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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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16 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

Is Cuban nationalism right wing?

Yes/no answer please.

That's a good question.  Is there still such a thing.

I think this brings out the distinction between independence movements where a country is subject to anothers rule and secession movements. Both scottish independence and brexit are the latter.

Sorry, no easy answers here.

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That's a good question.  Is there still such a thing.
I think this brings out the distinction between independence movements where a country is subject to anothers rule and secession movements. Both scottish independence and brexit are the latter.
Sorry, no easy answers here.

You are wrong but not big enough to admit it.

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Not deflection. The cuban goverment purports to believe in international socialism based on class not nationality.
More deflection

Really quite pathetic.

You are clearly wrong in your belief that ALL nationalism is right wing but I do respect your right to be belligerent.

Have a good day
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So im right wing because I want Scotland to leave the UK so that I can vote for a left wing party to run it because I dislike the foisting of far right governments on Scottish people who didnt elect them?
Furthermore im right wing because I dislike the media giving far right politicians more camera time than left wing ones thus normalising far right politics and demonising the left?
I’m right wing because I reject the stance of the far right in removing Scotland from the European union (for what appears to be purely for right wing nationalist reasons) and thus becoming isolationist, when I actually want indy Scotland to be more internationalist and rejoin the EU?
I’m not sure you’ve really thought out this argument?
Also Pep could you please stop referring to everyone as ‘champ’ its a bit like one of those school sports days, not everyone can win so not everyone is a champ.

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25 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

So im right wing because I want Scotland to leave the UK so that I can vote for a left wing party to run it because I dislike the foisting of far right governments on Scottish people who didnt elect them?
Furthermore im right wing because I dislike the media giving far right politicians more camera time than left wing ones thus normalising far right politics and demonising the left?
I’m right wing because I reject the stance of the far right in removing Scotland from the European union (for what appears to be purely for right wing nationalist reasons) and thus becoming isolationist, when I actually want indy Scotland to be more internationalist and rejoin the EU?
I’m not sure you’ve really thought out this argument?
Also Pep could you please stop referring to everyone as ‘champ’ its a bit like one of those school sports days, not everyone can win so not everyone is a champ.

I'll let you in on a little secret - I don't always use champ literally.

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24 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

So im right wing because I want Scotland to leave the UK so that I can vote for a left wing party to run it because I dislike the foisting of far right governments on Scottish people who didnt elect them?
Furthermore im right wing because I dislike the media giving far right politicians more camera time than left wing ones thus normalising far right politics and demonising the left?
I’m right wing because I reject the stance of the far right in removing Scotland from the European union (for what appears to be purely for right wing nationalist reasons) and thus becoming isolationist, when I actually want indy Scotland to be more internationalist and rejoin the EU?
I’m not sure you’ve really thought out this argument?
Also Pep could you please stop referring to everyone as ‘champ’ its a bit like one of those school sports days, not everyone can win so not everyone is a champ.

i have thought it through but clearly haven't communicated it well. 

I am saying that nationalism is a right wing characteristic. It is perfectly possible for a person, party or philosophy to include right wing characteristics while remaining overall left wing. I accept this could be wrong, but it's a legitemately held, considered view.

This is more by default than for positive reasons, as internationalism is a defining feature of the left. I consider myself an internationalist.

I would rather the uk with scotland remains in an EU which continues to expand.

It is also possible for people to be right wing and still not "bad" or "stupid".  I don't intend it as an insult.

I do think that the inference that everybody who voted for brexit is a xenophobe is wrong. I know plenty intelligent inclusive types that voted leave for a variety of reasons. That's what prompted my initial post, which was admittedly deliberately provocative.

I think if some (by no means most) of our nats had been born english they would have been into the EDL.

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5 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:






Corbyn = Socialist Britnat


Erm the point is that Corbyn is Mainstream, elected by the largest number of people in the largest political party in the country. Where as Robinson is a right wing racist weirdo but they get treated the same.


Jeremy and Tommy. Worshiped with hashtags therefore exactly the same. Except Jeremy Corbyn has spent his entire life fighting for the oppressed and against violence and war. Where as Tommy spent his life battering women and being racist. If they are being glorified in the same way it says a lot about the people celebrating Robinson, that they find his racism acceptable.

So when shite like the article above gets published it puts racism and socialism on the same footing.*


*what they atually want to say is Corbyn is racist but they know there is no evidence beyond the dog whistling equating anti-Israel with anti-Jewish.

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36 minutes ago, coprolite said:

i have thought it through but clearly haven't communicated it well. 

I am saying that nationalism is a right wing characteristic. It is perfectly possible for a person, party or philosophy to include right wing characteristics while remaining overall left wing. I accept this could be wrong, but it's a legitemately held, considered view.

This is more by default than for positive reasons, as internationalism is a defining feature of the left. I consider myself an internationalist.

I would rather the uk with scotland remains in an EU which continues to expand.

It is also possible for people to be right wing and still not "bad" or "stupid".  I don't intend it as an insult.

I do think that the inference that everybody who voted for brexit is a xenophobe is wrong. I know plenty intelligent inclusive types that voted leave for a variety of reasons. That's what prompted my initial post, which was admittedly deliberately provocative.

I think if some (by no means most) of our nats had been born english they would have been into the EDL.

Your basic premise is wrong though.  There's lots of types of nationalisms, you should do some research before spouting utter pish.

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42 minutes ago, coprolite said:

i have thought it through but clearly haven't communicated it well. 

I am saying that nationalism is a right wing characteristic. It is perfectly possible for a person, party or philosophy to include right wing characteristics while remaining overall left wing. I accept this could be wrong, but it's a legitemately held, considered view.

This is more by default than for positive reasons, as internationalism is a defining feature of the left. I consider myself an internationalist.

I would rather the uk with scotland remains in an EU which continues to expand.

It is also possible for people to be right wing and still not "bad" or "stupid".  I don't intend it as an insult.

I do think that the inference that everybody who voted for brexit is a xenophobe is wrong. I know plenty intelligent inclusive types that voted leave for a variety of reasons. That's what prompted my initial post, which was admittedly deliberately provocative.

I think if some (by no means most) of our nats had been born english they would have been into the EDL.


Oh look turns out you're talking pish.  Who would have thunk it.

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You mean like every other country in the world champ?  The point is self determination.  We want Scotland to be governed by the people who live in Scotland.  Same as Japan and Peru and France and Nigeria.  Not governed by people in another country.  You're a moron.

The UK isn’t governed by another country last time I checked. Just because you have a minority view that Scotland should come out of the UK doesn’t change that champ.
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2 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

Whilst it would undoubtedly be less entertaining, you don't have to respond to folk who're quite obviously deliberately trying to bam you up, lads.

^^^^ This.

There are folk on here who have a very different view from mine but genuinely want to debate.  These folk are worth debating with.

Then there’s the trolls, mainly piss poor ones; the idiots who have no credibility due to their own comments and actions; and the odd immature arsehole who wants to join in when the adults are talking and should be discouraged.

Anyone who engages with them are no better than them.


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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

^^^^ This.

There are folk on here who have a very different view from mine but genuinely want to debate.  These folk are worth debating with.

Then there’s the trolls, mainly piss poor ones; the idiots who have no credibility due to their own comments and actions; and the odd immature arsehole who wants to join in when the adults are talking and should be discouraged.

Anyone who engages with them are no better than them they are.


Tsk, tsk, Granny

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