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Struggling for numbers


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Have seen a good few teams on Twitter posting they are struggling for numbers for pre-season. Some teams only 6/7 boys showing up for sessions. What is causing this? I know that this discussion has been had for the past few years but mainly at the end of the season when teams are struggling to field teams when they aren't competing for anything. Now the season hasn't even kicked off and teams are really struggling.

Is it finances? Lack of interest? The world cup? Or is it that boys can't be arsed doing pre season? I have seen a few teams posting some of the drills they are doing pre season and it looks like they are trying to kill the boys. Surely those days have gone and balls should be out at pre season. Fitness can be achieved through drills that include a ball and not just sprinting up hills for 2 hours. Iv always been a believer that at amateur level the boys should keep themselves fit and training should be about working on technique and tactics. Maybe by making pre season fun and actually football related teams would attract more players at this time of year.

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What teams is this mate? As I'm not on twitter so can't follow most amateur teams, I agree that the first 2 sessions of pre season should be about getting beasted and straight back into it, them after that back to normal, we only had 9 at training the other day but for the past 4 weeks it's never been
Short of 15, I'm thinking the 9 that week was due to France playing Belgium, but surely it can't be lack of interest, I might be able to shed some light if I know what teams are struggling

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Its a lack of interest and commitment to play. if they were offered money to play then the numbers involved would be alot higher.

Players maybe working during sessions would reduce numbers aswell.

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We’ve done ok number wise, as a club unfortunately we offer very little due to lack of interest from sponsors and poor attendance at club fundraisers but our squad has improved year on year as our results prove, this is down to our manager being able to attract decent players due to his knowledge and tactical approach, as from a players point of view we offer very little other than that

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For me I've missed a couple of sessions due to world cup.

A lot of the regular boys are getting older where careers and families are getting in the way too.

I've noticed folk above mention getting paid? Surely it's no longer amateur then?

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For me I've missed a couple of sessions due to world cup.

A lot of the regular boys are getting older where careers and families are getting in the way too.

I've noticed folk above mention getting paid? Surely it's no longer amateur then?

I know, I was confused by that too, and waverlys comments. Does he mean they offer little financially as sponsors aren't interested, I should hope not.
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Sponsors are had to come by unless its a Pub/Socail club that players can go to after or before matches. Normal businesses don't gain much in return for there money other than logo on tops etc. Shame really but the prices of all the stuff keeps going up in the process so its more on the players to fund them.

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Not at all I was meaning in terms of training facilities, kit etc..

Sorry yeah I understand now. Atleast u have your changing facilities and parks. That's a rarity in the east ayrshire area. Most teams just need to float around and book whatever is available.

Well the fact you's have two back to back titles shows that with hard work and the right people in charge can be enough, not all about the money or facilities on offer
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So seems like a lot of teams are pulling out of friendlies last minute. Poor show but then again if you dont have the players there's not a lot you can do. I would assume that there will be a number if teams folding before the season starts

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Noticed Blantyre Celtic had possibly folded can anyone confirm? Harestanes utd from the Stirling & District have just folded stating that players moving on and finances as main issues.

There has been alot of teams falling over the last couple of years and its seems to be getting harder for teams to attract players.

Players dont seem to have the same enthusiasm for the game anymore, sad as majority of them will probly regret that when they are too old to play. Some amount of lads in mid 20s chucking it or saying there not fussed about playing the now. Or maybe lads just dont want to do pre season anymore??

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Sad to read this but it is the same in the Aberdeen area as well....team I am involved with we have barely got above 11 for pre season training yet we retained 20 of the previous season's squad signature wise.....In terms of the work that is done in pre season being a factor I think there is a slight truth in that but I think what each individual club does and what is right and not is entirely subjective I suppose? This pre season I took the decision to focus purely on getting the team fitter and sharper, not with a beasting on hills or beaches but with a PT Instructor,  this was then incorporated into the Ball based drills also, the lads who attended seemed to enjoy it and asked if we could do something fairly regular with the PT Guy....in all sessions so far we have focussed on this and in the friendlies and final 2 sessions before season starts we can iron out any issues with shape and set plays etc....took this decision as I felt that squad we have and players taken in all good standard so for me not sure what benefit they would get working on the usual ball exercises most would do or see online.....I think the key is trying to adapt and find something which suits and fits your own club and the lads you have at your club, what works for some may not work for others etc.

