely not the keeper he was last season. 

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41 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

At certain times watching him this season, my heart has been in my mouth. The Morton game a great example of that. Definitely not the keeper he was last season. 

My own thoughts are that we had begun taking him for granted.

Over the course of the season (well the bit we had) I thought he did make more mistakes than the previous season but that level of the previous season was way above Championship level imho.

The question I pose is, who would we have swapped the Ross Doohan of this season for ? and would we seriously expect to get a keeper better than Ross at our level ?

I don't think we would and I wouldn't have been willing to chance it either.

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5 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

My own thoughts are that we had begun taking him for granted.

Over the course of the season (well the bit we had) I thought he did make more mistakes than the previous season but that level of the previous season was way above Championship level imho.

The question I pose is, who would we have swapped the Ross Doohan of this season for ? and would we seriously expect to get a keeper better than Ross at our level ?

I don't think we would and I wouldn't have been willing to chance it either.

Robby McCrorie who was at Queens is a better goalkeeper than Doohan but apart from that I’d agree with you. 

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My own thoughts are that we had begun taking him for granted.
Over the course of the season (well the bit we had) I thought he did make more mistakes than the previous season but that level of the previous season was way above Championship level imho.
The question I pose is, who would we have swapped the Ross Doohan of this season for ? and would we seriously expect to get a keeper better than Ross at our level ?
I don't think we would and I wouldn't have been willing to chance it either.

I’d have taken McCrorie or Jamie MacDonald tbh. MacDonald might be a possibility for next season given he’s out the picture at Killie.

I wouldn’t say no to Doohan next season but there are other options out there.
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5 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

I’d have taken McCrorie or Jamie MacDonald tbh. MacDonald might be a possibility for next season given he’s out the picture at Killie.

I wouldn’t say no to Doohan next season but there are other options out there.

I've always liked MacDonald as a keeper, although I also saw him make a few blunders this season while playing with Alloa that were arguably worse than any I saw from young Ross over the entire season.

I'd agree McCrorie is also an excellent keeper at this level but if we can't get Ross back I don't see much chance of Rangers giving us McCrorie, especially after what they did with Queens.

If we could get him back it would be Doohan for me in a heartbeat, especially as he's settled here, knows the club and knows the players.

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