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Independence Marches - 2019


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33 minutes ago, LeeVanTeeth said:

And the prize for most over the top nonsense comparing Unionists with Nazis. And I'm no fan of the Union.

Take a look again at the old lady on page 8 and her abuse is mild compared to some of the comments as families pass her.

They have every democratic right to protest and show their solidarity in their union but their behaviour at times goes way beyond present day social acceptability.

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1 hour ago, LeeVanTeeth said:

And the prize for most over the top nonsense comparing Unionists with Nazis. And I'm no fan of the Union.

This from the New Statesman below, admittedly this is a rare occurrence and is confined to a small band of people.

For many independence supporters, suspicions that the pro-union campaign had resonated with the far right were confirmed on the evening after the referendum. A group of crestfallen, mainly young independence supporters turned up at Glasgow’s George Square, where they were confronted by a group of union supporters waving Union Jacks, singing Rule Britannia and giving Nazi salutes. 

Glasgow SNP councillor Austin Sheridan, who is gay, was at the City Chambers that day, an imperial building on George Square. He left the building to see what was going on. “All of a sudden a guy came up and shouted at me,” he remembers. A video he made on his phone shows middle-aged men calling him “fucking poofter” and “nationalist scum”. 

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On 30/04/2019 at 22:43, This time Perthshirebell said:

Imagine getting bent out of shape at the prospect of Scotland being a normal, powerful county.    Rangers fans are wrong 'uns.    

I voted yes actually dont know any other Rangers fans who never around my circle

Stop giving the dog a bad name 

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

I think it's just because there's an exceptionally vocal and visible GSTQ contingent that's easy to make fun of. I'm delighted rangers fans were visible on the latest march, much to the irritation of that auld yin.

Its not about football its about our countries future

And not being run by psychopathic Burlington boy elite who would sell there own Grannies to stay in power

Scotland deserves so much better than being a nuclear dustbin and a place to tax higher

We deserve like every other country to decide our own affairs peacefully and democratically

And notice it always goes back to the SNP with them

Clearly they dont understand what grass roots is since Better Together was run out off Whitehall and funded by Westmonster our taxes financed it

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12 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Amen brother.

Unions the vampire the Dracula and the yoons are the wee shrivled husk off a man who provide its blood to let it grow who says my master

Long we drive a stake through its heart the better

And as for the anti English thing ask the Scouse what they thought about Thatcher?

We are doing it for them to they can do so much better out the union and governing themselves to the whole north off England can break away to

Our brothers and our sisters

Egor that was the wee guys name

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27 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I've always found it strange that Wales has such a great record with supporting the Welsh language to the extent its long decline has reversed and its going up. 10x as many speakers as there are Gaelic speakers as % of the population, and yet a much weaker independence movement.

Not many in the centres of population though, you never hear it in the likes of Wrexham for instance. Much stronger culturally, but they don't have the numbers politically. And the Welsh economy is much weaker than ours. 

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9 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

It's an interesting comparison in other ways - like the hysterical anti-Gaelic sentiment that's most strongly associated with unionism seems not to be a thing with the Welsh language in Wales, or at least not to the same extent.

I've found it such a strange thing to witness up here, as I don't think the Gaelic speaking community is particularly strongly in favour of independence. Seems like such an own goal over something that should be celebrated instead. I'm quite jealous of the Welsh for their success here.

There's a dark side to Welsh Nationalism, some of the xenophobia isn't restricted to the English. My local used to be run by an English landlord, and had a mixed custom. Occasionally loopy Welsh nationalists would come in to have a go at the landlord and the English in general, and expected me to take their side. I told them to f**k right off as Owain Glyndwr had fought with the English against Scotland until he lost out in a land dispute with an English lord. Everyone clapped. (not really). It partly explains them voting leave, the people I worked with were massively racist about everyone apart from us.

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54 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Campbellton! f**k me that's a bloody trip for a march to make people sit up and take notice. Is it a particularly union strong area?

Think I'm going to go to the one in Campbelton. I've never been before so I'm going to free the folk of the Mull of Kintyre from McCartney, then I'll be going on a wee march roon the toon and visit the local pubs  might make a trip of it and go spend the night on Gigha.


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