The issue in terms of numbers  is purely, for me personally, down to player commitment and a general social apathy as I have seen some clubs all over cant even get 16 boys in for a friendly, there are exceptions of course but that is achievable if you have a squad of lads that are all friends as well, that attracts people etc. The Warmer summer twinned the world cup being on hasn't helped but every pre season people go on holiday anyway so that is not a new thing for example. Lads sadly just have better things to do and that is not just in the summer, they would rather go away to beer or gin festivals or some general hipster patter, they would rather go away for 5/6 stag dos in a 9 month period, weekends away shopping with their girlfriends and her pet pug, generally anything random people would rather do than be at football - work and shifts I understand but some seem to think when they sign a form its for playing and training when they feel like it,  before id keep a player who was good even if he only showed up for half the games, now I would rather have guys who want to be there who maybe are not as good but will always be there regardless.  There is also a myth locally that Aberdeen playing better has impacted on this but I think that is rubbish,  the current 18-25 generation are all guided by what they see in the media and what their mates and mrs' say and want, sadly I cannot see it changing any time soon.

all the best to everyone in their respective seasons.

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Sad to read this but it is the same in the Aberdeen area as well....team I am involved with we have barely got above 11 for pre season training yet we retained 20 of the previous season's squad signature wise.....In terms of the work that is done in pre season being a factor I think there is a slight truth in that but I think what each individual club does and what is right and not is entirely subjective I suppose? This pre season I took the decision to focus purely on getting the team fitter and sharper, not with a beasting on hills or beaches but with a PT Instructor,  this was then incorporated into the Ball based drills also, the lads who attended seemed to enjoy it and asked if we could do something fairly regular with the PT Guy....in all sessions so far we have focussed on this and in the friendlies and final 2 sessions before season starts we can iron out any issues with shape and set plays etc....took this decision as I felt that squad we have and players taken in all good standard so for me not sure what benefit they would get working on the usual ball exercises most would do or see online.....I think the key is trying to adapt and find something which suits and fits your own club and the lads you have at your club, what works for some may not work for others etc.
The issue in terms of numbers  is purely, for me personally, down to player commitment and a general social apathy as I have seen some clubs all over cant even get 16 boys in for a friendly, there are exceptions of course but that is achievable if you have a squad of lads that are all friends as well, that attracts people etc. The Warmer summer twinned the world cup being on hasn't helped but every pre season people go on holiday anyway so that is not a new thing for example. Lads sadly just have better things to do and that is not just in the summer, they would rather go away to beer or gin festivals or some general hipster patter, they would rather go away for 5/6 stag dos in a 9 month period, weekends away shopping with their girlfriends and her pet pug, generally anything random people would rather do than be at football - work and shifts I understand but some seem to think when they sign a form its for playing and training when they feel like it,  before id keep a player who was good even if he only showed up for half the games, now I would rather have guys who want to be there who maybe are not as good but will always be there regardless.  There is also a myth locally that Aberdeen playing better has impacted on this but I think that is rubbish,  the current 18-25 generation are all guided by what they see in the media and what their mates and mrs' say and want, sadly I cannot see it changing any time soon.
all the best to everyone in their respective seasons.
One of the best posts I've read on here in a long while. [emoji106]
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A lot lf teams will be getting older as well, unless a club is a community type club where younger lads are constantly brought in, they will struggle, if its a big bunch of mates all playing together for a love of the game eventually age catches up with them

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Think there are a whole lot of small factors that contribute to one large factor in terms of the grade struggling for bodies at training/ games  at lots of clubs,the days of the typical working week being 8 untl 1630 monday to fridays are long gone with multiple  shift patterns and weekend work being the normal whether it be as part of the scheduled working week or overtime (try telling helga indoors that youre knocking back double time on a saturday to kick a ball about with your mates - it doesnt often end well ).

Also maybe single dads only get the chance of access to their kids on a saturday , other factors/distractions like live football non stop all weekend / peer pressure to go down the pub with the lads .


Another factor could be local industry or more so the lack of it ( take a small town like beith for example ) back in the 80s the town was thriving with industry and the players were all local and worked locally so there was less hassle to attend training after a local shift - nowadays people are all scattered workwise and if youre working up in glasgow then at rush hour it can be an hour plus bus ride home , up for the 0608am bus to work and not home until 1825- its a long day and a longer one if you're straight to training therefore not home until possibly  2120hours. .


Its probably different for the junior lads as they are on decent wages at the top end of the spectrum and who arealso  extremely well looked after and its like a second job to lots of these guys .

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Having seen some amateur teams doing pre season it's no wonder players are put off by it. Seen a drill being set up the other day and the manager was setting cones out, about 150 yards apart and over slight hills. Honestly don't understand that sort of mentality tbh.


Much better getting footballs out early and getting games in.

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Having seen some amateur teams doing pre season it's no wonder players are put off by it. Seen a drill being set up the other day and the manager was setting cones out, about 150 yards apart and over slight hills. Honestly don't understand that sort of mentality tbh.
Much better getting footballs out early and getting games in.
This was my point in my original post
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