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Nipper Salmond


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Every woman he has.ever been in  contact with virtually has.been visited.and encouraged to make allegations, twist words and misrepresent situations.  How do.You know this isn't just the.ten or so that agreed to do.so?  

In Linlithgow there have been stories about the young Salmond being a bit touchy-feely or wandering-handed from long before he became as prominent a public figure.
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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I said "it's possible".

As in it's not the case that it has to all 10 women telling the truth or him telling the truth. Each allegation has to be considered on it's own merit.

The idea that a conspiracy against Salmond is impossible denies the reality that the Court Of Session found exactly that to be the case and the Scottish Government had to pay half a million in costs due to the verdict. (And presumably when the legal case is over senior civil servants will lose their jobs).

The foot fetish one sounds very George Galloway. I know I shouldn't, but I couldn't help giggling at that picture. Also, the reports say one of the offences took place in a nightclub! WTF was the FM doing in a nightclub?

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5 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

The foot fetish one sounds very George Galloway. I know I shouldn't, but I couldn't help giggling at that picture. Also, the reports say one of the offences took place in a nightclub! WTF was the FM doing in a nightclub?

Might have been a private function/after party of some sort.

Or maybe he likes to drop a couple of e's and rave it up to the Shamen.

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24 minutes ago, HoatPies said:

This is about potentially getting justice for victims of alleged sex crimes and if found guilty then hopefully the judicial system will sentence the accused fittingly

Equally, at the same time an innocent mans name could be getting dragged through the mud and will never be the same person again due to potentially false allegations, of found innocent then the focus should then be on changing the laws so you aren’t named as a potential sex offender before you’ve even been in a court of law. Sadly you are guilty regardless of the jury’s verdict in this day in age 

It could happen to any one of us or out sons, fathers, nephews etc


Nope.  No it couldn't.  

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1 hour ago, Jeff Venom said:

I was in Eastern Europe a couple of weeks ago and witnessed some good old fashioned football hooliganism in the beautiful main square of L'viv.
I can only imagine what the club scene must be like. Take me back emoji847.png

Trust me, it's fantastic.........

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

People on here saying we shouldn’t pre-judge but I reckon all of us will to some degree.

Either Salmond is lying or ten women are lying; I find the former more probable than the latter.


Nobody is saying they're lying, however the fact that none of them felt the need to report it up until recently, when "the incidents" allegedly took place years ago, tells us that there's more going on here than a sexual predator being outed as it were.

My speculation would be along the lines of "aah but you do know that touching your arm, leg or even hair is actually a crime and there could be some compensation in this for you", "think back, did he ever do anything like this ?, were there ever any sorts of these type incidents that you could think of ? "we've got some others to testify to similar things and that should be enough to make a case against him".

Irrespective of his innocence or guilt, I'm simply not accepting this bizarre view that touching someones hair, arm or leg is a horrendous and serious crime.

Taking that sort of viewpoint actually takes away the importance of real sex crimes such as violent assault and rape and if he was found guilty of any of those crimes then I'd be the first to applaud him being sent down for decades, however as I say, some of the "serious" crimes reported are just utter and complete nonsense for those of us living in the real world............


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