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Wait until the 29th March and have her return to the UK with a blue passport.
In all seriousness we have a responsibility to the baby to bring it to a place of safety, I see the argument in terms of her being completely indoctrinated and complicit with DAESH’s crimes but I also recognise that she was groomed to go etc. There is no answer that’s going to have everyone delighted but on the balance of it i’d say bring her back, let her have the baby in an NHS hospital, charge her under the terrorism act and let the courts decide.

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15 minutes ago, Blacklands Buff said:

I’m struggling to see how a 15 year old can’t be considered responsible for their own actions ?



The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old.


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So this little girl would like to come home.

There were other little girls that went to an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester and never came home.

No doubt she would have condoned that attack.  Similarly all the other attacks that have taken place across the UK and elsewhere.

She is a threat to society.

Her goals cannot be achieved by non-violent means.

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Haven't read the full thread but surely somebody has pointed out that, unless she has dual citizenship with UK and another country, there's absolutely nothing the UK can do to stop her returning.

It's more a case of what do you do with her when she, and others, return.

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1 hour ago, Aladdin said:

Haven't read the full thread but surely somebody has pointed out that, unless she has dual citizenship with UK and another country, there's absolutely nothing the UK can do to stop her returning.

It's more a case of what do you do with her when she, and others, return.

That is pretty much spot on but some folk seem to have problems getting their heads around it.  One of the people is the Home Secretary.

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I find myself agreeing with Daily Mail and Daily Express readers on this subject.  I don't like that at all.  :(

 She should be left alone until such time as she tips up at UK immigration.

She left under her own steam, she can return the same way and it can be dealt with then.      Can kicking.

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18 hours ago, strichener said:

Have you any actual evidence that this person committed any crimes?  If not then what is the basis for exclusion?

It is just another instance of the UK making up laws on the hoof and poorly thought out ones at that.  It is no wonder that they are desperate to remove themselves from the ECHR.

Going by the evidence which we have which is that she left the UK to go and fight for evil terrorists in Syria, she has, by her own admission, continued to openly support this cause even in defeat and has also shown no remorse whatsoever for the crimes / executions / genocide which has been committed, as such I think it would probably have been best for everyone concerned if she'd just been made to disappear.

I do get the fact that people are saying "oh, she's just a wee lassie that was brainwashed" but unfortunately we're way past that stage and we're now left with the person which exists post that alleged brainwashing and that person is most certainly a major security risk.

We would also be setting a very dangerous precedent and presumably the next move would be to call for a full pardon for the likes of Jon Venables and Robert Thompson and paying of compensation as they were "only young lads who didn't know any better" when they committed the cold and calculated murder of a toddler.

As I say, we all make our own decisions in life and we should ALL have to live with the consequences of these decisions irrespective of how unpalatable these consequences are to some of us................

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Kurdish officials have demanded the UK fulfils its “moral and legal duty” to repatriate Shamima Begum and other British Isis members detained in Syria.

Abdel Karim Omar, a Kurdish foreign affairs official, told The Independent that thousands of detained Isis fighters, women and children are a “big burden”.

“They belong to 49 countries, and they don’t have documents and passports,” he added.

“We cannot bear this responsibility alone. We ask the international community and the countries to which Isis members belong to take up its moral and legal duty and repatriate their citizens back to their countries.”

The government said it will not assist Ms Begum to leave Syria, and Sajid Javid has suggested the UK may seek to legally block her return.

Mr Omar confirmed Ms Begum will not be able to leave the camp where she is being held unless through official repatriation.


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