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What is the point of Labour ?


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39 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
3 hours ago, O said:
Can someone just remove the words 'of Labour' from this thread title ?

Just removing H_B would suffice.

Or not responding to him.

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

You'll earn a million quid over your lifetime so why not just live a life of luxury in Monaco?

What are you talking about?

The options are either sell the house and have over £100,000 in cash after paying the tax or take out a loan to pay the tax and live in the house whilst repaying the loan at a lower cost than having a mortgage or monthly rent on any other property. 


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9 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I'm talking about there being a non trivial number of people affected at a 125k threshold who either won't want to sell or won't be able to finance a tax bill of the type you are blithely handwaving about.

I chose to use your reasoning extended to clownish proportions in the vain hope you could join the dots and realise it's a policy that will write its own conservative and Libdem campaign material and ensure Labour doesn't break 20% at the next GE.

I agree with your second paragraph but your first is nonsense. Anyone with a property worth £125k will be able to raise a mortgage to pay a £10k tax liability. 

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1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:
16 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:
I agree with your second paragraph but your first is nonsense. Anyone with a property worth £125k will be able to raise a mortgage to pay a £10k tax liability. 

Not if they are in negative equity. You really don't understand mortgages do you...

😂 They've just received a £125k property for nothing. How can they be in negative equity?


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19 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

I agree with your second paragraph but your first is nonsense. Anyone with a property worth £125k will be able to raise a mortgage to pay a £10k tax liability. 

Would Universal Benefits pay it for them?

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2 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
14 hours ago, Tibbermoresaint said:
If it catches every single house owner it isn't unfair by definition.

Not every house is worth more than £150,000 (or whatever) and the rich can afford to avoid it anyway.

Where did I mention £150,000?

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[emoji23] It doesn't. It's lazy journalism.
As you're clearly a stupid c**t I'll repeat. Parliamentary draftsmen, who are lawyers, draft laws. Secondees from accountancy firms, who are accountants but not lawyers, do not draft laws. Because they're not lawyers.
This is basic stuff.
Again, not so. As outlined in most of the articles cited, HMRC is undoubtedly incorporating regulations that have been drafted by one or other of the big 4. I'm interested in why you can be so convinced that this isn't happening.
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1 minute ago, Baxter Parp said:
9 hours ago, Tibbermoresaint said:
emoji23.png It doesn't. It's lazy journalism.
As you're clearly a stupid c**t I'll repeat. Parliamentary draftsmen, who are lawyers, draft laws. Secondees from accountancy firms, who are accountants but not lawyers, do not draft laws. Because they're not lawyers.
This is basic stuff.

Again, not so. As outlined in most of the articles cited, HMRC is undoubtedly incorporating regulations that have been drafted by one or other of the big 4. I'm interested in why you can be so convinced that this isn't happening.

I deal in facts.

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2 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
5 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:
Where did I mention £150,000?

That's the amount cited (or £125,000). I don't see where you called for every property to be subject to inheritance tax.

Where I said "if it catches every single house owner".

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1 minute ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

Which is?

Well, anyone who dies from the age of 76 and above will potentially have children in their 60s, and by the time you'd get to people in their mid 90s you'd be looking at most having children in their 60s, maybe 70s.  A few (96ys+)  could have children in their 80s.

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