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5 minutes ago, Diamonds02 said:

Everyone wants an experienced centre half to come in (including me) but is there any actually available at this level in January?

Morgyn neill is now staying at cove so I'm not sure who else we could actually get.

Still though i urge everyone to keep the heid for now, if there's still no defensive signing in 3 weeks then I'll start to worry.


Rhys  mentioned in last week's post match interview, poor defending and the inability to stop crosses coming in,which has been a massive problem all season.  He says this will be addressed, pretty sure it will  be, if thats the case a box to box midfielder  isn't on the managers wishlist,,  which I am not convinced we need anyway, without a total change in formation,   (if one did turn up, who would you drop,don't say Telfer who seems to be the default button for the ills in that side)..


as I said before a consistent left back, I am confident we can get one on loan and a replacement for McGill who can pop up with a goal, but the technical side of his game is horrendous and offers no cover to  his full ba ck...

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21 minutes ago, Diamonds02 said:

Everyone wants an experienced centre half to come in (including me) but is there any actually available at this level in January?

Morgyn neill is now staying at cove so I'm not sure who else we could actually get.

Still though i urge everyone to keep the heid for now, if there's still no defensive signing in 3 weeks then I'll start to worry.


One I can think of at the top of my head would be Tunji Akinola from Thistle. 6ft 1 and described as a 'ball playing centre back' on Wikipedia. I don't think he's played much for them at all, might be worth a shout.

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11 hours ago, Diamonds_Are_Forever said:

Already writing off a boy that’s just signed when does it ever change give the boy a chance atleast McCabe must see something in him if he has signed him only a week into the window and still plenty of time to go to get a couple more experienced heads in 

I'm going to use a phrase I absolutely hate here so general apologies to the thread, but what a bunch of happy clappy bullshit this is. 

The signings this season have been rank rotten. Even the two absolute can't miss certs (Rae and Ballantyne) haven't panned out as one hasn't played a league game and one can't stay on the pitch between a truly atrocious disciplinary record and injuries. The rest have been inexperienced wee boys who have done nothing of note and are massive downgrades on last year and two inconsistent haddies from the worst Falkirk team of all time 

Do you have any faith at all that our inexperienced manager is going to be backed by our latest unbelievably poor chairman in any real way this window, as I have none.

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1 hour ago, cb_diamond said:

I'm going to use a phrase I absolutely hate here so general apologies to the thread, but what a bunch of happy clappy bullshit this is. 

The signings this season have been rank rotten. Even the two absolute can't miss certs (Rae and Ballantyne) haven't panned out as one hasn't played a league game and one can't stay on the pitch between a truly atrocious disciplinary record and injuries. The rest have been inexperienced wee boys who have done nothing of note and are massive downgrades on last year and two inconsistent haddies from the worst Falkirk team of all time 

Do you have any faith at all that our inexperienced manager is going to be backed by our latest unbelievably poor chairman in any real way this window, as I have none.

Shows how we all perceive things differently as i find your comment weirdly pessimistic.

The way you're going on it's like we're relegation candidates.

We're 1 point off the play off places in a much tougher league than last year.

I don't think slight optimism makes you a mindless 'happy clapper'. I find it much more reasonable than the position you've taken.

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It’s all well and good people coming on here and saying that it’s obvious what we need, or that it’s ludicrous that we’re signing kids instead of experienced pros/strikers instead of defenders, etc., but there is one glaring problem that most folk seem to be ignorant of - if the players aren’t there, available, or willing to come, what are Rhys and Dycey supposed to do? I’d wager that if you scan through the team threads on here for L1 and the Champ, most teams would be looking for a no-nonsense defender/destroyer midfielder/prolific striker (delete as appropriate), it’s not as simple as folk make out.

To suggest that McCabe (someone that has been in the pro game for well over ten years now) can’t see where our deficiencies are is just plain daft to me. I don’t doubt for a second that we are looking to address it but unless a Liam Fontaine turns up at the Excelsior reception asking for a contract, a player like that will be extremely hard to find. 

We all want Airdrie to do well, none of us like that we’ve been in this league for 10 years straight now, but in my view, there’s nothing happening at the club that suggests they aren’t trying to resolve this. I get incredibly frustrated as well when I hear things like ‘this is the worst team for 4 seasons’ or ‘our disappointment of a chairman PH’. People seem to forget how grim things were painted to be at times on here under Murray - hell, as others have pointed out, if it wasn’t for an unheard of, frankly, freak run of results last year, we wouldn’t have finished the way we did. Not to discredit what the boys did last year, it was fantastic, but if anyone on here that has watched Airdrie over the past 15 years or so think that should be the norm, they haven’t been paying attention. We are where we are and while I am in no way saying we should accept that, we have to come to terms with the fact that it’s going to be incredibly hard to dig ourselves out and doing so will entail a lot of good fortune. As for PH - does anyone here have any idea of how much of his own money he’s dumped in the club in the last 5-odd years? I’m certainly not going to claim to know, but know enough to know that he’ll have taken huge financial hits to keep us as competitive as we’ve been in that time - he invested enough to keep last season’s squad together (bar Easton) and added what we expected to be known quality (Ballantyne/Rae), so it’s not like he’s not trying.

