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Policing at Football whitewash

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1 hour ago, tumbleweed said:

I've asked twice on this thread for people to explain how they want the police to police them at the football, but other than a request that they deal with the real problem rather than suspecting everyone of being a thug, there have been precisely no suggestions. Unfortunately some fans are the real problem - no-one else is throwing things or jumping over the hoardings to have a go at players like we saw tonight -  and while its easy to point and throw stones, literally and figuratively,  its not so easy to suggest an alternative. 

I totally understand and accept that the police could do their job better, as I am sure employees of every organisation could, but there needs to be a reasonable alternative before change takes place and if fans organisations such as FAC won't sit down and give their point of view, then it can't be a surprise to them that they are not taken seriously by the authorities. I've spoken to Jeanette Findlay and think she and her organisation have something to add which could benefit fans, but sadly she is jumping up and down outside the window shouting obscenities at those inside, when she could have a seat at the table and influence change from the table. I read her being quoted as saying that Police Scotland "view fans as criminals and potential sources of disorder and that’s a problem for us on an ongoing basis" and she's at least partially right, as I said above.


What people want is a real independent report into policing. Not drafting up some other police officer to give the illusion of independence.

FAC  and others are pretty clear on that point.

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11 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

You're being an absolute fantasist here, mate.  McCabe's the name.  Policing's the game.

If you try and make at least some form of sense it would be easier for people to understand what you are trying to say. 


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10 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

What people want is a real independent report into policing. Not drafting up some other police officer to give the illusion of independence.

FAC  and others are pretty clear on that point.

A real independent report into policing because you can't be bothered reading the report that was produced and instead just complain about it ?

Who would you like to conduct a review of policing  football games - Jeanette Findlay because she would fit the narrative into your way of thinking? 

What other organisation regularly has responsibility for the crowds at sporting or other events? FAC?  Obviously police match commanders have the most experience of this and should be able to identify issues and make recommendations about how these could be addressed. Which the reports author actually did. So what else did you expect him to say?

I note you haven't suggested how the police go about things, just that what they do should be reviewed by someone, anyone. If there is such a review and you don't like what it says - obviously  you would need to actually read it for yourself - what then? Ask for another one? Like many contributors to this thread, just keep complaining and blame the police and stewards for everything, its clearly too difficult to do anything else. 


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12 hours ago, Snafu said:

At todays match with Aberdeen the latest in the series of banners from Celtic fans who make themselves perfectly clear.



I don't think anyone can argue with the "manipulative media" banner.

Having said that, most of the outspoken cretins shouldn't really be described as "media" as that would somehow assume that they had journalistic knowledge and qualifications, when the reality is that most of them are failed ex footballers who get handed a job and given a platform to spout their drivel.............

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12 hours ago, Snafu said:

At todays match with Aberdeen the latest in the series of banners from Celtic fans who make themselves perfectly clear.



What are they complaining about now?


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It will be very interesting to see the "media" reaction to the Jack Grealish incident where the fan has run on and just decked him and then given half a dozen Nazi salutes as he's been taken away !!!

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17 hours ago, Snafu said:

At todays match with Aberdeen the latest in the series of banners from Celtic fans who make themselves perfectly clear.



Are they protesting about something specific or is this just adolescent peoples’ poet shite?

The “scum out football*” banner at least shows that they have mastered irony.


*possibly “soum out oe evitball” 


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Guest Moomintroll
Are they protesting about something specific or is this just adolescent peoples’ poet shite?
The “scum out football*” banner at least shows that they have mastered irony.
*possibly “soum out oe evitball” 
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18 hours ago, Snafu said:

At todays match with Aberdeen the latest in the series of banners from Celtic fans who make themselves perfectly clear.



Looks like the top tier. Is this a breakaway group, disillusioned with the direction the GB is taking?

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Arsenal fan just pitch invaded and confronted Chris Smalling, it will be very interesting to see the media and authorities reaction to the two English incidents today in relation to their reaction over the incidents in Scotland...............

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