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France v Peru


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4 minutes ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

France completely passionless.

Barely celebrated their goal, barely celebrated getting into the knock outs, did the bare minimum in both matches. 

Was tying to put my finger on what's missing, think that word nails it.

Compare to the 98 and 00 fire in the squad, the team on a mission. Strange to say so considering Kante and Pogba are in there, but there's a fairly big lack of midfield presence bossing, imposing themselves on the game. A Deschamps shaped void.

Hard to pinpoint who is going to drag the team up when the shit hits the fan.

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Caught the second half of this game. Yawn.

Spain v Portugal game aside, the bits of this World Cup I’ve seen have been pretty uninspiring.

This WC really needs some more games like Spain v Portugal or it’ll be another South Africa of a World Cup. #AMF

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France strolling through the group stages without getting out of first gear, can't believe idiots are slating them for not trying hard enough, that's what great teams do , they don't need to turn it on till the knockout stages.

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