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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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I have seen Ayr relegated a few times, but the worst side not to be relegated was Stainrods, after he decided that there was an untapped market in junior football. He was a dreadful manager and filled the team with dreadful players who were part time and god awful. 

Roberts team is second, again, part time but he had no clue how to build a team and he got steadily worse over 3 years. 

I have seen us relegated a few times as well, mostly down to a lack of investment or being the only part time team in a full time league. 

We are full time, have paid money to entice players to move to Scotland, have more first team support staff than Daziel had assistants in his time as manager, and are still failing. Teams with a smaller budget, with injury problems meaning they only have a squad of 13 to chose from….we have played teams with a defence made up of midfielders and dropped points.  We are an absolute shambles. 

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3 minutes ago, Vegetableman said:

Was going to ask how Stanger is doing but probably not a good time .....

He has been brilliant but also at fault for a few goals this year so it’s hard to say currently. 

He has the ability to be where the ball is going to be and intercepts a lot of passes and through balls, has a great reading of the game but also gets lost defending crosses and players ghosting off him. 

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4 minutes ago, Roxanne's man said:

I keep frequently checking on here to see if Ayr are going to be signing anyone.

I actually had the very scary thought that Ayr could go through the whole of January without signing anyone, with Bullen giving the same excuse for a loss every week until the end of May.

Nightmare fuel.

@D'Jaffo do you know any more on the loan from England?


It was a prediction/guess more than actually knowing anything. 

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Every chance any signings we make this month just makes things worse. Not exactly got much confidence they will get it right. Curios to see if this is a matter of digging in with Bullen for the season, which would be quite a change from how things usually work in football, or they are dilly dallying about what to do. That would be  causing just as much damage as what's happening on the park.

And this is a bit more than "Tough times" or a dip in form. Morton had a dip but got through it, and that was in about half the amount of games as our "dip".

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9 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

In an ideal world, we would bring in a defender who can organise those round about them. Not leaking goals would be a major improvement. 

Just met akheem Rose in town .he's away to deliver a parcel .says he wants too play and he hopes we win on sat 😄 

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1 hour ago, ryanayr1987 said:



november 22 was when we started to stutter 

Bangala's awe-inspiring performance against Dundee at Halloween was when the wheels came off. They'd been threatening to do so with less than convincing wins for a month before that.

2 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

That’s Charlie. 

I really hope that if Albinson reads this he's as terminally online as most P&Bers and understands that this is just a rapidly-adopted joke.

Actually no, I really hope that no Ayr players read this. That would not be good for morale.

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1 hour ago, diegomarahenry said:

I think Alex Kirk may have been our defensive saviour last season in hindsight. 

Things really clicked when McGinty finally got dropped and the centre half pairing was Kirk and Musonda.

I'd forgotten about Kirk tbh. Probably because my brain refuses to process the concept of Ayr not being absolutely horrific defensively.

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It's contempt for the fanbase at this point tbh. Come out and say you are backing the manager if that's your intent. Instead of the shitebaggery of not saying anything and hoping it'll all just work out.

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Kirk is playing as a RB this season for Bromley. Wonder if it would’ve made a difference last season having a back four of Kirk, Musonda, McGinty and Reading and saving us having to play Houston or McAllister. 

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1 hour ago, diegomarahenry said:

I have seen Ayr relegated a few times, but the worst side not to be relegated was Stainrods, after he decided that there was an untapped market in junior football. He was a dreadful manager and filled the team with dreadful players who were part time and god awful. 

Roberts team is second, again, part time but he had no clue how to build a team and he got steadily worse over 3 years. 

I have seen us relegated a few times as well, mostly down to a lack of investment or being the only part time team in a full time league. 

We are full time, have paid money to entice players to move to Scotland, have more first team support staff than Daziel had assistants in his time as manager, and are still failing. Teams with a smaller budget, with injury problems meaning they only have a squad of 13 to chose from….we have played teams with a defence made up of midfielders and dropped points.  We are an absolute shambles. 

Which Stainrod team are we talking about?  The one that got relegated had, bizarrely, half a dozen players who made it into Duncan Carmichael’s 100 Greatest Ayr players book - Frank Rolling, John Sharples, Gregg Hood, Duncan George, Cammy Duncan and John Traynor.  On one level it’s incredible to think a team with 6 players that would waltz into the current 11 could get relegated, until you remember we had Ian Gilzean and Brian Bilsland up front…

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Just now, Nelson said:

On one level it’s incredible to think a team with 6 players that would waltz into the current 11 could get relegated

Reid's 2011-12 team would almost all walk into the current XI.

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Just now, Thumper said:

Reid's 2011-12 team would almost all walk into the current XI.

The 2 teams that got relegated under Reid kind of blend into one for me.  I think the first one was pretty pish apart from Ryan Stevenson - his second effort was a bit better, though as Mark Roberts observed, playing Michael Moffat at left midfield all season was criminal (might be one of the few things he got right!).

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