I get that this is a forum for discussion and debate, I get that Monday’s performance/result was infuriating (and not for the first time this season) but you’d think we were cut adrift at the bottom of the league, or were 12 points adrift of the playoffs the way people are going on. This league is still wide open and unless you’re serious title contenders, there’s no difference as to whether you finish 2nd or 4th (as we found out to our detriment last year).

My hope is that folk don’t start to turn on, by all accounts, two good players/blokes that are working hard for the club and early in their coaching careers in McCabe and Fordyce. Or that people don’t start to tear down lads early in their playing careers just because they make a few mistakes (see Euan Devenney who was public enemy number 1 6-8 weeks ago or most recently, Jay Riley). There’s plenty for us to be hopeful and positive about - we can get where we want to this season, but we need to accept it won’t be as pretty as last year.

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1 hour ago, cb_diamond said:

I'm going to use a phrase I absolutely hate here so general apologies to the thread, but what a bunch of happy clappy bullshit this is. 

The signings this season have been rank rotten. Even the two absolute can't miss certs (Rae and Ballantyne) haven't panned out as one hasn't played a league game and one can't stay on the pitch between a truly atrocious disciplinary record and injuries. The rest have been inexperienced wee boys who have done nothing of note and are massive downgrades on last year and two inconsistent haddies from the worst Falkirk team of all time 

Do you have any faith at all that our inexperienced manager is going to be backed by our latest unbelievably poor chairman in any real way this window, as I have none.

Got a good feeling about Dixon, seems to have the confidence and keen to get game time, 

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9 hours ago, thediamonddude said:

It’s all well and good people coming on here and saying that it’s obvious what we need, or that it’s ludicrous that we’re signing kids instead of experienced pros/strikers instead of defenders, etc., but there is one glaring problem that most folk seem to be ignorant of - if the players aren’t there, available, or willing to come, what are Rhys and Dycey supposed to do? I’d wager that if you scan through the team threads on here for L1 and the Champ, most teams would be looking for a no-nonsense defender/destroyer midfielder/prolific striker (delete as appropriate), it’s not as simple as folk make out.

To suggest that McCabe (someone that has been in the pro game for well over ten years now) can’t see where our deficiencies are is just plain daft to me. I don’t doubt for a second that we are looking to address it but unless a Liam Fontaine turns up at the Excelsior reception asking for a contract, a player like that will be extremely hard to find. 

We all want Airdrie to do well, none of us like that we’ve been in this league for 10 years straight now, but in my view, there’s nothing happening at the club that suggests they aren’t trying to resolve this. I get incredibly frustrated as well when I hear things like ‘this is the worst team for 4 seasons’ or ‘our disappointment of a chairman PH’. People seem to forget how grim things were painted to be at times on here under Murray - hell, as others have pointed out, if it wasn’t for an unheard of, frankly, freak run of results last year, we wouldn’t have finished the way we did. Not to discredit what the boys did last year, it was fantastic, but if anyone on here that has watched Airdrie over the past 15 years or so think that should be the norm, they haven’t been paying attention. We are where we are and while I am in no way saying we should accept that, we have to come to terms with the fact that it’s going to be incredibly hard to dig ourselves out and doing so will entail a lot of good fortune. As for PH - does anyone here have any idea of how much of his own money he’s dumped in the club in the last 5-odd years? I’m certainly not going to claim to know, but know enough to know that he’ll have taken huge financial hits to keep us as competitive as we’ve been in that time - he invested enough to keep last season’s squad together (bar Easton) and added what we expected to be known quality (Ballantyne/Rae), so it’s not like he’s not trying.

I get that this is a forum for discussion and debate, I get that Monday’s performance/result was infuriating (and not for the first time this season) but you’d think we were cut adrift at the bottom of the league, or were 12 points adrift of the playoffs the way people are going on. This league is still wide open and unless you’re serious title contenders, there’s no difference as to whether you finish 2nd or 4th (as we found out to our detriment last year).

My hope is that folk don’t start to turn on, by all accounts, two good players/blokes that are working hard for the club and early in their coaching careers in McCabe and Fordyce. Or that people don’t start to tear down lads early in their playing careers just because they make a few mistakes (see Euan Devenney who was public enemy number 1 6-8 weeks ago or most recently, Jay Riley). There’s plenty for us to be hopeful and positive about - we can get where we want to this season, but we need to accept it won’t be as pretty as last year.

