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What is the point of Labour ?


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9 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Happy to be corrected, but isn't it the case that one dude with solar panels will generate more electricity than Labour's GB Energy?




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11 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Happy to be corrected, but isn't it the case that one dude with solar panels will generate more electricity than Labour's GB Energy?

Labour's GB Energy will turn out to be a brass nameplate in a multi-use office block in Aberdeen.  See also the British National Oil Corporation for previous form.

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Just now, KirkieRR said:

BNOC --> Britoil had a huge building in St Vincent St, Glasgow, then another one nearer Charing Cross, then the Tofies sold it off.

Fucking Everton. Scumbags.

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7 hours ago, Jedi2 said:

You missed off three figures in your Social Housing stat: 6510 between 1997 and 2010:



6510 social houses in 13 years, whoopee-f**king-do. And of these 6510 houses how many will still be social housing and not been sold off under the right to buy scheme? Does Labour still support the right to buy scheme, the one single thing that has destroyed social housing in the UK and resulted in the housing crisis there currently is.

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1 hour ago, Soapy FFC said:

6510 social houses in 13 years, whoopee-f**king-do. And of these 6510 houses how many will still be social housing and not been sold off under the right to buy scheme? Does Labour still support the right to buy scheme, the one single thing that has destroyed social housing in the UK and resulted in the housing crisis there currently is.

Be fair on Jedi. He's not posted his definitive totally truthful proofs yet.

Just look at the first 2 minutes of this video of Sir Keir's socialist utopia

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10 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

How much have they paid to spam youtube? f**k off you red tory c***s I'm trying to watch fat guys getting stuck on waterslide naw Anus saying we'll give you change, spare change.

Black Flag’s logo’s let itself go. 

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3 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Copy and paste as plain text reveals the mystery of the black magic box.

(Christ, Kenneth is going to be knackered.)

Nope, all I managed to do was fat-finger my way into @Cheese’s profile so now he’s going to think I’m a creepy stalking weirdo. 

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1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:

Nope, all I managed to do was fat-finger my way into @Cheese’s profile so now he’s going to think I’m a creepy stalking weirdo. 

From my extensive research, the post appears to say "How much have they paid to spam youtube? f**k off you red tory c***s I'm trying to watch fat guys getting stuck on waterslide naw Anus saying we'll give you change, spare change".

All part of the service...

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1 hour ago, Dunning1874 said:

PFI on steroids.

Good thing it worked so well the last time!

The thing is there’s no excuse this time.  We can point to the (ongoing) financial implications of PFI.


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21 hours ago, KirkieRR said:

BNOC --> Britoil had a huge building in St Vincent St, Glasgow, then another one nearer Charing Cross, then the Tofies sold it off.

O/T but it's now owned by Santander, and they're planning on redeveloping it


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On 27/06/2024 at 23:55, Jedi2 said:

I believe the Labour Party to be centre-left, both in the past, and today.

Socially it may be centre-left, but economically it is centre-right and I don't see anyone other than your good self and the likes of Quentin Letts saying otherwise. Reeves is an Osbourne like figure IMO.

On 27/06/2024 at 23:55, Jedi2 said:

Rail Nationalisation 

Except they haven't said they'll nationalise the railways, they'll continue to use private rolling stock firms etc. It'll be more akin to when the government run an operating company as a company of last resort. It'll be better than allowing TOCs to get subsidies to pay shareholders but stops short of full Nationalisation. There's also no mention of water, which absolutely should be nowhere near private firms hands.

On 27/06/2024 at 23:55, Jedi2 said:

A Nationally Owned Energy Company

Notice how originally is was billed as an electricity generating company, but now it's not. It's a shell, it's a vehicle, it's allowing private firms to get in on things while having government ministers there to smooth over tricky things like planning applications and the like. 

On 27/06/2024 at 23:55, Jedi2 said:

Tackling violence against women and girls

Without saying how of course. Pretty much every party - left or right - will say such things. 

On 27/06/2024 at 23:55, Jedi2 said:

Properly funding the NHS

No, allowing a very small increase in NHS funding while staying withing the Tory spending plans, with the added bonus of using the private sector to take up some of the slack. Ignoring of course that almost all of private doctors and nurses already work for the NHS as well and that we need more doctors, not just the same ones doing more.

On 27/06/2024 at 23:55, Jedi2 said:

Massive house building programme 

Not by the government though, right? By housing developers. 

On 27/06/2024 at 23:55, Jedi2 said:

Each and every one of these is on the 'left' of the spectrum. 

When the spectrum has changed so that the old right wing is centre left in today's terms, then what's the point? 

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2 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Socially it may be centre-left, but economically it is centre-right and I don't see anyone other than your good self and the likes of Quentin Letts saying otherwise. Reeves is an Osbourne like figure IMO.

Except they haven't said they'll nationalise the railways, they'll continue to use private rolling stock firms etc. It'll be more akin to when the government run an operating company as a company of last resort. It'll be better than allowing TOCs to get subsidies to pay shareholders but stops short of full Nationalisation. There's also no mention of water, which absolutely should be nowhere near private firms hands.

Notice how originally is was billed as an electricity generating company, but now it's not. It's a shell, it's a vehicle, it's allowing private firms to get in on things while having government ministers there to smooth over tricky things like planning applications and the like. 

Without saying how of course. Pretty much every party - left or right - will say such things. 

No, allowing a very small increase in NHS funding while staying withing the Tory spending plans, with the added bonus of using the private sector to take up some of the slack. Ignoring of course that almost all of private doctors and nurses already work for the NHS as well and that we need more doctors, not just the same ones doing more.

Not by the government though, right? By housing developers. 

When the spectrum has changed so that the old right wing is centre left in today's terms, then what's the point? 

All fair points, and well made. You are right that Socially it is still centre-left. On the issue of bringing in private finance to the likes of Energy and Health, as well as Housing:

Public funding has taken such a bit hit over the past few years, with Covid costing around £400 billion. The one thing the Tories did get right was the furlough scheme, which in fairness saved a lot of jobs, but was very costly. The other major hit is of course Brexit.

With debt at the highest level since the early 60s, any govt would in present circumstances have to lever in private finance. Its not a 'happy choice' and one I would much rather we weren't in a position to need, but to put money into public services and try to get Investment going in Green Energy, its where we are at.

You can argue that that is more 'right-wing' economically, and in harsh terms, it is, but it is a hard choice to either hike taxes on ordinary folk or use some of the private money along the way.

'If' the economy can grow, obviously more taxes come in, with more available for the govt to spend (of public money). Yes, once the private finance is 'in the door', how do you become less reliant on it?

It's a choice facing all administrations across the UK.

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On 26/06/2024 at 03:15, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I know Jackie Baillie quite well and she's a good MSP for this area.  However, she and other Scottish Labourites continually employ this dishonest trope about the Scottish party continually being in policy tension with the UK hierarchy on a 'more in sorrow than in anger' basis.

In the past I've heard the line 'Ah but we're Scottish Labour' spouted by canvassers on the High Street here, suggesting that SL is some sort of freewheeling autonomous body, when the truth is the polar opposite - they absolutely take their diktat from London.

You can say shes a good msp, i mean her staff write a lot of letters, but ultimately as the local msp and health sec she shut her local a&e and cut hospital provision, meaning someone needing a blue light ambulance at the rest and be thankful faces a 56 minute drive to A&E in Paisley after a car crash etc, double that of the previous time to the Vale of Leven. To me thats absolutely failing her constituents. She should never be allowed to forget that. 

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