Good post. I wish the board woulD communicate about the business plan. I did ask if a Director would come on the podcast, sent questions in advance and said they could hear it before it went out and request deletions. I was effectively told it’s a private company and we’ll run it as we see fit.

I struggle to understand how Edinburgh can sign players who would be excellent for us (Fontaine, McDonald) when they are posting attendances in the 2 and 3 hundreds at points. 

It’s comparing apples and oranges. Teams like Kelty and Edinburgh don’t have the big stadium that we have and all the utility bills that go along with it. Although Stad co is separate, ultimately I guess our rent still has to cover a lot of the costs.

We can’t know the finances unless they tell us. I wish they would be a bit more open. It would be easier to accept signing the bum fluff brigade if we knew the financial limitations.

Edited by CapitalDiamond
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3 minutes ago, CapitalDiamond said:

Good post. I wish the board woulD communicate about the business plan. I did ask if a Director would come on the podcast, sent questions in advance and said they could hear it before it went out and request deletions. I was effectively told it’s a private company and we’ll run it as we see fit.

I struggle to understand how Edinburgh can sign players who would be excellent for us (Fontaine, McDonald) when they are posting attendances in the 2 and 3 hundreds at points. 

It’s comparing apples and oranges. Teams like Kelty and Edinburgh don’t have the big stadium that we have and all the utility bills that go along with it. Although Stad co is separate, ultimately I guess our rent still has to cover a lot of the costs.

We can’t know the finances unless they tell us. I wish they would be a bit more open. It would be easier to accept signing the bin fluff brigade if we knew the financial limitations.

100% on the money. 


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36 minutes ago, CapitalDiamond said:

struggle to understand how Edinburgh can sign players who would be excellent for us (Fontaine, McDonald) when they are posting attendances in the 2 and 3 hundreds at points. 

I wondered this as well, presumably they have a "wealthy backer" funding some of it? Regarding the signingings I think @thediamonddudehas it right, we all know what we need but realisticly it would need to be a lone deal and there probably arent as many of those around as we think. 

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1 hour ago, thediamonddude said:

It’s all well and good people coming on here and saying that it’s obvious what we need, or that it’s ludicrous that we’re signing kids instead of experienced pros/strikers instead of defenders, etc., but there is one glaring problem that most folk seem to be ignorant of - if the players aren’t there, available, or willing to come, what are Rhys and Dycey supposed to do? I’d wager that if you scan through the team threads on here for L1 and the Champ, most teams would be looking for a no-nonsense defender/destroyer midfielder/prolific striker (delete as appropriate), it’s not as simple as folk make out.

To suggest that McCabe (someone that has been in the pro game for well over ten years now) can’t see where our deficiencies are is just plain daft to me. I don’t doubt for a second that we are looking to address it but unless a Liam Fontaine turns up at the Excelsior reception asking for a contract, a player like that will be extremely hard to find. 

We all want Airdrie to do well, none of us like that we’ve been in this league for 10 years straight now, but in my view, there’s nothing happening at the club that suggests they aren’t trying to resolve this. I get incredibly frustrated as well when I hear things like ‘this is the worst team for 4 seasons’ or ‘our disappointment of a chairman PH’. People seem to forget how grim things were painted to be at times on here under Murray - hell, as others have pointed out, if it wasn’t for an unheard of, frankly, freak run of results last year, we wouldn’t have finished the way we did. Not to discredit what the boys did last year, it was fantastic, but if anyone on here that has watched Airdrie over the past 15 years or so think that should be the norm, they haven’t been paying attention. We are where we are and while I am in no way saying we should accept that, we have to come to terms with the fact that it’s going to be incredibly hard to dig ourselves out and doing so will entail a lot of good fortune. As for PH - does anyone here have any idea of how much of his own money he’s dumped in the club in the last 5-odd years? I’m certainly not going to claim to know, but know enough to know that he’ll have taken huge financial hits to keep us as competitive as we’ve been in that time - he invested enough to keep last season’s squad together (bar Easton) and added what we expected to be known quality (Ballantyne/Rae), so it’s not like he’s not trying.

I get that this is a forum for discussion and debate, I get that Monday’s performance/result was infuriating (and not for the first time this season) but you’d think we were cut adrift at the bottom of the league, or were 12 points adrift of the playoffs the way people are going on. This league is still wide open and unless you’re serious title contenders, there’s no difference as to whether you finish 2nd or 4th (as we found out to our detriment last year).

My hope is that folk don’t start to turn on, by all accounts, two good players/blokes that are working hard for the club and early in their coaching careers in McCabe and Fordyce. Or that people don’t start to tear down lads early in their playing careers just because they make a few mistakes (see Euan Devenney who was public enemy number 1 6-8 weeks ago or most recently, Jay Riley). There’s plenty for us to be hopeful and positive about - we can get where we want to this season, but we need to accept it won’t be as pretty as last year.

Awe, nothing for us to worry about then, 

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3 hours ago, thediamonddude said:

I ‘our disappointment of a chairman PH’.

As for PH - does anyone here have any idea of how much of his own money he’s dumped in the club in the last 5-odd years? 

You've made lots of well thought out points, however, I will die on the hill that PH is not a good chairman on any level. That's mainly due to his complete intransigence on any form of communication with fans/fans groups/media etc etc

No one is asking him to be out holding fans forums every other Tuesday, but he comes across as completely aloof and condescending of the clubs fanbase. It's his toy and he'll do what he wants with it and we'll shut out faces and keep paying the money attitude.

The point being he may be doing incredible work in the background and pumping loads of cash in, but not a single thing outwardly gives that impression. Nothing. Not the team on the pitch, not the communication, not the constantly falling out with people.

Christ, I actually don't know what he looks like. Seriously. None of these things are really arguable as there's overwhelming evidence for all of them. None of them are positive.



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2 hours ago, cb_diamond said:

You've made lots of well thought out points, however, I will die on the hill that PH is not a good chairman on any level. That's mainly due to his complete intransigence on any form of communication with fans/fans groups/media etc etc

No one is asking him to be out holding fans forums every other Tuesday, but he comes across as completely aloof and condescending of the clubs fanbase. It's his toy and he'll do what he wants with it and we'll shut out faces and keep paying the money attitude.

The point being he may be doing incredible work in the background and pumping loads of cash in, but not a single thing outwardly gives that impression. Nothing. Not the team on the pitch, not the communication, not the constantly falling out with people.

Christ, I actually don't know what he looks like. Seriously. None of these things are really arguable as there's overwhelming evidence for all of them. None of them are positive.



Good job we have Gal, good result in the end, well done team and travelling support, 

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Hope Telfer is on the penalties for the foreseeable future! 😂


Off the top of my head that’s us missed 6 (not including shootouts) in the last two seasons. McCabe x 2 and Salim last season and Gabby, Jamieson and now Smith this season. Dreadful record and something we need to improve on. Could come down to penalties in the play-offs and I wouldn’t be confident at all based on our record. 

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Pleased with the win yesterday albeit it was a 'late late show'. Great to see Josh Rae back in goals, a competent goalkeeper will make a massive difference to that defence. 

Excellent video from 'Airdrie Fan TV' enjoyed the content.

Brian's 'patience is a virtue' comment from McCabe's interview that was dropped in every now and then did make me laugh 😄

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7 hours ago, airdrieman said:

Hope Telfer is on the penalties for the foreseeable future! 😂


Off the top of my head that’s us missed 6 (not including shootouts) in the last two seasons. McCabe x 2 and Salim last season and Gabby, Jamieson and now Smith this season. Dreadful record and something we need to improve on. Could come down to penalties in the play-offs and I wouldn’t be confident at all based on our record. 

Forgot Easton’s penalty miss at Montrose so that’s actually at least 7 missed penalties in the last couple of seasons! 

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Happy to see the content being received so well! 

As we said on Twitter, it's only as good as what we get from everyone who takes the time to talk to us! 

Video over 800 views already since this morning - more than twice the average! 

Check out the rest of series here:



See you in Kelty! 


Twitter | Instagram | YouTube - @AirdrieFanTV

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8 hours ago, airdrieman said:

Forgot Easton’s penalty miss at Montrose so that’s actually at least 7 missed penalties in the last couple of seasons! 

The famous 'panenka' my old man actually caught the ball behind the goal that day and punted it away. He got a special mention on 'A View from the terrace' that's his claim to fame 😆

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On 07/01/2023 at 09:54, Passionate said:

Rhys  mentioned in last week's post match interview, poor defending and the inability to stop crosses coming in,which has been a massive problem all season.  He says this will be addressed, pretty sure it will  be, if thats the case a box to box midfielder  isn't on the managers wishlist,,  which I am not convinced we need anyway, without a total change in formation,   (if one did turn up, who would you drop,don't say Telfer who seems to be the default button for the ills in that side)..


as I said before a consistent left back, I am confident we can get one on loan and a replacement for McGill who can pop up with a goal, but the technical side of his game is horrendous and offers no cover to  his full ba ck...

Very surprised if we don't sign a defender  within next couple of weeks, wouldn't be against giving young Dixon a chance with Gabby on bench, next week Kelty a bit  like Edinburgh fc  physical team  aswell  as a good bit  of  talent, 

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